A Board of Selectman Meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room at the Town Hall on Monday, July 19, 2010. Chairman Keefe called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance: Chairman Keefe led the Selectman in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance: Don Bourque, Jeffrey Duggan, Mark Dowgiewicz, Dan Ricci, Deborah Keefe
Motion: made by Selectman Duggan and seconded by Selectman Bourque to accept the amended minutes of the June 14, 2010 meeting
Vote: Mr. Bourque –yes, Mr. Duggan- yes, Mr. Dowgiewicz- yes, Mr. Ricci-yes, Chairman Keefe - yes
Motion: made by Selectman Duggan and seconded by Selectman Ricci to accept the minutes of the June 21, 2010 meeting
Vote: Mr. Bourque –yes, Mr. Duggan- yes, Mr. Dowgiewicz- yes, Mr. Ricci-yes, Chairman Keefe-yes
Motion: made by Selectman Ricci and seconded by Selectman Bourque to accept the minutes of the June 28, 2010 meeting with the correction of Mr. McAuliffe’s name on page 2, line 3 and under New Business change the word form to from. .
Vote: Mr. Bourque –yes, Mr. Duggan- yes, Mr. Dowgiewicz- yes, Mr. Ricci-yes, Chairman Keefe-abstain
Chairman Keefe stated the Board will skip to the Town Administrator’s Report in order to give Robert Zalewski time to arrive at the Public Hearing time of 7:10 p.m.
Town Administrator’s Report
Mr. McAuliffe stated Chief Bent had Police Beach Patrol walking through the beach area on the 4th of July. He stated multiple people were stopped for drinking. Mr. McAuliffe stated the Town might want to rethink grilling down at the beach. People have been leaving coals all around the beach area. Although the beach provides containers for people to dispose their used coal in, people still have been leaving them near the grilling areas. Mr. McAuliffe stated a concession stand is already located at the beach for people to purchase food. Chairman Keefe stated the Board will put this on the agenda for late August. She asked to have Kenny Pizzetti come to the meeting and explain other communities grilling policies. She stated she would also like to address tents that are put up around the beach area. Selectman Duggan stated people are throwing the coals in the trash or leaving them in piles on the ground. He would like to have the Fire Chief go to the beach to go over fire codes. Selectman Dowgiewicz stated if the Board does allow grilling next year the Board could propose a By-Law. Chief Bent stated the Police did not add any additional Boat Patrols this year, but have been routinely on patrol. The Police have increased foot patrols. He stated the Police have seen a good change so far. He stated the latest Police Boat is unmarked. Selectman Ricci asked if there were still five (5) Assistant Harbor Masters. Chief Bent stated there are eight (8) Assistant Harbor Masters.
Chief Bent stated the Police have been busy with Community Programs such as taking kids to the Paw Sox game, a mock Prom Day motor vehicle accident, and a two week Junior Police Academy.
Chief Bent reminded the Board about the 27th annual National Night out atMemorial Beach Tuesday, August 3, 2010.
He stated Officers are now equipped with tazers. Police have been moving the speed trailer around Town. He reminded the citizens that they can go online and request it in their neighborhood. Chairmen Keefe thanked Chief Bent for all the information and commended him on great community service.
Chairman Keefe stated the Board will postpone the Town Administrator’s Report until after the Seasonal Liquor License application Public Hearing.
Public Hearing RMZ – Seasonal Liquor License Application
Chairman Keefe stated she spoke with Mr. Zalweski earlier in the evening. He told her he would be coming to the Town Hall on the following day to pick up the list of questions from the Board.
Chairman Keefe stated she would like question thirteen (13) answered on the general application regarding criminal history, also on the same page, next to the signature line, it must be dated. In the Operating Agreement, the Notary never signed when notarizing the document. The establishment is classified as a restaurant/tavern, but the floor plan shows there is not a kitchen included. A new floor plan would need to be submitted.
Selectman Duggan stated on application form forty three (43) the establishment is classified as a restaurant/tavern but on page twenty one (21) of the application the applicant must specify either/or.
Chairman Keefe stated the Board would take no action on the application until these areas were addressed.
Selectman Duggan stated the application mentioned an outside rear deck and he would like more clarification on this?
Town Administrator’s Report (CONTINUED)
Mr. McAuliffe stated the Administration Office has already received seventeen (17) turn on requests for the Street lights. He explained they will go through same process for reviewing which street light the Town turns on. Selectman Duggan asked if the final list will be provided to the Safety Committee. Mr. McAuliffe stated Kenny Pizzetti and himself will go to each location. Selectman Duggan stated neighborhoods have been paying for street lights. Selectman Ricci stated they should also look at last year’s list. Chairman Keefe stated this will be put on the August 9th agenda for an update.
Mr. McAuliffe stated the Town has selected Kevin Seaman Engineering for the Heating System for the Town Hall.
He concluded interviews for the Building Inspector; he will announce the replacement after he notifies the other applicants.
He announced the Town had been awarded a million ($1,000,000.00) dollar grant. He thanked Representative Paul Kujawski. The Town will be undertaking some downtown projects.
