BEHAVIOUR POLICY (incorporating the Anti Bullying Policy)

This policy statement presents a true and accurate reflection of current practice in the area to which it relates. Its review forms part of our continuing process of School improvement taking the School forwards and is informed by local and national needs and developments. The policy was developed through active consultation with staff, students, parents and governors and reviews will endeavour to continue effective consultation. Included in this policy are procedures for staff and students.

Every Child Matters, the Government’s vision for children’s services sets out five key outcomes:

·  Be healthy

·  Stay safe

·  Enjoy and achieve

·  Make a positive contribution

·  Achieve economic well being


To create a supportive and co-operative school environment, with staff and students working towards the shared goal of learning and achievement, where individuals are encouraged to establish personal responsibility for behaviour and performance goals and the values of the school are actively promoted through the curriculum and environment. Our community is inclusive and committed to improving outcomes for all students, eliminating all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying in order that each individual is able to fulfil their potential.

This will be achieved by staff, students, parents, governors and local partners where appropriate, working as a team to implement a whole-school behaviour policy that covers all aspects of school life, both on and off-site.


Ø  Each student has the right to learn.

Ø  Each teacher has the right to teach.

Ø  Every parent/carer has the right to information about their daughter’s progress and behaviour.

Ø Staff, students and parents/carers need to work in partnership in order to facilitate learning and maintain high standards.

Ø There is clear guidance for rewards and sanctions to encourage positive behaviour.

Staff Responsibilities

To ensure each student receives a high quality education by:

Ø  Creating a safe environment where our students are valued and treated equally.

Ø  Raising students’ self esteem and encouraging them to fulfil their true potential, using positive comments and constructive critism.

Ø  Providing the highest quality of learning and teaching opportunities.

Ø  Assessing work regularly and setting targets to move students to the next level.

Ø  Reporting on academic, attendance and any other achievements.

Ø  Modelling and expecting high standards at all times.

Ø  Using rewards and sanctions consistently in line with the school behaviour policy.

Ø  Rewarding achievement and celebrating success.

Ø  Extending a welcome to parents and visitors.

Ø  Enhancing Camp Hill’s standing in the community.

Students’ Responsibilities

To show pride in being a Camp Hill student by:

Ø  Valuing and treating every one equally.

Ø  Working at your best at all times and allowing others to do the same.

Ø  Allowing teachers to teach and students to learn.

Ø  Following school rules and routines.

Ø  Accepting the consequences of your actions.

Ø  Attending school regularly, on time and in correct school uniform.

Ø  Respecting the school property and environment.

Ø  Completing classwork, homework and coursework to the best of your ability.

Ø  Aiming higher, setting targets to improve on your previous best.

Ø  Showing pride in your achievements and sharing your success with others.

Ø  Being an ambassador for Camp Hill School within the community.

Parent(s) / Carer (s) Responsibilities

To take an active interest in your daughter’s work and achievement by:

Ø  Helping and encouraging your daughter to achieve her best by checking that homework and coursework are completed and deadlines met and providing a suitable place to work.

Ø  Sharing concerns about your daughter’s education, welfare and behaviour.

Ø  Supporting the school’s behaviour and attendance policy.

Ø  Ensuring your daughter is punctual, in correct school uniform, with the right equipment.

Ø  Attending consultations to discuss your daughter’s progress.

Ø  Ensuring that holidays are not taken in term time.

Ø  Supporting and promoting the school within the community.


General Behaviour

All students are expected to behave responsibly and courteously both during school hours and on their way to and from school. Remembering students are ambassadors for the school. Incidents that result in bullying or embarrassment for other students or staff will not be tolerated, including inappropriate material posted on the internet, inappropriate use of mobile phones and/or email. The Code of Conduct and the Anti-Bullying policy is published in student planners.


Years 7 – 11 must wear full school uniform in school, when travelling to and from school, or when representing school. Details of the uniform are in the student planner. Sixth Form students must wear the dress code and details of the dress code can be found in the Sixth Form student planner.

