Bedford Public Schools
Bedford, MA
Request for Qualifications for General and Sub-Contractors
For the Lt. Eleazer Elementary School Additions and Renovations
The Bedford Public Schools, through its School Committee, hereinafter called the “Awarding Authority” will receive sealed Statement of Qualifications ("SOQ") and required information to the Town of Bedford Facilities Department, 101 McMahon Road Bedford, MA 01730. Qualification Packages for both General Contractors and Sub-Contractors will be received until 2:00pm Eastern Standard Time, January 22, 2018.
Project Description: This project includes a new addition of approximately 19,500 sq. ft. and renovation of existing 9,500 sq. ft. as per plans and specification by TBA Architects. The new construction will consist of a nine classroom two story addition with various support spaces and restrooms; a two classroom second floor addition to an existing single story section of the school building; and a single story expansion of the cafeteria. An add alternate is planned that would add two classrooms to the second floor of the existing single story area. Work also includes renovations to classrooms, nurse’s office, and various small group and office spaces internal to the existing building. The construction is planned to match the existing building with steel framing with metal and masonry cladding. Work includes new floors, ceilings, partitions, finishes, fixtures, and installation of owner supplied white/cork boards and dispensers. Utilities and systems will be extension of and reconfiguration of existing systems as well as furnishing of a rooftop ERV and A/C condensers; new lighting shall be LED. Site work includes a new parking area and driveway loop, storm water drainage with underground retention, relocated fire lane around addition requiring relocation of water and gas lines. All work will be phased as the building will be occupied. The estimated construction cost for the project is $10,100,000.
Contractors should be aware the completion for the entire project is to be achieve on or before August 2019. The individual phases will have their own dates of substantial completion.
The following sub-trades will be pre-qualified: Masonry; Miscellaneous and ornamental iron; Waterproofing, damp proofing and caulking; Roofing and flashing; Metal windows, Glass and glazing, Lathing and plastering; Tile, Acoustical tile, Resilient floors; Painting, Fire protection; Plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and Electrical.
This procurement is conducted pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 149A, contained in Chapter 193 of the Acts of 2004. This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is the first phase of a two-phase procurement process as set forth in MGL Chapter 149A. The Bedford Public School Prequalification Committee will evaluate submitted SOQ's based upon the identified evaluation criteria as set forth in the RFQ and will select those respondents it deems qualified. Only those respondents deemed qualified will be invited to submit a Bid in response to a detailed Invitation for Bid (“IFB”), which will be issued in the second phase of the procurement process. The School Committee anticipates the IFB will be available in the February 2018.
The Request for Qualifications may be obtained by emailing Marcia Pyles at , on or after Wednesday December 27, 2017.
The Town of Bedford reserves the right to waive any informality in, or to reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof, and to accept the proposals deemed most satisfactory to the Town, if it is in the best interests to do so.
Taissir Alani
Facilities Department
Bedford, Massachusetts