April, 2009
NazarethCollege of Rochester
Scholars’ Day Task Force Members
Jim Black, Ph.D.
Associate Professor / Program Director
Department of Adolescence Education, School of Education
* Carol Brownstein-Evans, Ph.D., LMSW, ACSW
Associate Professor / Director GRC MSW Program
Department of Social Work , School of Health and Human Services
Marrlee Burgess, M.Ed
Director of Student Transition / FirstYearCenter
(Also representing Student Development)
* Catherine Doyle, MLS
Director, Lorette Wilmot Library and MediaCenter
C. Yousuf George, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences
Sara Gombatto, PT, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health and Human Services
David McGough, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Chair, Department of Social and Psychological Foundations of Education, School of Education
Rochelle Ruffer, Ph.D.
Associate professor of Economics, School of Management
The Scholars’ Day Task Force was convened by the Faculty Development Committee and approved by the Faculty Executive Committee. The Task Force was charged with investigating the feasibility of staging a campus-wide event in the Spring semester of 2010. The proposed event would allow faculty members, staff and students to share their scholarly and creative work. Specifically the Task Force was charged with; a) gauging faculty, staff, and student interest and support for a campus-wide event, b) assessing how an event might impact the school calendar/student classes, and c) making recommendations for specific steps necessary to move forward in planning a Scholars’ Day event. The Task Force was asked to complete its charge by the end of April 2009.
The Task Force was convened on February 4, 2009. Membership was drawn from undergraduate and graduate programs in an effort to represent faculty and staff from across the College.The Task Force met and performed the following tasks:
- Discussed potential issues associated with planning and implementation of aScholars’ Day event.
- Reviewed materials from similar campus-wide events at other institutions.
- Designed a survey to assess faculty and staff perspectives.
- Administered the survey at the February 27th faculty meeting and via email to faculty and staff.
- Held a focus group with the Student Senators of the Undergraduate Association.
- Summarized and interpreted the survey and focus group data.
- Prepared a report to address the Task Force’s charges.
Faculty/Staff Survey Results
To determine if there is support and interest in holding a Scholars’ Day event, the Task Force conducted a survey of full and part-timefaculty and staff. The survey included seven questions designed to examineinterest, feasibility, and appropriate context for a Scholars’ Day event (see Appendix A for a copy of the survey). Surveys were distributed during the Faculty Meeting on Friday February 27th and were collected at the end of the meeting. In addition, an electronic copy of the survey was sent via e-mail to full and part-time faculty and staff. A total of 90 responses were received.
Evidence of Support
The results of the survey show overwhelming support for a Scholars’ Day event. Of the 90 respondents, 94% “strongly support” or “support” a Scholars’ Day event (Figure 1).
Also, 85 of the 90 respondents said “yes” or “maybe” to the survey question that asked faculty and staff if they would consider presenting their own scholarship, research, or creative project at Scholars’ Day.Fifty-eightof the 90 respondents said “yes” or “maybe” to the survey question that asked if they currently have a course assignment or project that could be presented at Scholars’ Day (Table 1).
Question / Yes / Maybe / NoWould you consider presenting your own scholarship, research, or creative project? / 47 / 38 / 5
Do you currently have a course assignment or project that you would consider requiring your students to present at a Scholars' Day event? / 22 / 36 / 30
Timing of Event
The survey also posed questions relatedto the appropriate length of time for the Scholars’ Day event. The results indicate that nearly 60% of respondents support having an all-day event that includes an evening sessionfor graduate and part-time students (Figure 2).
The survey allowed for an open-ended response to a question related to the appropriate timing of the event in the spring semester. After compiling the data, the Task Force concluded that the responses reflected three major categories: “early” responses indicated some time during the spring semester prior to spring break, “April” responses indicated some time in April but not the last week of the semester, and “Late” responses indicated the last day of classes, the last week of the semester, or reading day/dean’s week. More thanhalf of the respondents suggested holding the event in April, before the last week of classes. Approximately one-third of respondents suggested holding the event prior to spring break (Table 2).
When in the spring semester would you recommend holding this event?Number of Responses / Percent
Early / 30 / 34.5
April / 50 / 57.5
Late / 7 / 8.0
Total / 87 / 100
The survey also asked for recommendations on how faculty and staff should support student involvement in Scholars’ Day. The respondents were asked to check all responses that applied. Over 60% of respondents said they would encourage students to present at Scholars’ Day through course assignments and extra credit (Table 3). Approximately 49% of respondents favored setting course policy for Scholars’ Day on an individual basis, while 37% of respondents favored a college-wide suspension of classes and requiring student attendance (Table 3). One limitation of this survey question was that the first recommendation listed had two components,suspending classes and required attendance. It is unclear which component (class suspension or
required attendance) contributed to respondent disagreement and thus the lack of response to this recommendation.
How would you recommend supporting student involvement in Scholars' Day?Check all that apply: / Number of responses
Suspend classes college-wide during the event with required attendance / 34
Set course policy for Scholars' Day attendance on an individual basis / 44
Encourage students to present at Scholars' Day through course assignments and extra credit / 55
Encourage students to present at Scholars' Day during or instead of departmental work hours / 12
Other- / 2
In addition, the last survey question was open-ended and asked respondents to provide comments and suggestions. Although these responses were helpful in forming our finalrecommendations, results from this question are not reported here. A complete summary of the survey responses are available upon request.
Student Input
Marrlee Burgess spoke with the Student Senators of the Undergraduate Association, a focus group of approximately 20 students from various classes. The students were enthusiastic about the prospect of a Scholars’ Day event for many reasons. They felt it would be great preparation for graduate school, that it sounded like fun and would be a way to celebrate the end of the academic year. When asked if they would attend, even if not required, nearly everyone raised their hands. They were especially excited that Scholars’ Day could include performances or art exhibits, and that it might be possible for students to submit proposals for work that is not related to a specific class. They had additional thoughts which are indicated below:
- It would be important to hold Scholars’ Day midweek on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to maximize participation.
