Grade 2: History and Geography Unit

Lesson 1: What’s a Map? (4, 5)

1. Introduce and explore a flat map and a globe-discuss how they are the same, uses of each, how to read them, locations on them, the equator.

2. Locate where on a globe and flat map we live

3. Discuss that all maps have a key or legend with symbols for locations or important things (mountains, rivers, etc) on the map

Lesson 2: Cardinal Directions on a Globe/Map (4, 5, 6)

1. Discuss that moving on a map or globe we use cardinal directions-north, south, east, west. Model these directions using arm (up, down, left, right)

2. Label classroom with these directions and play Simon Says following the cardinal directions.

3. Complete City Zoo Map wkst-follow directions

4. Following Directions/Jacob’s Neighborhood wkst on using cardinal directions

Lesson 3: Create a Flat Map (4, 5, 6, 13, 17)

1. Handout out blue construction paper-label with cardinal directions

2. Pass out and color The Puzzle Planet wkst as a class-cut out and put continents and ocean labels on blue paper (blue represents the ocean)

3. Complete TFK review wkst called Continents of the World for review

· brainpop jr. videos about cardinal directions and how to read a map

Lesson 4: The 7 Continents vs. Countries (13, 14, 15, 19)

1. Discuss what a continent is (use vocab sheet for reference)

2. Use the Continents and Oceans of the World map to discuss 7 continents-what do I know about these locations, what countries are apart of them, animals that live there, climate, famous landmarks located on the continent

3. Where are my ancestors from-discussion about country’s our family’s are from-locate continent and country.

4. Be sure students know difference between a continent and a country-give examples of each and categorize (make a T-chart)

Lesson 5: The 4 Major Oceans (17)

1. Discuss 4 major oceans using flat map we’ve made

2. Discovery Streaming video about oceans

Lesson 6: Continents/Oceans Review (13, 15, 17, 19, 20)

1. Review what we’ve learned about the 7 continents and 4 oceans

2. complete map activity locating continents/oceans-name to letter on the map

Lesson 7: Create School Map (4, 5, 6)

1. Review why people use maps, and what all maps have

2. Create a map of the first floor of the building-take a walk and see what’s on the first floor-make class list of all rooms, etc seen on the tour

3. Create a map key- symbols with labels

4. Draw the perimeter of the first floor of the school-do class model on the board

5. Label classrooms, gym, stairs, library, offices, restrooms, café, office, etc on the map

6. Color in to be more user friendly

· could do home activity having create a neighborhood map

Lesson 8: Landforms of the World (12, 13, 14, 13)

1. Describe what a landform is and how there are various landforms around the world, based upon many factors such as location to the equator, climate, etc)

2. Identify landforms found around the world-desert, mountain, ocean, river, lake, island (make a chart) Be sure students know that not all deserts are warm/dry, not all islands are tropical, rivers are fresh water that run into lakes and oceans

3. Show pictures of each and where we find each in various locations-show pictures of each

4. have students make a chart-word, definition or explanation, illustration, and where in the world it would be found (use a map to help/label)

· Discovery streaming video about deserts, mountains, and islands



· Landform Plate activity-create major landforms (see image)

· Powerpoint on landforms (on H drive)

· Kids Atlas/Big Book for visuals

Lesson 9: Rivers of the World (13, 16, 17)

Complete river chart over the course of 4-5 class periods, watching videos and researching river locations and images.

Label rivers on map.

Lesson 10: Mountains of the World (13, 18, 19)

Complete chart one mountain at a time, searching online for info and videos. Use Scholastic Reader on Mount Everest. Label mtn ranges on map.

Culminating Activity: Where Am I From?? (20, 21)

Have students ask at home where their ancestors came from-what’s our nationality? Have the students write it down and share among the class. Research the flag of those various countries, have each student create one of their nationality’s flag to hang-list other classmates with same ancestry. Locate where these countries are on classroom flat map and label the map with name/picture of student.

Project: Biography Project (22)

Assign grade level biography in February- important African Americans/Presidents in U.S. history