About NCBI

Some Facts

  • About 95 per cent of people using NCBI services have some remaining vision, while only 5 per cent are completely blind.
  • We provide a service to over 7,500 people every year.
  • There are currently 224,000people with impaired vision in Ireland and this will rise to 276,000 by 2020.
  • NCBI is a not-for-profit organisation and raises funds to ensure that we can offer vital services to people who are blind or vision impaired.

Who we are

NCBI is the national sight loss organisation,working for people with sight loss.

We provide practical and emotional support, rehabilitation services and other training designed to help people with sight loss to live independently.

Our mission

Our mission is to enable people who are blind or vision impaired to overcome the barriers that impede their independence and participation in society.

Our vision

For people who are blind and vision impaired to have the same opportunities, rights and choices as others to fully participate in society.

What we do

We provide services in the local community

NCBI offers community-based services to help people to adapt to sight loss and maintain their independence. These services include emotional support, advice and information on all aspects of vision loss, as well as practical support and solutions.

We help people to make the most of their useful vision

The majority of people with sight loss retain some useful vision. NCBI will assess the degree and impact of sight loss and offer individualised solutions, such as magnification and lighting.

We help people to live independently

Some of the challenges people with sight loss encounter are:

• Reading

• Recognising faces, shop signs, street signs

• Mobility – seeing steps, crossing roads

• Other daily activities like cooking, laundry, and shopping

The impact of vision loss varies for each individual. We provide practical solutions to enable people with sight loss to carry out everyday tasks safely and independently.

NCBI can offer training where required to assist people in developing the skills in mobility and / or independent living.

Our services

• Emotional support and counselling

• Rehabilitation training

• Advice and information

• Low vision solutions

• Assistive technology advice and training

• Library - large print, audio and Braille books

• Employment advice

• Practical solutions in our shop

We help others to make their services accessible

NCBI advises public and private organisations on how to make information, the built environment, services and technologies accessible to people with sight loss.

We convert printed information into formats accessible to people who are blind or vision impaired. We also increase awareness on sight loss issues by advising on the accessibility of streets, transport, buildings, playgrounds and much more.

People have to use a wide range of products and services that are based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their daily lives, including personal computers, telephones, the internet, digital TV and ticket machines. Our Centre for Inclusive Technology works towards ensuring that these are accessible to people with sight loss.

Our services to organisations

• Produce information in accessible formats

• Accessibility, advice, consultancy and audits

• Disability awareness training

• Promote accessible design of technology and websites

Our people

We have over 170 staff who deliver our services and are supported by a team of dedicated volunteers throughout the country.

Support NCBI by getting involved

As a not-for-profit organisation we rely on your generosity. NCBI must raise €4 out of every €10 spent on services. Whether you want to join NCBI on a fundraising event this year, run your own event, or make a donation, your support makes a real difference.

How to get involved

• Fundraise

• Take on a challenge

• Make a donation

• Leave a legacy

• Become a corporate sponsor

• Volunteer your time

Governance at NCBI

NCBI conducts its business in accordance with the rules, regulations and accountabilities which govern companies and charities in Ireland.

We have adopted The Governance Code – A Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland. We also adopted the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.

What to do if you have a problem with your sight

If you or someone you know is experiencing problems with their sight, NCBI can help. Call uson Tel: 01 8307033.


Jodie O’Neill, NCBI Service User

Written by Jodie’s mother Rebecca

Jodie has done workshops with NCBI, where she meets other children and she loves that. She also does one-to-one work to improve certain things, like getting around safely, for example. It’s tough at times but NCBI is amazing. They do fantastic work with parents and children and it’s a really good support.

Sean McDonnell, NCBI Service User

I met my local NCBI support worker and she assisted me in getting low vision aids, including a magnifier for the television. I did an IT course with NCBI and I couldn’t even switch on a computer before. I joined a peer support group and now I’m the chairperson. It’s wonderful the difference that NCBI makes.

Chris Ryan, Volunteer

When you walk into NCBI you realise it’s different from anywhere else. It’s more hands-on, more personal and there are great people. There’s a great bond between everyone on the cycling events. The people you meet are so inspiring and that’s a nice thing to be around.

Annette Costelloe, NCBI Service User

My message to people is to stay positive – that’s all you can do. I feel that the only thing I can’t do is drive. I can do everything else. Life doesn’t stop when you’re vision impaired.

Contact us


Whitworth Road


Dublin 9

Call us: 01 8307033

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This leaflet is also available in audio and Braille.