Reverse Flannery

1C - 2H/2S and 1D – 2H/2S are Reverse Flannery responses / Non-Forcing

The “cheaper” Jump shift shows 5-9 hcps. with 5+ Ss and 4+ Hs.

The “higher” Jump shift shows 10- bad 12 hcps. with exactly 5 Ss and 4 Hs.

Reverse Flannery is ON by Passed Hand

Advantages of Rev. Flannery:

a)When Opener rebids his minor, some 4-4 H fits can be lost when Opener

is not strong enough to reverse.

b)When Opener places contract in game with his rebid, he does not have to

disclose the nature of his hand.

Opener’s rebids after Reverse Flannery:

  1. 2NT is a prelude to a sign-off in the minor or a slam try in a major
  2. 3C is an enquiry (to find the right game or to stop below game)
  3. 3D is artificial and Game forcing – shows 6+ cds, in Opener’s minorPass or cheapest correction to a major is to play
  4. Jump or raise to 3 of a major is invitational (can’t invite in Hs over 2S – bid 3C instead)
  5. Jump to Game in major is an absolute sign-off
  6. Jump to 3NT is a very strong suggestion to play
  7. Direct jump to 4 original Minor is MW (more likely over higher Jump shift)
  1. Opener rebids 2N: to sign-off in minor or slam try in major

If Opener’s suit is Cs – Resp. rebids 3C

If Opener’s suit is Ds - Resp. rebids longer minor (3D with equal length; hence 3C rebid by responder

after a 1D opening shows short Ds

Opener will pass or correct if he wishes to sign-off in minor

Following Resp.’s rebid of 3C or 3D if Opener bids 3 major this isa slam try. Resp. may Q-bid if interested in slam, or else bid game in major

  1. Opener rebids 3C: asks Resp. for further description of his hand

a) If Resp had initially made the cheaper Jump shift:

Resp. rebids 3D to show a minimum hand

Resp. rebids 3H/3S to show extra distribution (3H = 5 Hs / 3S = 6 Ss)

Resp. rebids 3NT to show max. in hcps with 5=4=2=2 shape

b) If Resp. had initially made the higher Jump shift:

Resp. rebids 3D to show min. hand

Resp. rebids 3 major to show shortness, non-min, (3H = short Cs, 3S = short Ds)

Resp. rebids 3NT to show 5=4=2=2 distr., non-min.

  1. Opener rebids 3D: Game forcing, may be artificial – 6+ cds. in Opener’s minor

It seems like Opener is either looking for stopper in unbid minor for NT, or for support for his minor with

a view to game or slam in his minor

  1. Resp. rebid 3H to show both a stopper in other minor and support for Opener’s minor

now 3S by Opener demands 3N by Resp., and 4 Minor by Opener is MW

  1. Resp. rebids 3S to deny both, stopper in other minor and support for Opener’s minor

now 4 minor rebid by Opener is RKC and 5 minor to play

  1. 3NT shows stopper in unbid minor

now 4 minor rebid by Opener is MW and 5 minor to play

  1. 4 minor by Resp., denies stopper in other minor, but shows support for Opener’sminor (at least 3 cds. or doubleton honor) – sets up MW-AT

This would apply over both Jump shifts, though more likely after the higher one.