2015-2016 Academic Year Scholarships
The following information will be requested on our online application. We provide it in this printable format to help you know what will be requested. Please read this through carefully and once you have all of the information (including files to attach) you may return to the online application and submit it.
PLEASE NOTE THESE REQUIREMENTS FOR THOSE RECEIVING AWARDS: 1) Students receiving awards will be required to submit electronically a short biographical summary, a thank you letter, and a photo to the sponsoring organization. 2) Students awarded these scholarships must maintain full-time status (12 credits) and meet all award criteria for the period of time they receive the scholarship. 3) Scholarship funds must be used by winter quarter 2016, but may be typically used as early as summer quarter 2015. 4) Students receiving awards must attend the May 2, 2015 CB Honors Banquet at the CWU-Des Moines campus.
Personal Information
last first middle
street city state zip
CURRENT TELEPHONE # (_____)______LIST MAJOR(S)______
MAJOR (or Pre-Major) GPA______CWU/Transfer combined GPA______
2ND MAJOR GPA (double majors)______
Submission Information
To be considered for any of the CB scholarships, you will be asked to submit ALL of the following as 3 individual uploads (see naming convention in item IV below):
I. An uploaded essay, 1000 words or less (which will be evaluated for written communication skills), addressing any or all of the following:
A) Honors, awards, civic and extra-curricular activities during college;
B) Educational goals;
C) Other goals and aspirations;
D) Significant work experience; and
E) Special considerations relevant to the evaluation committee’s decision;
II. Uploaded copies of unofficial transcripts (not transfer credit reports) from all institutions attended. Please combine all transcripts into one document. The easiest way to do this is to scan all of the pages into a pdf file.
III. Also scanned into one document and uploaded are printouts of emails from 2 people stating their willingness to serve as references if the Scholarship Committee makes the request. Make sure to provide full contact details and nature of relationship. It is preferred, but not mandatory, for those students already in the College of Business that one of these references be a College of Business faculty member.
IV: Please note the following naming convention that you MUST follow. (You may save your files for uploading either as a Microsoft Word doc or Adobe pdf file):
A) YourCWUID-YourLastName-Essay (ex. 12345678-Smith-Essay)
B) YourCWUID-YourLastName -Transcripts (ex. 12345678-Smith-Transcripts)
C) YourCWUID-YourLastName -References (ex. 12345678-Smith-References)
As indicated earlier, some scholarships may have additional requirements. Please scan the list and prepare to select any of the following that apply to you:
I am interested in the aerospace defense or cyber security industries.
I am pursuing a Supply Chain Management Certificate OR Specialty at one of the CB locations.
I am currently attending or will be attending the CWU Lynnwood Center
I am a U.S. citizen.
I possess a permanent work visa.
I am an international student.
I am a minority student.
Minority Classification: American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Hispanic
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Black/African American
I have documented financial need: A completed FAFSA is on file with CWU Financial Aid.
I am a 1st Generation college student as neither of my parents completed a two- or four-year college degree.
I am/have been an officer in a CWU College of Business Club. Please specify which club and which office. ______
I have been actively involved in CWU Clubs. Please specify which club and whether you are/have been an officer.______
I am interested in the retail industry.
I have a minor. Please specify______
All required application materials must be submitted online via our webform (http://www.cwu.edu/business/scholarship-form) by Feb. 2, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. PST. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered. By completing the online application you will be considered for all available CB scholarships.
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