Program ManagementPolicy #:pPM-007
Policy Title:Transportation safety policyEffective Date:1/08

Approved By:Revision: R Date: 10/18/10

His Eye is on the Sparrow (HEIOTS) is only responsible for home members transportation for programs or events which are arranged and scheduled by HEIOTS. Parents or Guardians who make arrangements for the home members to attend various programs, will be responsible for transportation to and from that event.


Parental Responsibilities:

  1. Parents/Guardians will make all arrangements for school attendance. This includes transportation to and from school and to and from after school events such as "Just Us Club".
  2. Parents/Guardians must coordinate arrival and departure times for their transport of home members with HEIOTS to insure that support staff is available when needed.
  3. Parents/Guardians cannot leave home members at the house unattended if they arrive when staff is not available.
  4. Parents/Guardians will make all arrangements for travel for family business. This includes some doctor's appointments, vacations, weekend events, agency meetings and so on.

Home members Responsibilities:

  1. Home members who are personally responsible will work with HEIOTS caregivers to arrange appropriate transportation for personal business. This includes transportation to Work, Physical therapy, Medical visits, and Agency visits.
  2. Home members who are personally responsible will pay for necessary transportation to the best of their abilities. HEIOTS will provide support as necessary such as a travel companion if needed, ride arrangement (cab scheduling), and destination notification.
  3. The Home Manager will keep records of all home member disbursements for transportation.

HEIOTS Responsibilities:

  1. HEIOTS will arrange for transportation for all home members for HEIOTS business such as grocery shopping, banking, field trips and HEIOTS scheduled recreational activities such as concerts, movies, and sporting events.
  2. HEIOTS will keep a copy of all employees’ current driver’s license and certificates of insurance. HEIOTS will monitor expiration dates to insure that renewals have been obtained. Before an employee transports home members, the Human Resource Department at Catholic Social Services will check the driving record of the employee with the DMV. HEIOTS will comply with WCHO policy to annually review Driving Records of staff who transport home members. Staff with the specific violations listed below will be prohibited from transporting home members.HEIOTS will maintain appropriate vehicle insurance for the HEIOTS arranged transportation.
  3. HEIOTS will confirm that no staff individual will be transporting home members if their driving record shows point for the following traffic convictions within the past two years: manslaughter, negligent homicide, or other felony involving use of a motor vehicle; operating under the influence of liquor or drugs; reckless driving; failure to stop and disclose identity at the scene of a crash; fleeing/eluding a police officer, or license suspension.
  4. Staff should report to their manager any moving violations or tickets as they occur. At orientation staff will be informed of this policy. At yearly performance evaluations the driving record of each staff will be reviewed in reference to driving for the home. CSS will have a driving records report done on an annual basis once a year for all staff at one time. The report will be maintained in each staff’s file.
  5. Employees will agree to update HEIOTS home manager of any changes in their driving record or insurance status. Frequent or serious infractions will be evaluated and may result in termination of employment.
  6. HEIOTS will provide necessary personal supports for both transportation to and attendance at HEIOTS arranged events.
  7. The costs of HEIOTS arranged transportation will be supported by HEIOTS funding.
  8. The Home Manager will keep records of transportation provided by HEIOTS including mileage, fuel purchases, and tolls if any.

HEIOTS Vehicle Responsibilities:

  1. It is the policy of HEIOTS that the house vehicle should be used for home member transportation whenever possible. Staff and volunteers can only use their personal vehicles for home member transportation if approved by the Home Manager.
  2. Staff/volunteers should fill in the Vehicle Transportation Log that is kept in the vehicle for all outings.
  3. The vehicle contains a First Aid Kit and Emergency Information cards.
  4. If for some reason it is necessary for staff/volunteers to use their personal vehicle, a mileage report should be filled out and turned in to the home manager.

Trip Safety:

  1. Before driving residents, HEIOTS employees will insure that the charged cell phone, home member emergency information cards, and first aid kit is in the vehicle.
  2. All individuals in the vehicle must have individual seat belts fastened before leaving.
  3. Home member’s medication schedules must be taken into account. Home members must not miss a medication dose because of an outing.
  4. Home members will never be left alone (without staff) in a vehicle and Staff will insure that the temperature of the vehicle is appropriate for all passengers.
  5. No vehicle will be used for HEIOTS transportation that has known maintenance needs. Gas and fluid levels will be monitored.
  6. HEIOTS will maintain levels of Auto Insurance required by WCHO.
  7. HEIOTS staff will not use a cell phone while driving. If it necessary to make or answer a call, the driver will pull off the road to a safe parking place.
  8. HEIOTS staff will minimize distractions while driving; i.e. staff will not eat while driving, or allow music, tapes, CD’s or horseplay to interfere with concentration.
  9. Staff or volunteers are prohibited from driving if they have been consuming alcohol or have been taking medication which would impair their ability to drive safely. Should the driver feel ill or impaired at any time they must park the vehicle in a safe place and request assistance from the home manager.

Related forms: fPM -003 Safe driver form

Related documents: pPM-006 WCHO home member transportation.

Revision log

Policy or form number: pPM-007

Rev. Revision descriptionDate Author

R / Release for Implementation / 10/18/10 / C. Magill
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