Annual Association Meeting Minutes

Hampton Inn, New Freedom, PA

September 19, 2013

CALL TO ORDER- Wayne Bryant, President, opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Board members in attendance: Toni Averbach, Secretary; Dave Litrenta, Vice President; Michael Mackney, Treasurer; Roland Carrington, Website Engineer. Management Company in attendance: Chris Seitz, Vice President, Property Management; Darla Robinson, Administrative Assistant. Guest Speaker in attendance: Sue Fox, Shrewsbury Township Supervisor.

WELCOME/ DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS- Wayne Bryant welcomed everyone in attendance commenting that this was the 10th annual fall meeting. The basic guidelines for the meeting were outlined. Mr. Bryant’s comments are attached.

QUORUM- Twenty-five unit owners were present to establish a quorum.

MINUTES- Minutes were approved since the Board did not receive any written corrections or objections.

GUEST SPEAKER- Toni introduced Sue Fox, Township Supervisor. Sue has been on the Township Board for 4 years. She is not only a strong advocate for the township but also a strong advocate for TVAS. Thanks to her efforts, we were able to regain our crosswalk sign.

Sue spoke on three topics: Exit 4 Interchange known as the DDI; the Messina Highland Shopping Center; and tenant registration. She stated that York County Planning Commission picked the Diverging Diamond Interchange at a cost of about 5 million dollars. It allows flexibility to revert back to the traditional diamond when the bridge replacement is warranted. Construction is expected to begin in 2016. The shopping center will have 2 layers, a level above with shops and parking and a level underneath with shops and parking. She doesn’t know who the tenants will be or when it will open. Construction is set to start either this fall/winter or in the spring. Sue explained the purpose of the rental registration is to let the township know who lives in the township and to collect a per capita tax. There are no township ordinance restrictions on the number of renters in a community. Sue encouraged us to attend the township meetings which are held the first Wednesday of every month. We have a say in what happens in our community.

PROPERTY MANANAGEMENT REPORT- Darla commented that we have a beautiful community. Bennett Williams’ goal is to help the Board keep it that way. Bennett Williams is the liaison between the Board and the community. If you get a violation, call Bennett Williams as all messages are relayed to the Board for their input. She encourages us to become involved in the community. It’s a good way to know your neighbors. If there are issues with contractors, let Bennett Williams know and they will contact the contractors and this will be documented.

TREASURY REPORT- The financial sheet was mailed out prior to the meeting. Michael commented that we spent more than we brought in. We have had some unusual expenses that were not budgeted such as higher legal expenses due to the cost to reprint the By-Laws and federal taxes. We began the year with 13 in arrears but as of September that number has been reduced to 7. Taking a more aggressive approach in turning over those homeowners in arrears over 3 months to CGA Law firm has helped. This legal action doesn’t cost the community for those in debt.

COMMITTEE REPORTS- The reports were included in the packet that was handed out at the door.


Smoke Detectors- Presented by Toni Averbach. Our current detectors in our homes have a useful life span of 10 years. The detectors can’t be replaced without replacing the base and rewiring the units. They are outdated and have been upgraded. The Board found an electrical contractor, John Hammill Construction, who will install 4 Kidde new 10 year standard detectors and 2 Kidde 10 year carbon monoxide combination smoke detectors. The price will be adjusted depending on how many residents are interested in having him install the detectors in your home. A flyer will be sent out with this information.

Repair and Maintenance Issues- Presented by Wayne Bryant. Our community grounds are getting older and we are in the process of repair and maintenance. Some examples are: removal of overgrown and storm damaged trees; soil erosion; sinkhole; storm drains; and lamppost repair. Labor costs are going up and consequently our dues will need to go up to provide more services in the future. Homeowners are experiencing repairs to their homes, such as foundation painting and replacement of roofs. We have received complaints of landscaping services. Right now it costs $30.77 a month for each resident for the basic service (mowing, fall and spring cleanup and mulching). We need the community input on whether to provide higher and more landscaping services with an increase to our dues. Dues will go up on repair and maintenance alone.

Community Survey- Presented by Michael Mackney. Now that the community is 10 years old, homeowners may like to express their thoughts of where they see the community in the next 10 years. We are looking for community input on this topic. The survey committee will not be influenced by the Board or any other established committee. The results may provide feedback in preparing future budgets and plans. More on this idea will be mailed shortly to the residents.

Mr. Alston suggested that each individual homeowner get sinkhole, earthquake and flood insurance added on to their current insurance policy. It has to be requested by you to your insurance company and it doesn’t cost that much.

General Questions and Answers/Comments-

Does the Board have a new snow contractor? Yes, we had to seek elsewhere as Rodney’s nephew was not interested as previously thought.

Our rules state that “for sale” signs are to be in the mulch bed. There is a sign on the utility pole. Will this be removed? The Board will contact the utility company to have the sign removed.

Since our documents do not limit the number of renters, Mr. Holley, a resident, offered to put together a petition to collect signatures limiting the number of renters at the Villas. It requires a 67% vote to have our Declaration changed. Under the attorney’s advice an administrative fee was added to Landlord’s account to make it less appealing to rent. A homeowner suggested that all renters be required to use a management company.

What is the life of our roads? According to Fitz and Smith contractors, we have 10 years left on our roads and the cost is $250,000 at this time to resurface them. Our capital reserves are $184,000 presently. We do not foresee the need for a special assessment. The Township will not cover the cost as the streets are private.

Can we get a reduced rate or rebate on our taxes because we are a private road? No.

It was suggested to have a limited time of the day, between 10 am and 2 pm, for landscaping inspections.

Who do we tell to prune the homeowners’ shrubs? This will be done by the contractor during the fall cleanup. Noted- plants should be trimmed back far enough that they stay below the window ledge.

A homeowner questioned the language used in the violation letters. Darla explained that the wording in a violation letter came from an attorney as a protected measure for the community. It was written from a legal perspective.

New Business- We will offer the roof inspection again this year for the same prices as last year at the homeowner’s expense. A flyer will be sent out with details.

Now that the community is 10 years old, it was observed that some foundations are in need of painting. We have a contractor who is willing to do the job. You are responsible for payment. Each home will need to be individually measured before a price can be quoted. Again this information will be sent to you and coordinated through Bennett Williams.

Adjournment- The meeting adjourned at 9 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Darla Robinson

Acting Secretary

Bennett Williams Realty, Inc.