Attendance and punctuality

Good attendance and punctuality are crucial for good progress and show self-discipline and commitment. The attendance rate for Camp Hill Girls is very high. It is unusual for any student to drop below 96% attendance. Procedures for absence from school are detailed in the student planner.

In the classroom students should:

Ø  Arrive on time and enter the room quietly.

Ø  Quickly get out the books and equipment for that lesson, put bags on the floor.

During the lesson students should:

Ø  Listen carefully to the teacher for instructions and information.

Ø  Following instructions take part and behave appropriately.

Ø  Listen to the points being made by other students and to contribute, raise a hand.

Ø  At the end of the lesson students should:

Ø  Pack away when told to do so and wait quietly to be dismissed.

Around school students should:

Ø  Walk sensibly around school particularly on stairs, keep to the left.

Ø  Keep all areas clean and tidy, free from litter and graffiti.

Ø  Use lockers for all valuables and keep them locked.

Ø  For reasons of hygiene, eat only in designated areas of school.

Ø  Report any concerns regarding behaviour, damage or safety immediately.

Ø  Be aware of others and respect them and their belongings. Treat others as you would wish to be treated.

Ø  Smoking is not permitted anywhere on school premises, nor are alcoholic drinks or dangerous or illegal items/substances.

Ø  Areas available at recess and lunchtime are indicated in student planners.

Before and after school students should:

Ø  For safety reasons, not loiter in or around the park and report any incidents immediately to the school office.

Ø  Leave the school at the end of the day sensibly and unless attending an activity be away from the premises ten minutes after the scheduled finish.

Ø  Students should behave positively on their way to and from school remembering they are ambassadors for the school.

Ø  Students using the School Bus are reminded that inappropriate behaviour will result in exclusion from the service.

Emergency evacuation procedures:

Ø  Maintain silence during an emergency evacuation of the building

Ø  In an emergency situation students MUST follow staff instructions without question and follow the evacuation procedure.


Rewards are the positive recognition of achievement, contribution and progress and are an important part of maintaining student motivation and high expectations. After discussion with student groups the Sunshine Award, the Princess Award and the Tudor Rose Award were initiated to recognise contributions to the life of the school. Rewards include the following:

Ø  Praise/verbal comment – an often underestimated, important reward.

Ø  Written comment.

Ø  Prominent display of student work.

Ø  Celebrating success through the House system: House points can be awarded to Years 7 – 11 for good work, effort or contributing to the school community. Students collect House Points, leading to awards, in their planners.

Ø  Praise postcards from Subject areas and from Key Stage Coordinators.

Ø  Termly Key Stage Praise letters

Ø  Certificates for good attendance.

Ø  Public commendations (in assembly for example).

Ø  Visits by or to Subject Leader, Key Stage Coordinator or member of senior staff and Head Teacher to praise work, good or responsible behaviour or outstanding achievement of individual or class.

Ø  Sunshine Award: half termly nomination from the Form Tutor for contributions to the life of the form.

Ø  Princess Award: awarded each week to a member of the form who has made a difference to others in a small way during the week. Form Tutors are invited to involve their form members in nominating the recipient through secret ballot.

Ø  There is an annual Senior Prize Day where school prizes and King Edward Scholarships are awarded in Years 11, 12 and 13 on the basis of public examination results and contribution to the school community.

Ø  At the end of the academic year there is a Summer Celebration and Key Stage Coordinators and Form Tutors in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 nominate students to receive a Form Prize, a commendation or a Tudor Rose Award. There are in addition some prizes for particular skills, talents and contributions.


The school will implement a range of strategies to deal with inappropriate behaviour by students including the failure to follow a reasonable instruction.

Ø  Discussion with student.

Ø  Written note in planner.

Ø  Referral/pink slip (to Form Tutor (FT), Subject Leader (SL) and Key Stage Coordinator (KSC)).

