1a / Study Source A
Why does the Source tell you about the United Nations? Explain your answer, referring to details of the cartoon. / 5m

Target Skill: Making inferences

Level / Band Descriptor / Marks
L1 / Answers based on provenance/topic or description of details from the source / 1m
L2 / Answers based on inference on Message OR Purpose, unsupported / 2-3m
L3 / Answers based on inference on Message, supported
Award 3m for 1 inference with support
Award 4m for 2 inferences with support.
The source tells me that the UN is powerless and ineffective in preventing and resolving the genocide in Sudan. They do not seem to have any impact or control over the killings in the country. This can be supported by, “ the strongest warning is a paper aeroplane which bounces off the Sudanese soldier with merely a dent.” This suggests that ineffectiveness in stopping the genocide.
The source also tells me that the UN lacks commitment in carrying out their duties as world peace keepers. Keep themselves distant from the conflict area / 4- 5m
1b / Study Sources B and C.
How far does Source B agree with Source C about the United Nations? Explain your answer. / [7]

Target Skill: Comparison and contrast

Level / Band Descriptor / Marks
L1 / Mentions Agreement or Disagreement without Support / 1m
Source B agrees with Source C that conflict resolution among countries should not be achieved by force.
However, Source B does not agree with Source C on the effectiveness of the UN to maintain and restore international peace and security
L2 / Both aspects of L1 / 2-3m
L3 / Mentions Agreement or Disagreement with Support / 4-5m
Source B agrees with Source C that conflict resolution among countries should not be achieved by force. Source B mentions that UN peacekeeping provides an “honourable alternative to conflict and as a means of reducing tension, so that a solution can be sought through negotiation” while Source C mentions that the UN charter “prohibits any country from threatening or using force except in self-defense if they come under attack” or if sanctioned to do so by the UN Security Council.
However, Source B does not agree with Source C on the effectiveness of the UN to maintain and restore international peace and security because Source C claims that “America led war against Saddam Hussein in 2003 and failed often to intervene with force when it should have.”
L4 / Both aspects of L3 / 6-7m
1c / Study Source D
Is the source drawn by a supporter of UN? Explain your answer. / 6m

Target Skill: Making inferences

Level / Band Descriptor / Marks
L1 / Answers based on provenance/topic or description of details from the source / 1m
L2 / Answers based on inference on Message OR Purpose, unsupported / 2m
L3 / Answers based on inference on Message, supported
Award 3m for 1 inference with support
Award 4m for 2 inferences with support.
Opponent of the UN. It is trying to tell us that the UN is able to see what is happening in the world, they are also hear complaints from disputing parties from all around the world but the UN seems not to be able to do anything about it because they are influenced by countries such as the US and Israel. Therefore, the cartoonist wants to convey his indignation that the UN is but a lackey of the US and Israel. / 3-4m
L4 / Answers based on inference on Purpose, supported
Award L3/3 for identifying purpose, unsupported.
Opponent of the UN. It is trying to tell us that the UN is able to see what is happening in the world, they are also hear complaints from disputing parties from all around the world but the UN seems not to be able to do anything about it because they are influenced by countries such as the US and Israel. Therefore, the cartoonist wants to convey his indignation that the UN is but a lackey of the US and Israel. He is trying to influence readers that the UN is useless as an instrument of peace and therefore the Muslim world would be justified in handling conflicts the Middle East. / 5- 6m
1d / Study Source E.
Can you believe what Source E says about the United Nations? Explain your answer. / 7m

Target Skill: Checking Reliability

Level / Band Descriptor / Marks
L1 / Answers based on provenance
Answer based on typicality / Source type
No based on one opinion. Therefore not representative of other opinions / 1m
L2 / Answer based on uncritical acceptance of the source
i.e. Answer based on idea that the points are valid, with no specific cross-referencing/ contextual knowledge shown to support.
Yes because it says UN is a threat to peace and world stability and it is anything other than hopeless corrupt etc. / 2m
L3 / Reliable or not reliable, based on tone
A lot of loaded words and exaggerations making it not reliable / 3m
L4 / Believable or not believable, based on source content with cross-reference to other sources
Believable and Cross-reference to Source D that is controlled by certain countries such as the US and Israel and therefore cannot be an organization for World Peace. Can be supported by Source A – failed to stop genocide in Sudan. Supported also by Source C.
Not Believable – Cross-reference to Source B – recognizes the UN’s technique of peacekeeping by using soldiers of peace rather than instruments of war. / 4m
L5 / Believable and not believable, based on source content with cross-reference to other sources / 5-6m