Johnny Appleseed
Next Friday we will be celebrating Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday. We will be doing different activities to complete our Social Studies unit on him. As a culminating activity, we will be having an apple celebration. I would love if you could volunteer to bring in a food item that contains apples. Please note, the students will just be sampling each item, so if you bring in apple pie, we will just need one pie and we will cut in into small pieces. Not everyone needs to bring something in, so if you are too busy please do not worry. Please put a check next to what you would like to bring in. If you have a recipe that involves apples, which is not listed below, please feel free to bring that in!! I will put a star next to it, if I would like you to bring that. If we get too many people who volunteer to bring a certain item, I may write back asking you to bring something different. J We will also need a couple of parents to volunteer to come in and help make up the plates for the kids. I will star the paper if I need you to come in and an X if we have enough volunteers.
September Schedule
-Monday (9/26) =Apple Shirt decorating (please send in a plain white t-shirt by next Monday)
-Wednesday (9/28) =Apple Tasting and comparison
-Friday (9/30) =Apple Day Celebration 2:10-2:40pm
Return this paper:
I can bring the following in on Friday, September 30th for our Apple Celebration
_____ Applesauce (1 jar, or 22 individual packets)
_____ Apple Pie (1 pie)
_____ Apple juice (1 jug)
_____ Caramel Apple suckers (22)
_____ Apple Muffins (22)
_____ I would like to bring something not listed. ______
_____ I would like to volunteer on Friday, September 30th from 2-2:45
*We will be doing an apple tasting activity and comparison on Wednesday September 28th. Please mark if you can bring in apples for that day.
_____ I can send in 3 Green apples on Tues
_____ I can send in 3 Macintosh apples on Tues
_____ I can send in 3 Yellow apples on Tues
_____ I can send in 3 Honey Crisp apples on Tues
Thank you for all of your help! I will send this paper back home with a star next to the item you checked, if I need it. If you are willing to donate any of these items just write that down and I will write back what I need! J
Thank you for your continued support at home!
Best wishes,
Ms. Sowder