SPA 380

Final Project Rubric


10-9-Key question is highly relevant and well expressed

8-7-Key question is relevant, but could use further refinement

Below 7-Key question is not clear or not relevant


10-9-Topic is well researched

-Current investigation is clearly justified

8-7 -Research somewhat limited; or relationship to current investigation is


-Some evidence points to the need for the current investigation

Below 7-Very limited research related to the topic

-Unclear or non-existent evidence for the current investigation


10-9-Method of investigation is appropriate to desired results

-Techniques used are valid

-Methods should yield reliable results

8-7-Relationship of methods to study is somewhat unclear

-Validity of techniques may be questioned

-Methods may call into question reliability of results

Below 7-Methods do not match objectives of the investigation

-Techniques have significant flaws

-Methods likely skew results

Data analysis

10-9-Thorough data analysis

8-7-Data analyzed fairly completely; some oversights

Below 7-Incomplete or insignificant data analysis


10-9-Well developed ideas

- Relevant examples/detail to support claims

-Topic is thoroughly covered within scope of project

8-7-Develops most ideas;some ideas need to be elaborated

-Some examples/details to support claims

-Some key concepts missing or unexplained; or extraneous content

Below 7-Very little elaboration/explanation of ideas; or content incorrect

-Few examples/details to support claims

-Inappropriate scope of project


10-9-Paper is organized according to guidelines

-Appropriate content in each section

8-7-Some organizational problems, but coherent and generally meets


-Some sections incomplete content

Below 7-Does not follow organizational guidelines

-Sections incomplete and/or irrelevant content

Language use

20-18- Uses a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences accurately

- Demonstrates excellent control of a wide range of grammatical


-Very few, if any, basic errors such as subject-verb or gender agreement

- Uses appropriate and varied vocabulary

- Influence of English not apparent

17-14- Uses mostly simple and compound sentences with few structural errors,

or attempts complex sentences with errors that do not affect


- Demonstrates overall control of basic grammar such as subject-verb or

gender agreement, with occasional errors resulting from careless


- Usually uses appropriate vocabulary with some variety

- Some errors in usage that do not affect the message

Below 14- Demonstrates little or no control of complex sentence structure

- Numerous basic grammatical errors such as subject-verb or gender


-Errors frequently affect comprehensibility

- Uses only elementary vocabulary

- Creates nonexistent words or uses words in English

Related assignments

20-18-All related assignments done thoroughly and on time

17-14-Related assignments done on time; some less thorough

Below 14-Related assignments incomplete or missed deadlines