News Release
For more information:
Andrea Fristoe, NAAE Program and Communications Assistant
Phone: (859) 257-2224
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – December 9, 2017
Elgin High School Agriculture Teacher Selected for National Educator Award
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Cameron Dale, agricultural educator at Elgin High School in Elgin, Oklahoma,is oneof only sevenindividuals nationwide who received the National Association of Agricultural Educators Ideas Unlimited Award at the NAAE annual convention in Nashville on December 9.
The Ideas Unlimited Award gives NAAE members an opportunity to exchange teaching ideas. Winning ideas are selected by members’ peers at NAAE regional conferences.
Dale has developed a strong partnership between agricultural education students and students in the school’s special education department through her garden buddy program. Two times each week students in her introduction to horticulture course work with special education students to manage the school’s six raised beds The program provides an excellent opportunity for horticulture students to learn about both plant science and their peers.
Before Dale’s students started working with the school’s special education students, paraprofessional special education assistants helped them find tasks that were appropriate for each of the special education students. Activities include picking up litter, planting seeds, pulling weeds, transplanting, grinding herbs, and caring for the compost worms. The project continues throughout the winter because students move inside to work with the classroom hydroponics unit or use coloring sheets to teach their peers about plants.
Throughout the project, Dale has observed bonds being built between her horticulture students and special education students. Many times Dale has received feedback from her students remarking that garden buddy days are their favorite classes.
“The cross-curricular program has not only increased my students’ interest in agricultural education, but has helped to develop their sense of personal responsibility and level of compassion towards other students in our school district,” said Dale.
Each of the Ideas Unlimited winners was recognized at the NAAE convention in Nashville. National Geographic Learning | Cengage Learning sponsors the Ideas Unlimited Award. NAAE is the professional association for agricultural educators. Its mission is “professionals providing agricultural education for the global community through visionary leadership, advocacy and service.” The NAAE office is located in Lexington, Kentucky.