Opening Blank Genus EDAS and adding data:

  1. If a “Security Warning” appears near the top bar, you must click “options” and click “enable this content” for macros in the database to work properly. In order to avoid the warning every time you open EDAS, go to the Trust Center in Access Options and add the directory which holds EDAS to the list of Trusted Locations.
  2. Go to Forms (under objects, left pull down panel).
  3. Open (double click) the form“Add Data (Custom)”.
  4. The “Stream Bioassessment Data Entry Form” will pop up. Click the“Add New Station”button near right top and enter station information. You must include a unique station ID and the ecoregion code. These are required fields. You may enter ‘???’ from the pulldown if ecoregion is unknown.
  5. Clickthe “Open Data Entry Form”button at the top left when done entering station information.
  6. The program will go back to the “Stream Bioassessment Data Entry Form” and the “Benthics Macroinvertebrates” tab (middle left of form) should be highlighted.
  7. Select your desired station from the “StationID” pull down. At the top of the form you should see your station and a dummy station labeled 1AABRO000.78. The dummy station has benthic data associated with it also for testing purposes.
  8. Go to the “BenSampID” box and type a benthic sample ID. The biologist may want to use the first 3 letters of their station name followed by the number that auto fills in the SampIndex box once you start typing in the “BenSampID” box. Go to the “CollDate” box and fill in the date the samples were collected. The other boxes may be left blank.
  9. Near the bottom of the form, at Benthic Taxa List, enter your benthic samples collected under “FinalID” it will auto fill when you start to spell the taxa name. Enter the number of individuals of the taxa collected (taxa counts) to the right under “Individuals.”
  10. Check the box to exclude taxon when needed, (i.e. if some organisms were left at family that may be in a genusthat was already included).
  11. Close the data entry form (X out at top blue bar). The right side of the screen will turn blue. Open(double click) the “Subsample and Update family table” form on left.
  12. Click the 110-organism Subsample Form Range of Dates button.
  13. Fill in questions accordingly, chose a date earlier than your sample date, when asked. For example if you sampled on 10/31/14 request the range of dates to begin at 10/30/14 or earlier
  14. Your subsample is now in the table and you will be taken back to the Subsample and Update family table form. You must click on the Update Family Benthics Table with New Samples. Enter your date when prompted for your samples. Once done you will be taken back to the Subsample and Update family table form. Now your data is ready to Query.

Querying Data:

  1. Select Queries (under objects)
  2. Highlight “Station Query” and select“Design View” or right click for “Design View”.
  3. Type in the station in the quotes you want the data from in the criteria row (see pic below).

  1. Hit save
  2. Open(double click) Family Metrics VSCI calculation
  3. This should give you the VSCI scores for samples rarified to 110-organism counts.
  4. Export as Excel file or copy and paste.
  5. To view the taxa list, open the “Family Crosstab” query listing the Benthic Samples and Taxa (Column headers are BenSampID’s).