Sir William Borlase’s

Grammar School

Headmaster : Dr P A Holding

West Street




Tel: 01628 816500

Fax: 01628 816501


Website :


The school was delighted to receive an "outstanding" rating in all aspects of our work in July 2012.

The Ofsted report includes the following comments: "the headteacher and his leadership team have the very highest expectations and have developed an inspirational learning culture which is embraced by staff and students" in which "achievement and teaching are outstanding" and students’ behaviour is described as "exemplary".

A copy of the full report is enclosed.

A Welcome from the Headmaster

Thank you for your interest in Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School. The last few years have been an incredibly exciting time of development for the school. During this time we have seen some of the most important and far reaching changes in our long history. Not only have we completed the most significant building programme of the past 400 years, we have also put into place some far reaching innovations. In 2007 we opened our new £3 million Technology and Performing Arts Centre, followed in rapid succession by a new Sixth Form Centre, improved staff rooms, renovated Science laboratories, a new catering facility, and a fully equipped fitness suite. At the same time we completed work to provide full disability access throughout the school. Last year we completed our latest project to build a new facility to teach cookery and additional classroom space for English and the Creative Arts, and this year we have renovated the school’s Learning Centre (Library).

To match our new facilities we have also seen huge developments in our curriculum, particularly relating to our specialist status in the Performing Arts and our declared second specialism of Science and Mathematics. Our new Dance Studio, now complements the work being done in our new theatre and recording studio, thereby enabling us to offer Dance as curriculum subject at all key stages. Developments in Science and Mathematics have kept apace with wide ranging opportunities across both departments.Five years ago we were also designated as the hub school for a local school sports partnership, which has enabled us to build on our already outstanding tradition in sports. This was followed by a successful bid for lottery funding significantly to expand sporting opportunities throughout the local community and, in the summer of 2011, the completion of an all new all weather pitch at Marlow Sports Club, part of an exciting collaboration between school and club.

In September 2007 we introduced an accelerated two-year Key Stage 3 programme. This in turn allowsa good deal more time during the crucial GCSE years for enriching and strengthening the foundations for study at the age of 16 and beyond. We have taken the opportunity that this has presented to further strengthen our ability to deliver core subjects with a particular emphasis on Science and Mathematics. The innovations in these areas have been especially exciting, including outreach work to local primary schools in Mathematics and Science, leading edge research by a team of students who travelled beyond the arctic circle in the summers of 2010 and 2012, the introduction of regular visits to Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama, and planning for further research expeditions to Uganda in 2013.

Sir William Borlase’s is also looking to extend its already rich international dimension. We have well established language exchanges with partner schools in France, Germany and Spain, as well as a cultural link, through Link Community Development, with a school in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Our most recent development was a performing arts exchange with a school in Budapest, Hungary. These formal links are supplemented by sports, science, art, music and other international tours, as well as biennial World Challenge expeditions, most recently to Cambodia and Vietnam in the summer of 2011.

Sir William Borlase’s is a vibrant and dynamic school, which is building on its strong traditional foundations to create the school of the future. We hope you will agree.

Dr Peter Holding

September 2012

Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School

Chairman of Trustees / Mr Charles Elly
Headteacher / Dr Peter Holding
Chairman of Governors / Mr John Whitehead
The Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire / Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher
Member of Parliament for High Wycombe / Mr Dominic Grieve
Chairman of BCC Education Committee / Mr Mike Appleyard
Chairman / Mr John Whitehead
Headteacher / Dr Peter Holding
Local Authority Representatives / Mr Mark Coster
Foundation Governors / Mr Mark Santa-Olalla
Mr Alistair Norris
Parent Governors / Mr James Biggs
Mr Trevor Bownass
Mr Ian Duguid
Mrs Fiona Jackson
Mrs Annie Jones
Mr Peter Kelly
Mr Brian Raffles
Community Governors / Mr Alistair Handford
Mr David Hooper
Staff Governors / Mrs Jenny Hopper
Mrs Hilary Martin
Dr Ben Parsons


  • The school aims to achieve excellence in all its fields of endeavour by creating an inspired, ambitious, confident and caring community of young people and adults.
  • The school aspires to deliver an exceptional quality of teaching and learning. It promotes high expectations for both staff and students and encourages maximum effort, intellectual curiosity and independence of mind. By fostering a distinctive Borlase spirit, with a strong ethos of consideration, the whole school community works together to create accomplished and well-rounded young people.
  • Above all the school actively supports and encourages each individual student to develop his/her talents and realise his/her fullest potential in both academic and non-academic fields. The school aims to provide the quality of education to enable students to achieve their preferred next steps in higher education or employment.

