Bell Farm Primary School

Physical Education Policy

This policy is intended to ensure that we acknowledge and build upon a child’s previous learning experiences and provide an exciting range of activities that include the requirements of the National Curriculum. We encourage the development of positive learning attitudes through promoting an environment where each child feels secure, respected and able to make a valued contribution. High expectations are set and pupils are encouraged to resolve problems and persevere with new and challenging opportunities.

This policy must be implemented in conjunction with other school policies notably the Teaching and Learning policy, the Health and Safety policy and the Physical Activity policy.

This policy is intended to ensure that

·  Physical Education will give opportunities for all pupils to develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.

·  Pupils will be encouraged to take part in a range of activities which encourage active involvement by all as performers and observers.

·  Pupils will develop confidence, tolerance and appreciation of one’s own strengths and weaknesses and challenge their own ability.

·  Pupils will develop a competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities across both Key Stage 1 and 2 described in the National Curriculum 2014.

·  Pupils will aim to reach the age related expectations for the end of Key Stage 2.

Procedures and principles


·  Pupils make progress in planning, performing and evaluating their movement in a variety of contexts.

·  Pupils make good use of opportunities to repeat, practice, modify and consolidate their physical skills.

·  Pupils show an ability to explore and experiment, to solve problems and to improvise, as well as to perform.

·  Pupils are able to use a range of ways of learning from response to instructions through structured tasks to more open-ended problem-solving activities.

·  Children work alone, in small groups and as part of a larger team in a range of sports and physical contexts.

·  Pupils work co-operatively, sharing ideas and testing their skills in a range of sports and physical contexts.

·  Pupils are willing to participate, work hard, practice until they have mastered a task and perform with a sense of commitment.

·  Pupils show a sense of concern for the safety of themselves and others in their handling of equipment, their behaviour in specialist facilities and in their performance of physical activity.


·  Pupils are taught Physical Education using the National Curriculum 2014

·  Units of work are laid out for each year group and follow a range of activities including Gymnastics, Dance, Games, Athletics, Swimming and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.

·  Schemes of work have been provided using a range of commercial and in-school schemes.

·  Pupils work in mixed ability class bases for Physical Education lessons. Within these groups pupils are challenged through planned differentiated activities.

Curriculum Links

·  Physical Education provides a reinforcement of the basic skills of literacy, particularly through speaking and listening, and numeracy particularly through data handling.

·  There is the potential to use ICT as a means of recording achievement as well as monitoring the performance of their bodies.

·  Opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural links are sought and these can be found in discussion about performance of themselves and others. Links to other curriculum subjects are used - for example heart rate is measured and monitored in the science curriculum.

·  Opportunities exist for teachers to be creative and flexible in their presentation of activities for pupils in terms of new sports and skills.

·  Being aware of their own performance and that of others. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on how PE is linked to their personal, social and health education.

Assessment and record keeping

Assessments are on going and children are encouraged to assess their own progress in order to identify and agree next steps in their learning; children should constantly be challenging themselves. Teachers will make one overall assessment at the end of each year which. Pupils will have specific success criteria to follow which will aid them in knowing what they need to do to achieve and what it will look like once they get there


·  Pupils have access to a purpose built gymnasium.

·  Bell Farm has 3 playgrounds, including an adventure playground, a nature trail and a large playing field.

·  Classes are timetabled for use of indoor facilities at least once per week.

·  Each class has 2 hours of timetabled Physical Education each week, with the exception of year 4 which for a section of the year will take part in weekly 1 hour swimming lessons.

·  PE equipment is stored in a large cupboard and is monitored regularly.

Health & Safety

Agreed practices and procedures are laid out in a separate document relating to Health & Safety. Pupils are expected to wear the correct kit as laid out in the school uniform guidelines.

Review and Evaluation

The subject leader has overall responsibility for:

·  Monitoring the standard of children’s work and the quality of teaching in P.E.

·  Supporting colleagues in the teaching of P.E., being informed about current development in the subject, and for providing a strategic lead and direction for the subject in the school.

·  Preparing a report that identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the subject and highlights areas for further development.

The impact of this policy will be reviewed as part of the annual school improvement cycle. This policy document will be reviewed according to the policy review cycle.

Status of Policy / Date
Author / Mr Dan Fellowes
Policy reviewed / December 2014
Agreed by Staff / December 2014
Agreed by Governors
Review / According to governors review timetable