Chairman Keefe stated sixty eight (68) cities received grant money. Representative Moore and Representative Kujawski have been a vital part of this. Mr. McAuliffe thanked the Webster Redevelopment Authority.
Mr. McAuliffe stated he and Chairman Keefe attended the retirement party for Norman Chenevert. They wish him a happy retirement.
He stated the need to go into Executive Session. (Attachment 1)
Motion: made by Selectman Ricci, seconded by Selectman Bourque to accept the Town Administrator’s Report.
Vote: Mr. Bourque – yes, Mr. Duggan – yes, Mr. Dowgiewicz –yes, Mr. Ricci –yes, Chairman Keefe – yes.
Old Business
Chairman Keefe would like to set up a workshop with the Finance Team to discuss the workflow of foreclosures. She would like the workshop to be held in August. Selectman Ricci stated he has already requested a list from Mr. Becker, in which he is working on now. Chairman Keefe stated the workshop will be held August 9th at 6:00 p.m. She would like to involve the Treasurer, Assessor and Tax Collector. Selectman Ricci suggested having Mr. Pizzetti involved in the meeting. Selectman Duggan suggested the Board look into the bills to see if they are being paid.
New Business
Chairman Keefe stated the Board received a notice that the Sunday’s alcohol pouring privileges has changed from10:00 A.M. Chairman Keefe explained the Board never adopted chapter 138 section B to have the time for Sunday pouring privileges from 12:00 P.M. to 11:00 A.M. therefore the new change would not apply to Webster unless brought up at Town Meeting. Each establishment would have to apply for a change in hours. She asked if a letter could be sent out to all liquor establishments advising them they are still under the 12:00 p.m. time regulation unless they apply.
Informational Mail
Chairman Keefe attended the opening of Consignment 2. The store is located onEast Main Street. She congratulated them on the opening.
Selectman Duggan stated the Board received a request for a 1-day liquor license from Kelldeer Island Club. (Attachment 2)
Motion: made by Selectman Dowgiewicz, seconded by Selectman Bourque to approve the 1-day liquor license for Killdeer Island Club for August 7, 2010 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Vote: Mr. Bourque – yes, Mr. Duggan – yes, Mr. Dowgiewicz –yes, Mr. Ricci –yes, Chairman Keefe – yes.
Selectman Ricci asked at what age the Town considers someone a senior. He requested a clarification on the age of a senior in connection with the Webster’s Beach/Transfer/Compost Stickers.
Chairman Keefe clarified that the stickers allows access to the Transfer Station, Compost Facility and Webster Beach. The sticker allows citizens to use all three facilities. Selectman Duggan stated anyone can use the Transfer Station with or without a sticker. Chairman Keefe requested that the Town Administrator check on this.
Mr. McAuliffe stated the Town is getting new software to better manage the Town’s website. He would like to have the Town’s agendas attached. He also mentioned the Town is in need of a new computer server, he is the process of pricing them out.
Webster/Dudley/Oxford Business Allianceis scheduled to have a upcoming meeting. Mr. McAuliffe would like to see the Sign By-Law move forward. Selectman Bourque agreed. Chairman Keefe asked to have this topic put on the agenda for August. (Attachment 3)
Selectman Duggan stated the Board received a letter from the Webster Lake Association and would like to have this topic put on the agenda for next meeting. Mr. McAuliffe stated he spoke with Mr. Cazeault on the phone before the event. This will be on the agenda for July 26, 2010 (Attachment 4)
Chairman Keefe announced the Webster Lake Association’s Golf Tournament. (Attachment 5)
She would like to add regionalizing Health Services on the August 9th agenda. (Attachment 6)
Christopher Roy withdrew his application for the Zoning Board of Appeals. Chairman Keefe would like to double check to see if résumé’s are required with the applications. (Attachment 7)
Motion: made by Selectman Duggan, seconded by Selectman Bourque to support the 27th Annual National Night Out and Webster Police sponsored Wresting Match.
Vote: Mr. Bourque – yes, Mr. Duggan – yes, Mr. Dowgiewicz –yes, Mr. Ricci –yes, Chairman Keefe – yes. (Attachment 8 & 9)
Chairman Keefe would like to place Open Meeting Laws Posting Requirements on the July 26th agenda. She would also like to see CMRPC delegates and Surplus Property put on the July 26th agenda for that meeting. (Attachment 10)
Chairman Keefe adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 8:40 P.M. in accordance with MGL Chapter 39, Section 23b, Item 3, to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation, in an open meeting and MGL Chapter 39, Section 23b Item 6, to consider the purchase, exchange, taking, lease, or value of real property.
Motion: to go into Executive Session, and not to go back into open session made by Selectman Ricci, seconded by Selectman Bourque.
Vote: Mr. Bourque – yes, Mr. Duggan – yes, Mr. Dowgiewicz –yes, Mr. Ricci –yes, Chairman Keefe – yes.
Respectfully Submitted,
Courtney M Friedland
Executive Secretary