Reception Weekly Learning Update

16th March 2018

The Tiger Who Came To Tea
On Monday, we arrived in class to find our home corner in a terrible mess! After finding a trail of footprints, it didn’t take us long to realise that a tiger had made the mess. It had eaten all the pizza, chips and cakes and had drunk all of the fizzy drinks!
We then received a letter later that day from a zookeeper saying that he wanted to speak to us. When he arrived (Mrs Gilbert in disguise), he was not happy at all. He had a very sick tiger and wanted to know what had happened. The children were great at explaining the situation and gave lots of ideas about ways in which the tiger could eat more healthily and how he should have better manners. After the zookeeper had left, we decided that we should invite the tiger back to teach him these things, and so the children spent the week writing letters to the zookeeper, asking him if the tiger could come back again next Thursday for a tea party. The children have tried so hard with their letter writing. It is great to see them putting their phonics knowledge into practice.
We have been learning all about ‘finding half’ this week. First of all, we found half of a cake, making sure that both sides were equal. We then learnt how to find half of a group of objects. We did this by sharing food out between Sophie and the tiger. Some of the children consolidated their learning in the playdough area by making cakes to cut in half, making a cake for the Sophie and one for the tiger. Other children consolidated their learning in the play dough area, making cakes they cut in half and splitting a number of candles in half.
Personal, social and emotional development
Throughout this week, we have been celebrating diversity and learning about gender, race, families, feelings and disabilities in a child friendly way. The children have been very respectful towards these differences. / Phonics
We are now spending time focusing on Phase 3 spelling as well as learning some new key words. For this reason, no new sounds will be coming home in book bags. The new key words will be sent home soon!