Municipal Regional Permit

Meeting 6: Municipal Maintenance Work Team

January 11, 2006- 1:00pm -3:15pm


Meeting Summary

Meeting Attendees:

Kristy McCumby, City of SunnyvaleHabte Kifle, SF Bay RWQCB

Lorenzo Smith, City of HaywardJohn Fusco, SCVURPPP

Elisa Wilfong, Contra Costa Clean Water Program


  • Elisa Wilfong, Contra Costa Clean Water Program introduced herself to the Municipal Maintenance Work Team. She mentioned that she will beparticipating on the Municipal Maintenance Work Team.

Review of December 13, 2005 Meeting Minutes

  • Draft meeting minutes from theTuesday, December 13, 2005 meeting were distributed. Work Group participants were asked to provide any comments by Friday, January 13, 2006.
  • The draft meeting minutes were also provided to Josh Bradt (Urban Creeks Council). Comments will be incorporated into the final meeting notes and distributed to the Work Team and other interested parties.

Continue Working on BMPs, Implementation Levels and Reporting Columns

General Accomplishments

  • The Work Team continued modifying the draft municipal maintenance activities performance standard tables (labeled Version 6- 12/13/05). This process consisted of reviewing the modified tables and suggesting appropriate language for each column. It was accomplished with the use of a laptop computer and projector.
  • Work Team participants “filled-in” the Level of Implementation and Recording/Reporting columns for the following Baseline BMPs: Water Utility Operations and Maintenance, Corporation Yard Maintenance and Lagoon Maintenance. The level of implementation needs to be determined and/or finalized for certain baseline BMPs (e.g. Litter/Trash Control).

Specific Discussions

  • Habte Kiflementioned that the Work Team may be including conditionally exempt discharges within the municipal maintenance activities performance standard tables. Habte stated that he will contact Christine Boschen, SF Bay RWQCB, to see which conditionally exempt discharges the Municipal Maintenance Work Team could address. Initially, the Industrial, IC/ID, Construction, and Conditionally-exempt Discharges Work Group was scheduled to address this issue.
  • Habte stated that pressure-washing and mobile cleaning activities should be included within the draft municipal maintenance activities performance standard tables. Kristy McCumby stated that pressure washing will be included in the level of implementation for Corporation Yard Maintenance.
  • The Work Team continued its discussion on Lagoon Maintenance. Kristy McCumby asked how the Water Board was defining a lagoon. She also mentioned that there are no lagoons within the SCVURPPP jurisdiction. Lorenzo Smith stated that he thought no lagoons existed within the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program’s jurisdiction. Habte stated that lagoons are cited within the San Mateo permit. Since lagoons appear to be uncommon, Kristy stated that Lagoon Maintenance probably does not belong in the draft municipal maintenance activities performance tables. Habte stated that Lagoon Maintenance should probably be placed in other draft performance standard tables or within a stream maintenance permit. The Steering Committee will decide the appropriate place for Lagoon Maintenance.
  • The Work Team continued its discussion on retrofitting or redesigning inlets for trash interception (e.g., grating) and removal by street sweepers. Kristy McCumby stated that other options exist to address trash within high trash areas. She mentioned that grating may increase the risk of flooding. In addition, Kristy stated that cities need to determine the best available trash control actions in addition to grating. Habte asked Kristy to present some options to address litter/trash at the next Municipal Maintenance Work Team meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2006. Kristy stated that she will develop and send the litter/trash control approach prior to themeeting.

Review Action Items and Wrap-up

Habte Kifle stated thatthe Work Team will continue modifying the draft maintenance activities performance standard tables at the next meeting. The Work Team hopes to complete the draft performance standard tables at this meeting.

Note: On Tuesday, January 17, 2006, Habte Kifle provided an electronic mail message (from Christine Boschen) asking that the Municipal Maintenance Work Team address conditionally exempt discharges. As a result, this topic will be addressed at the meeting

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2006 from 9:00 to 12:00 at the RWQCB, Oakland.

f:\sc42\mrp\meeting notes\mrp_011106_draft.doc