STAFF LIST 2012-13


Dr P A Holding BA, MA, MA(Ed),

Universities of Pennsylvania, Birmingham, Michigan, Open University


Miss K L MountfieldBA(Hons), University of London


Mr M AdamsonBSc, Grad.RSC, Staffordshire Polytechnic, University of Exeter

Mr E S Lee, BSc, Kingston University

Miss R M WilliamsBA (Hons), University of Wales, Cardiff

Mr I Arriandiaga Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, MA University of Wales / Spanish
Mrs A Barraclough, BSc, King’s College / Geology
Mrs P A Bateman BA, St Mary’s University College, Strawberry Hill / Head of Religious Studies
Mrs S L Birkett MA Oxford University, BA(Hons) Reading University / English
Mrs J A Blane BA, University of Natal, South Africa / Geography
Mrs R G Bond MA, M.Ed.University of Colorado, University of Houston / Head of Psychology
Miss M B Brooke MA, LLAM, University of London / Head of English
Mrs J Bungey BA, London University / English
Mrs C A Carter BA, Exeter University / German
Mr K M Chappell BSc, Leicester University / Physical Education
Mrs S J Davie MA, Central School of Speech & Drama, BA Reading University / Head of Drama
Mr P C Dwyer BA, Oxford University / History
Mr W P Eastwood BSc, Loughborough University / Physics
Dr K E Ford BSc, Reading University, Ph.D University of East Anglia / Biology
Mrs F L Forrest BA, Sheffield University / English
Mrs S L Freer BA, University of Nottingham / French
Mr M Glen BA, Aberystwyth Univesity / Drama
Ms L M Gonzales-Brew Universidad Central de Venezuela / French & Spanish
Mr M Hall, BA, Manchester Metropolitan University / Head of Art
Mr M Hartley BMus, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, GSMD Licensorship Dip. / Music Technology
Mrs G T Hewlett BA, Brighton University / Biology
Mr P W Heywood BEd, MSc, Leeds University and BCUC / Head of Design &Technology
Mr S Hill B.Ed, University College of St Mark & St John / Head of Key Stage 4
Mrs C A Hindley BA, Birmingham University / Head of Dance
Mrs W J Hodges BA, Winchester School of Art (Textiles & Fashion) / Art
Mrs J M Hopper BA, Oxford, MBA Sheffield Hallum University / Head of MFL
Mr P V King LLB, University of Wales / Head of Geography & Geology
Mrs L LeeBA, University of Northumbria / Physical Education
Miss N R Long BA, Southampton University / Music
Mr J S McNally BA, Liverpool University / Head of Bus. Studies & Economics
Mrs A C Merry BSc Cardiff University / Psychology
Mrs H R Milne BSc, Leicester University / Head of Biology
Mrs M Moore, MA, Cambridge University / Head of Maths
Mrs C J Nicholls BSc, Nottingham University / Chemistry
Mrs H J Nunan BSc, Kingston University / Biology
Mr D B Parsons BA, University of Wales, Cardiff / Director of Music
Mrs F W Pryor BA , Manchester University / Bus. Studies and Economics
Mr C A Robertson BAEd., Exeter University / Head of Physical Education
Mr H W Robson MA, ARCM, FRCO, FRSM, Oxford University / English
Mrs K L Rooke BSc, Aberdeen University / Biology
Mrs N Shackell BSc, Warwick University / Physics
Mr J E Simpson BA, Warwick University / Head of History and Politics
Mrs E M Singh BSc, City of London Polytechnic / Head of Chemistry
Mrs P C Sloots BA, Ealing College / French
Mrs K A Stirling BA, Kent University / History
Miss R Tabone BSc, Roehampton University / Physical Education
Mr R Tidbury, MSc, Warwick University / Maths
Mrs D Tinn BSc Manchester University / Maths
Mrs M G Tolson, BA(Hons), Oxford School of Architecture / Head of KS3
Mrs A E Topley BSc, University of Durham / Maths
Mrs L Walder BA Trinity College, Cambridge / Maths
Ms E Watson B.Eng. Dip.IT, OxfordBrookesUniversity / Maths
Mr T A Weeden BA(Hons), Carnegie College, Leeds Met. University / Director of Sport
Mrs C Williams BSc, Leicester University / Maths
Mr R Wood, Cert.Ed, Reading University / Design & Technology
Mr N Ali / IT Technician / Mrs K Maffey / Learning Mentor
Mrs R Allen / Biology Technician / Mrs H Martin / Examinations Officer
Mr B Bagley / Assistant Caretaker / Mrs I Momber / Finance Assistant
Mrs J Barnes / Asst.Exams/Data Manager / Mr G Morris / IT Technician
Mrs K Bownass / 6th Form Learning Mentor / Mrs L Mumbray-Williams / Librarian
Mrs A Chawla / Director of IT Services / Mr R Neill / Assistant Caretaker
Mr J Clegg / Business Manager / Mr T Ng / Learning Mentor
Mrs L Cupitt-Jones / Administrator (SIMS) / Mrs M Nixon / Finance Assistant
Mrs D Davis / Learning Mentor / Mrs A O’Hara / School Sports Admin.
Miss N Day / Matron / Mrs S Robinson / Chemistry Technician
Mrs J Dean / Staff Refreshments/Lunch. sup / Miss T Robinson / Cover Supervisor
Mrs S Dexter / Development Director / Mr R Sheen / Careers Advisor
Mr R Dowell / Director of Rowing / Mrs J Stacey / PA to Headmaster/Deputy Head
Mrs V Farrington / Lunchtime Sup/Admin. / Mrs H Waneis / Science Technician
Mrs L Fortnam / MFL Administrator
Mrs C Garrow / Receptionist
Mrs G Godfrey / Art Technician / LANGUAGE ASSISTANTS (October-May)
Mrs C Goodall / PA to Assistant Heads / Mrs G Hartstone / German
Mrs J Haynes / Reprographics / Miss P Phillipot / French
Miss E Hewitt / School Games Organiser / tba / Spanish
Mr N Horne / Physics Technician
Mr M Irving / Director of Hockey
Miss R Irving / Learning Mentor
Mr R Kipping / Site Manager
Mrs J Lewington-Chislett / Perform. Arts Tech.
Mrs J Lyons / 6th Form Learning Mentor