Ø  Detention – departmental or School.

Ø  Contact with home.

Ø  Student put on report.

Ø  Removal from a situation or lesson for “cooling off” period.

Ø  Consultation with parents (students may be asked to attend).

In special circumstances exclusion from school will be considered by the Head.


These are the suggested progression stages, occasionally it may be appropriate to miss out a stage(s).

Stage 1 / Teacher in the classroom / Discussion with the student > note in planner > pink slip (FT, SL, KSC) > lunch time detention (if appropriate)
Stage 2 / Subject Leader (SL)
Ensure that a written record is filed / Subject teacher seeks support from SL > interview with the student> subject teacher/SL contacts parents and informs FT > Departmental Detention > if appropriate School Detention
Stage 3 / Key Stage Coordinator
Ensure that a written record is filed / Interview with student > student placed on daily report and parents informed > parents invited into school for review > if appropriate School Detention > internal exclusion if appropriate
Stage 4 / Senior Leadership Team
Ensure that a written record is filed / Interview with students > interview with parents, student and/or FT/KSC/SL
internal exclusion if appropriate
Stage 5 / Headteacher
Ensure that a written record is filed / Interview with student and Parents > internal exclusion > if appropriate Fixed
term/permanent exclusion


These are the suggested progression stages, occasionally it may be appropriate to miss out a stage(s).

Stage 1 / Any Teacher / Discussion with the student > note in planner > pink slip (FT, KSC) > lunch time detention (if appropriate)
Stage 2 / Key Stage Coordinator
Ensure that a written record is filed / Interview with student > student placed on daily report if appropriate and parents informed > parents invited into school for review > if appropriate School Detention > internal exclusion if appropriate
Stage 3 / Senior Leadership Team
Ensure that a written record is filed / Interview with student > interview with parents, student and/or FT/KSC >
interview with student > Behaviour Support Plan following consultation
with parents > School Detention if appropriate > internal exclusion if appropriate
Stage 4 / Headteacher
Ensure that a written record is filed / Interview with student and Parents > internal exclusion > if appropriate Fixed
term/permanent exclusion

A student who has several slips across a range subjects will be followed up by the FT and discussed with the KSC.

Support will be offered to students whose misbehaviour/attendance reflects significant problems.

Support will be offered to members of staff experiencing difficulties with students.

Support will be offered to parents/carers if requested.

Policy Review:

The policy will be monitored by the Key Stage Coordinators and the Deputy Head. The policy will be reviewed in line with school procedures.

September 2010

CODE OF CONDUCT: The following Code of Conduct is in student planners.

Our Code of Conduct is set up to allow students and staff to be able to work in a caring and tolerant community and as such students should feel that they belong to the school and that the school belongs to them.

1.  All members of the school should treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times.

2.  All members of the school should respect the property of others and remember that their own belongings are their responsibility. All personal property should be named and must be looked after.

3.  School uniform must be worn by students in Years 7 – 11 inclusive. Sixth Form code of dress is in the planner.

4.  All members of the school should take care of the environment and use the site and building sensibly. Litter should be placed in bins.

5.  Punctuality is important. Everyone is expected to be on time for school and lessons.

6.  All members of the school should walk when inside the school building keeping to the left on stairs and in corridors.

7.  Main school students may only leave the school premises during the school day if they have submitted a written parental request in advance of the absence and have received permission. All students leaving the site during the school day must be signed out in the book in reception. Separate arrangements for the Sixth Form are included in their planner.

8.  At lunchtime main school students are allowed to use designated areas in school. Eating is not allowed in Form rooms

9.  No student may bring onto the premises cigarettes, matches, chewing gum or objects which are illegal or may be a danger to other members of the school, such materials will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken.

10.  Mobile phones, MP3 players and other personal belongings of a similar nature must be secured in personal lockers during the school day; failure to do so may lead to items being confiscated.

School Detention procedures