ERS Work Readiness Checklist
Date / Funding Source 201 501 Other:Job Seeker Name / Application Number
Employment Readiness Specialist / Phone
Career Objective
Occupation Required WorkKeys© Scores: / AM / RI / LI
Job Seeker WorkKeys© Scores: / AM / RI / LI
WorkKeys© Scores meet minimum qualifications for career objective: / Yes No
PESCO™ reflects temperament appropriate for career objective: / Yes No
NOTE: if either question is checked no, job seeker must be enrolled into code 11a
- Verify job seeker has support system in place
- Child Care
- Transportation
- Housing
- Minimum of two reliable contact numbers
- Professional Resume (all facts confirmed w/job seeker)
- Educational background complete and accurate
- History complete and dates accurate
- Skills listed are accurate reflection of current skills
- Spelling and punctuation is accurate
- Career Objective
- Transferable skills identified
- Career Ladders discussed
- LMI research completed
- Understanding of wage appropriate for area and skills
- Demand in local area identified
- Awareness of pre-employment screenings for industry
- General Observation of Job seeker
- Communication Skills – Language clearly transmits knowledge and ideas. Avoids slang. Voice: audible, clear and well modulated, easily understood. Eye Contact: maintains good eye contact.
- Posture: alert, natural posture, does not fidget.
- Attitude: positive attitude, avoids making negative statements about self and others. Sense of stable demeanor; well balanced.
- Listening Skills: responds directly, completely and concisely.
- Motivation and Personality: enthusiastic, asks appropriate questions, well mannered, sincere and confident. Exits meetings in a friendly manner, thanking the staff for their time.
- Job Seeker availability discussed and identified
- Hours available to job search each week
- Hours available to work each week (40)
- Available to work all shifts
- Available to work Monday - Sunday
- How far are you willing to commute
- Appearance
- Neat and Clean
- Attire appropriate for career objective
- Will Be Successful in Mock Interview
- Job seeker was able to articulate pertinent skills
- Job seeker was knowledgeable of industry
- Job seeker presented themselves professionally
- Dependable
- Job seeker attended 5 consecutive appointments or all scheduled appointments if less than 5.
- Job seeker called to reschedule any missed appointment
- Job seeker consistently arrives on time for all scheduled appointments
By signing this form, the Employment Readiness Specialist certifies Job Seeker meets all Job Ready Criteria and is ready and willing to enter immediate full-time employment.
ERS Signature (Seal of Approval) / DateFresno Regional Workforce Investment Board Page 1 of 2 Form# JOB-004, 102412