The Instructional Innovations Lecture Series
"The eLearning Toolbox: From Promise to Practice”
Jeff McCormack, PhD Chief Knowledge Officer and Co-Founder, DigiScript
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Sponsored by
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; The Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University
The Emory University School of Medicine And The Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing of Emory University
Developing a cost-effective distance-learning program requires understanding the options available, assessing the learners’ needs and developing a sound business case for moving forward. Increasingly higher education is turning to innovative technologies to enhance their current learning environment resulting in a blend of traditional community-based classes and online distributed digital material. In this session, we will explore the eLearning toolbox, what promises have been made and how they are developing into standard everyday practice.
In February 2000, Jeff McCormack co-found DigiScript a privately held company specializing in capturing live presentations, making them available on demand via the Internet and/or CD-ROM. He currently serves as Chief Knowledge Officer for the company. Jeff is board-certified in Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics and has authored and presented numerous papers and posters at various scientific meetings over the past 15 years. Since receiving a doctoral degree from the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, he has played an integral role in advancing clinical transplantation at major medical facilities such as Emory University Hospital (Atlanta, Georgia), and Baylor University Medical Center (Dallas, Texas). Dr. McCormack is a member of several associations and societies.
Learning Objectives: By the conclusion of this lecture, participants should be able to:
1. Describe the eLearning “toolbox”;
2. List three critical questions to ask in developing a business case for incorporating eLearning into the educational environment; and,
3. Explain how technologies in the eLearning “toolbox” are developing into standard everyday practice in the educational environment.