Brief Curriculum vitae for Göran Dave
Degrees, positions and honours
- Professor emeritus 2012-
- Professor in Environmental Science 2002-2012
- Assistant professor (universitetslektor) in Environmental science 1995
- Competent for professorship (Ecotoxicology 1986; General zoology 1988)
- Docent (associate professor) in Zoophysiology 1983
- Lecturer (universitetslektor) in Zoophysiology 1977-95
- PhD in Zoophysiology 1977
- Master of science (FM) 1974
- Bachelor of Science (FK) 1971
- First employment (amanuensis) at GöteborgUniversity 1970
- Research, guidance and evaluation
- Lecturing and supervision at about 50% since 1977 in zoophysiology and since 1995 inenvironmental science with focus on ecotoxicology and risk assessment
- Main supervisor for 9 Ph. D. thesis in Zoophysiology (Rune Berglind 1985) and Environmental Science (Marie Adamsson 1999, Ann-Sofie Wernersson 2002, Bengt Fjällborg 2005, Helene Ek 2005, Zsofia Ganrot 2005, Anna Wik 2008, Delilah Lithner 2011, Emily Chapman 2013)
- Deputy supervisor for PhD thesis of Annemarie Wagner (Dep. Chemistry GU) 2004, Niklas Hanson 2008 (Dep. Plant and Env. Sci.)
- Main supervisor for more than 200 honour thesis works on Environmental science
- Supervisor for 4 post-docs (Ali Footlane, Ruiqin Xiu, Gap So Hwang, Bo Li)
- Author or co-author of about 90 peer-reviewed publications (70 in Web of Knowledge for Author =(Dave G) AND Adress =(Gothenburg OR Göteborg).
- Author of about 100 technical reports
- Course leader and examiner for Environmental Science honour thesis courses 1995-2012 (more than 400 students).
- Faculty opponent at PhD dissertations at Dep. Animal Ecology, UmeåUniversity 1991 (Åke Bengtsson), Dep. Bioscience, Helsinki University 2000 (Pekka Vuorinen), Örebro University 2005 (Lillemor Gustavsson), Dep. Biomed. Sci. Vet. Publ. Hlt, SLU, Uppsala 2007 (Gunnar Carlsson), ITM, Stockholm University 2009 (Jenny Karlsson), Arctic Technol. Cent., Tech. Univ. Denmark 2012(Ragnhildur Gunnarsdottir), and at Master (Licentiate) seminars at ITM, Stockholm University 2001 (Magnus Breitholtz) and 2007 (Eva Ulfsdotter Turesson).
- Member of evaluation committee (betygsnämnd) once or twice per year
- Examinor (examinator) for PhD thesis programme in Environmental Science 2008 – 2013
- Member of Evaluation group for Swedish Environmental Science University Programs forUniversitetskanslersämbetet/Swedish Higher Education Authority, Utvärderings
avdelningen/Department of Quality Assurance
- Evaluations for docentships for Univ. Åbo, Univ. Stockholm
- Evaluations of professorship for Univ. Örebro, and professor appointments for Univ. Oslo and Univ. Jyväskylä.
- Evaluations of research proposals for Univ. Oslo and Linneaus Univ., Växsjö
Recent Project Leadership (since 1990)
- Lead(s) several research projects funded by Swedish EPA, BFR, NUTEC, Chemicals Inspectorate, Swedish Armed Forces, Water and Wastewater treatment companies and Private companies.
- Ecotoxicological risk assessment for dumped chemicals in the marine environment
(Swedish Armed Forces)
Green North Sea Docks – Reference group partner (European Commission)
- Recovery of nutrients from urine and recycling to growing crops (GU and Universeum AB)
Method for mineralisation of human urine (Split Vision Development AB)
- Toxicity evaluation of landfill leachates (Swedish EPA)
- Fish Monitoring Workshop and Standard Development (European Commission, SMT)
- Local treatment of domestic wastewater by ecological aquaculture (Building Research
Council, BFR)
- Scientific co-ordination of research on sustainable systems for wastewater
treatment at Universeum (the Science centre at Korsvägen) 2001-2006
- Biological, chemical and toxicological sediment quality criteria for metals (Swedish EPA)
- Environmental adapted hydraulic oils (Technical Research council, NUTEC)
- Characterization of toxicity in marine sediments (Swedish EPA)
- Characterization of toxicity to waterfleas (Daphnia magna) in raw and drinking water (Göteborg Public Waterworks)
- Toxicity reduction of pulp-mill wastewaters for Daphnia (Eka Nobel)
- Chronic toxicity of pulpmill wastewaters for Ceriodaphnia (Forrest and Wood Research Institute, STFI)
- Ringtest of “Reproduction test with Daphnia” for KEMI (Chemicals Inspectorate)
Expert Commissions and International Experience
- Post Doc at US EPA Duluth and BC Research Vancouver 1979
- Teaching in Poland (1986, 1987), Uruguay (1991, 1992, 1994), Kuwait (1995)
- Member of Editorial Board of Aquatic Toxicology 2001- 2009
- Member of Editorial Board and Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal: Aquatic
Ecosystem Health and Management 1991-
- Director of Studies for the Environmental Science Program 1995-2006
- Director of Studies for the Department of Applied Environmental Science 2001-2006
- Deputy Director for the Institute of Environmental Science and Conservation 2003-2006
- Chairman of SIS TK 426 (Biological methods for determination of water quality), Standardization Commission in Sweden 1991 -
- Chairman of ISO/TC 147/SC 5/WG 3 Toxicity to fish 1994 -
- Convenor of CEN/TC 230/WG 2/TG 4 Fish monitoring 1996 -
- Member of Board for Sustainability, Universeum 2006-
- Environmental co-ordinator for Göteborg Marine Research Board (GMF) 1998-2000
- Local host and co-chair for the First International Symposium on Sediment Quality Assessment in Göteborg, Sweden in 1994 and member of planning and scientific committee for subsequent International Symposia on Sediment Quality Assessment (2nd Pallanza, Italy 1996, 3rd Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1998, 4th Otsu, Shiga, Japan 2000, 5th Chicago, USA 2002, 6th Antwerpen, Belgium 2004)
- Co-chair and editor for a Symposium on Oxygen deficiency in the sea (Syrebrist i havet) held at Kristineberg and published in 2000
- Local host for CEN/TC230 annual meeting in Göteborg 2006
- LOC chair and SC vice chair for SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Göteborg 2009
- Steering Committee, LOC and SC for Symposium on LakeVänern (SOLVE), Vänersborg 2011