Each year parents and prospective Year 7 pupils are able to visit the school in September, 5.00 pm until 9.00 pm, when there are exhibitions and demonstrations in various departments and pupils give guided tours to parties of visitors. The Head addresses parents at 5.00 pm, 6.00 pm, 7.00 pm and 8.00 pm. Further details are available from the School Office.


The preference figures for this school are:

Preference / Number before
11+ qualification / Number after
11+ qualification
1st / 283 / 109
Total / 667 / 284

The school works a 25 period timetable and the school day begins at 8.40 am and ends at 3.30 pm, with a morning break from 11.08 – 11.30 am and lunch break from 1.35-2.25 pm.


All pupils wear the full school uniform supplied by the school clothing shop and their smart formal appearance contributes to the high tone of the school. Full details will be found in the clothiers’ list.


The school rules are brought to the attention of parents at the meeting for new pupils’ parents in the July preceding a pupil’s entry to the school. The Headmaster and Deputy Head refer to school rules at school assemblies and tutors also mention them in tutor group periods. The School Behaviour Policy is published in all Homework diaries and is posted in every classroom. There is a school detention system for serious matters which operates on Friday afternoons after school. Departments also hold academic detentions for serious failures to produce work. If there is a real cause for concern, parents are invited to the school to discuss the problem in depth.


The school uses biometric data to identify pupils and staff. We use photographs of pupils and staff on the website and appropriate newspapers to promote the school and within certain curriculum subjects


A brief progress report card (‘Orders’) is sent home at half-termly intervals (parents can access the school report system via First Class)and detailed reports are sent to parents once a year. A full parents’ evening is held at least once a year for each year group. Individual interviews are arranged as the need arises.


