DGW:Wall-Mounted, Folds Sideways:Wall-mounted backstop folds sideways to nearly flat against wall.
DUW:Wall-Mounted, Folds Upward:Wall-mounted backstop folds upward to nearly flat against wall.
SW:Wall-Mounted, Stationary:Wall-mounted stationary backstop.
SWD:Wall-Mounted, Stationary:Wall-mounted stationary backstop features direct-mount goal brace
TB25:Rear-Braced, Folds Backward:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TB25B:Rear-Braced, Folds Backward:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TB25S:Rear-Braced, Folds Backward, Bent Stem:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TB25SB:Rear-Braced, Folds Backward, Bent Stem:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TBS26:Front or Rear-Braced, Folds Sideways:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TBS26B:Front or Rear-Braced, Folds Sideways:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TF20:Front-Braced, Folds Forward:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TF20B:Front-Braced, Folds Forward:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TF20J:Rear-Braced, Folds Forward:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TF20JB:Rear-Braced, Folds Forward:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TF20S:Front-Braced, Folds Forward, Bent Stem:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TF20SB:Front-Braced, Folds Forward, Bent Stem:Backstop has single post design w/25-year warranty; direct mount goal brace.
TS21:Ceiling-Braced, Stationary:Backstop has tetrahedral design w/25-year warranty; direct goal attachment.
TS21B:Ceiling-Braced, Stationary:Backstop has tetrahedral design w/25-year warranty; direct goal attachment.
TS22:Wall-Braced, Stationary:Backstop has tetrahedral design w/25-year warranty; direct goal attachment.
TS22B:Wall-Braced, Stationary:Backstop has tetrahedral design w/25-year warranty; direct goal attachment.
This file contains information for backstop models in the following format:
Each line contains a model, a description, and a summary blurb. These are separated by a colon(:) without any spaces.