- There were 2 suggestions for timing – early in the semester to take into account projects from the Fall semester (perhaps from FRS classes), or early in April so that students have time during the spring semester to prepare.
- Consider making it a competitive process for FRS classes. Therefore, being invited to Scholars’ Day would be an honor.
- Activities could take a variety of forms. One example given was to schedule short, consecutive sessions clustered by topic (15-30 minutes each). They also suggested that small groups could present (students would be more likely to select this option).
- We should consider this eventto be a celebration andwith that spirit should be reflected in our communication and organization of the event.
- Students could be on the proposal submission review group or implementation group.
- It was suggested that we keep the location of activities in mind when scheduling them. To have these activities occur in the same area of campus would be ideal.
- The students supported a full day of activities.
Overall Recommendations
Based on the input from faculty, staff, and students, the Task Force makes the following recommendations regarding a Scholars’ Day event:
1)NazarethCollege should proceed with planning to hold a campus-wide Scholars’ Day event during the Spring 2010 semester to allow faculty, staff and students to share and celebrate their scholarly and creative work.
2)Scholars’ Day should bea campus-wide event on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday during mid-April. The event should be held all-day and in the evening (to include graduate and part-time students), with classes suspended. All students at NazarethCollege will be expected to participate, but management of that expectation shouldbe on an individual course/instructor basis.
Specific Steps to Move Forward
The Task Force recommends the College take the following steps to support this event.
- Set a date as soon as possible so that critical facilities can be reserved.
- Establish the event on the College calendar, suspending all classes during the hours of the event, and noting that student participation is expected in lieu of class meeting time.
- Work with the events coordinator, Charles Loray, to manage event logistics.
Given this is a new event for NazarethCollege, we recognize that there is a great deal of initial planning associated with this event. Thus, we recommend the following for the first year of the planning.
- Appoint a faculty member as coordinator before the end of the Spring 2009 semester to plan and implement the Scholars’ Day event.We recommend that this faculty coordinator receive the equivalent of a stipend for teaching a summer course to allowadequate time for beginning the planning process for this event during the Summer 2009. Also, for the first year of planning and implementation of such a large event, the Task Force recommends providing a course release for the faculty coordinator in both the Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 semesters. The coordinator will track his/her time commitment to planning and implementation so that time allocation for future Scholars’ Day events can be determined.The Task Force based this recommendation on the knowledge that other schools in the area who host Scholars’ Day events (SUNY Brockport and SUNY Cortland) have full-time staff who are primarily responsible for planning the Scholars’ Day event.
In addition to the appointment of a faculty coordinator, the Task Force recommends the following:
- Convenea Scholars’ Day Committee of appointed members from across the college. It is suggested that the Committee consist of members from Faculty Development Committee, Faculty Executive Committee, as well asa broad representation of faculty members, key staff and students from across the college. The Scholars’ Day Committee should be charged with helpingto plan and implementthe Scholars’ Day eventin cooperation with the appointed faculty coordinator and the Events Coordinator. We envision this committee will have many subcommittees to perform the following tasks:
- Consult with Scholars’ Day Committees at neighboring colleges for recommendations based on experience.
- Provide an event budget.
- Review proposals.
- Develop advertising and promotional materials.
- Act as a communication liaison with faculty, staff, board, and the community.
- Attend tologistics– space, equipment, outside speakers, etc.
The Task Force also recognizes that additional support will be needed foradministrativeassistance(copying, design flyers and programs, etc.), and information technologyassistance(creating of a web-based proposal submission process, technology and equipment for presentations).
Scholars’ Day Survey for Faculty/Staff
TheNazarethCollege community is being asked to consider the feasibility of a Scholars’ Day event to showcase student and faculty scholarship. In keeping with the college vision to provide transformational experiences integrating liberal arts, sciences, visual and performing arts, and professional education at the undergraduate and graduate levels, Scholars Day will place special value on student success, diversity, inclusion, civic engagement, and making a difference.
Scholars’ Day would be a campus-wide event allowing students, faculty, and staffto share their scholarly and creative work. Activities might include exhibits, performances, formal papers, research projects, class or small group projects, service learning, independent studies, etc delivered or displayed in a variety of formats.
In order to explore the feasibility of a Scholars’ Day event at NazarethCollege in Spring 2010, the Scholars Day Task Force is seeking feedback from faculty and staff on the following questions:
1) In general, would you be in support of a Scholars’ Day event at NazarethCollege?
a) Strongly Support b) Supportc) Neutrald) Do not supporte) Strongly oppose
2)Would you consider presenting your own scholarship, research, or creative project?
a) Yes b) Maybec) No
3)Do you currently have a course assignment or project that you would consider requiring your students to present at a Scholars’ Day event?
a) Yes b) Maybec) No
4)What time frames would you recommend for this college event?
a) All dayb) Half day c) All day including evening
(to accommodate all schedules, grad and undergrad)
5)How would you support student involvement in Scholars’ Day? (Check all that apply):
Suspend classes college-wide during the event with required attendance
Set course policy for Scholars’ Day attendance on an individual class basis
Encourage students to present at Scholars’ Day through course assignments and extra credit
Encourage students to present at Scholars’ Day during or instead of departmental work hours
Other ______
6)When in the spring semester would you recommend holding this event? ______
7)Is there anything else you would like to communicate to the Task Force about a possible Scholars' Day event at Nazareth? ( Continue on back).
Thank you for your response.