The school is committed to the aim of achieving high standards for all, including any pupil who is experiencing a learning difficulty that calls for Special Educational provision. In this context the school has adopted the Buckinghamshire model policy for SEN, which includes an agreed procedure for the identification of learning difficulties as defined by the 1993 Education Act. A copy of the school policy is available for inspection upon application to the school office. Further information or advice may be sought from the Headmaster or from the Special Education Needs Co-ordinator, Miss R Williams


Year / No. of Pupils / Authorised Absences
% of sessions / Unauthorised Absences
% of sessions
7 / 125 / 2.5 / 0.2
8 / 123 / 4.1 / 0.1
9 / 146 / 5.3 / 0.2
10 / 133 / 5.6 / 0.2
11 / 132 / 27.3* / 0.3

*includes study leave during GCSE examinations


The school is committed to achieving full access for anyone with disabilities. A programme of improvements from 2006-2009 made approximately 90% of the site accessible as part of works funded under the Disability Discrimination Act.


The school follows the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus on Religious Education, which states the following aim:

Religious education in schools is to contribute educationally to the development of pupils as individuals and members of society by fostering a reflective approach to life in the context of a growing understanding of the experience, attitudes, beliefs and religious practices of mankind.

Details of the syllabus are available from the school office. Parents are reminded that they can choose to withdraw their children from all or part of the religious education and collective worship provided by the school. Appropriate alternative provision will be made for any pupil who is withdrawn and the Headmaster will be happy to discuss any parental concerns.


Health and sex education are given as part of the PSHCE programme and the school’s policy on sex education is that at appropriate levels of maturation pupils are given information about methods of contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, and the dangers of sexual promiscuity are underlined. All sex education in school is given in such a manner as to encourage pupils to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life.


Careers education is provided as part of PSHCE.Additional support and guidance is also provided by the school’s full time careers adviser, who also works in collaboration with Connexions advisers to provide additional interviews for pupils in Years 10 to 13, as appropriate. The careers adviser, Mr Sheen, also supports the Head of Key Stage 5 to provide extensive guidance to those seeking entry to higher education.



AQA / Art, Design & Technology (Resistant Materials/Graphic Products/Textiles), Dance, English, French, Geography, German, Spanish
EDEXCEL / History, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies(half course only)
OCR / Biology, Chemistry, Physics
WJEC / Drama
AQA / Art, Dance, Design (Product), English Literature, Geography, Photography(AS only), Psychology
EDEXCEL / Chemistry, Drama, Economics, French, German, Government & Politics, History, Mathematics, Music, Spanish
OCR / Biology, Physics, Business Studies, Critical Thinking(AS only), Geology, Physical Education


8.35 am / First bell
8.40 – 9.40 am / PERIOD 1
9.43 – 10.43 / PERIOD 2
10.43 – 11.07 / ASSEMBLY
11.07 – 11.37 / Short Break
11.37 – 12.37 / PERIOD 3
12.40 – 1.40 / PERIOD 4
1.40 – 2.25 / Long Break
2.30 – 3.30 / PERIOD 5


Open on morning of: / Close at end of afternoon of:
Autumn Term 2013 / Thursday 5 September / Friday 25 October
Monday 4 November / Friday 20 December
Spring Term 2014 / Wednesday 6 January / Friday 14 February
Monday 24 February / Friday 4 April
Summer Term 2014 / Wednesday 23 April / Friday 23 May
Monday 2 June / Wednesday 23 July


The 1996 Education Act requires that every Governing Body must have a stated policy on charging. The Governors of Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School have agreed the following points which will form the Policy:

i)No charge will be made for admitting pupils to the school

ii)That to cover the cost of school-time activities e.g. trips, parents are invited to make voluntary contributions to make school funds go further. Pupils should not be excluded from involvement in these activities because their parents cannot, or will not, contribute. However, if there is a shortfall of contributions to cover the cost of a trip, the relevant staff member involved may cancel the trip.

iii)Parents may be charged for activities that occur outside school hours when these activities are not a necessary part of the National Curriculum.

iv)If an organisation acting independently of the school or Bucks Local Education Authority arranges an activity to take place during school hours and parents want their children to join the activity, organisations may charge parents for this. Parents must then ask the school to agree to their child being absent (see school Absence Policy).

v)Parents may qualify for help with the cost of an extra-curricular (residential) school trip if they can provide evidence that their household income is formed of either Income Support, Income-based Job Seeker Allowance, Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; or Child Tax credit (providing that they do not also receive Working Tax Credit and have a low annual income assessed by the Inland Revenue). Any applications must be made in writing to the Business Manager.

vi)The school will charge parents to cover the cost of music instrument tuition.

vii)Parents will not be charged for pupils sitting public examinations. However, examination entry fees will be charged under the following circumstances: