1 /
Welcome & Apologies
/ The Chair noted apologies fromAlan Volkaerts, Jaguar Land Rover and Chris Webster, Miller Construction / Noted / - / Secretariat2 /
Notes/Matters Arising from the last meeting –29th November 2013
/ Draft Notes / Matters arising from the last meeting – 29th November 2013The Board agreed the draft notes. Matters arising from the previous agenda:
Branding Greater Birmingham – Task & Finish group meeting to be held in February. S Staffs were asked if they wanted to nominate a representative to attend.
Investing in Future Skills – Paragraph 11 – a revised proposal has been submitted to Greg Clark, Minister for Cities
Inward Investment – the work to create an aligned function is being taken forward by Business Birmingham, Economic Development officers and Finance Directors. / Noted
A representative to be nominated by S Staffs
Noted / -
ASAP / -
S Staffs Leaders
3 / Strategy for Growth -KPIs Performance Dashboard
Agree the final structure for KPI report; and
Decide on the methodology used for measuring the KPIs. / Noted revised KPI Dashboard which had been amended following feedback from November Board.
Agreed the methodology used for measuring the KPIs and the final structure for KPI report. / Noted
Mike Swift(Economic, Research Policy Officer)to attend next meetingto provide clarity ondifferences between baseline and current figures and to explore RAG ratings further. / 21stMarch (Next LEP Board) / Mike Swift/LEP Secretariat
4 / Strategic Economic Plan – Update / Noted the draft Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) submitted to Government on 19th December
Agreed the inclusion of HS2, Enterprise Belt, Economic Zones, UK Central and the inclusion of Curzon St area subject to masterplan presentation as game changers in the SEP.
Agreed the methodology for appraising packages of interventions as set out in the SEP.
Noted critical areas of work to be taken forward between January and March 2014
Agreed that KPMG should continue to support the SEP’s development until March 2014.
Agreed a resource review to be undertaken to identify how the SEP will be delivered and demonstrate capacity to realise/ ambitions to Government. / Officers &KPMG to incorporate Government and Board feedback into SEP to ensure that interventions ‘jump off’ the page.
Final SEP to include stronger focus on skills as part of the ‘People’ pillar and this should also integrated into the game changers narrative to ensure the benefits stand out.
Final SEP to strengthen references to business support and access to finance, including role of universities. Business support to be considered as a game changer.
KPMG to highlight metrics on jobs created as well as GVA, return on investment and addtionality.
Work to be undertaken.
KPMG to continue development of an evidence base and prioritisation of projects and bring to the next Board on 21st March
Officers to set up task and finish groupto explore options on capacity to deliver SEP. / January to March 2014
January to March 2014
January to March 2014
21 March 2014
Until March 2014
21 March 2014
March 2014 / Katie Trout/ Steve Hollis/ SEP Steering Group
Katie Trout/ Steve Hollis/ SEP Steering Group
Katie Trout/ Steve Hollis/ SEP Steering Group
Katie Trout/ Steve Hollis/ SEP Steering Group
Katie Trout/ Steve Hollis/ SEP Steering Group
Katie Trout/ Steve Hollis/ SEP Steering Group
5 / Draft European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy / Endorsed the ESIF strategy to date and agree the key areas of work. Noted update on JEREMIE
Agreed to delegate the final sign off of the strategy to the EU Investment Board.
Agreed approach for governance and management arrangements for the EU funding. Governance arrangements are currently a work in progress, need to progress high level of work in a short space of time.
Agreed to develop a further draft of the proposed and aligned EUSIF/SEP governance arrangements and bring to the June LEP Board meeting.
Agreed to be brought to LEP Board June meeting:
a)progress of the ESIF strategy
b)update onthe option for governance and management arrangements for the EU funding
c)the capacity of the LEP to deliver the ESIF
Agreed pursue the option for a ‘twin-track’ approach to developing a partnership based model business model with Government and pursuing ITI/IB status. / The EU Investment Board & theme task & finish groups to work on priorities e.g. business groups and low carbon to strengthen and enhance the strategy.
EU Investment Boardto sign off ESIF on 31st January and submit to BIS.
Officers to develop and bring proposed ESIF/SEP governance arrangements to next Board on 21st March
EU Investment Boardto bring reportson ESIF progress, governance and capacity to deliver to the LEP Board meeting on 20th June
Officers to develop Business Model whilst continuing to progress negotiations for an Integrated Territorial Investment/IB status and seek confirmation from Govt the ESIF will not be compromised by this. / End of January
End of January
March 2014
June 2014
- / EU Investment Board
EU Investment Board
EU Investment Board/LEP Funding Sub-groups/Thematic Task and Finish groups
EU Investment Board
EU Investment Board
6 / City Deal - GBS Finance / Notedgood progress of ITM and four elements of City Deal / Noted / - / LEP Secretariat
7 / Nominations Committee / Endorsed the extension of the term of office of the current Chair, Andy Street, for a further three years with a potential break clause if his circumstances change.
Endorsed the extension of the term of office of the current Deputy Chair, Steve Hollis, for a further three years.
Endorsed the extension of the term of office of Alan Volkaerts for a further three years to continue his role as Lead Board Director for Skills.
Agreed Wade Lyn to continue as an ambassador for the LEP and to support the small business and social enterprise.
Agreed that Anita Bhalla should be appointed to the Board to represent the creative and cultural sectors.
Consideration given which Board Director should champion ‘reducing regulation’.
Consideration to be given to representation of S Staffs districts and Social Enterprise on the LEP Board / LEP Secretariat to complete administration
LEP Secretariat to complete administration
LEP Secretariat to complete administration
Wade Lyn to continue as an ambassador for the LEP and to support the small business and social enterprise.
LEP Secretariat to complete administration
Board Director still to be identified to champion ‘reducing regulation’.
Nominations Committee to consider / 30 April 2014
30 April 2014
30 April 2014
30 April 2014
30 April 2014
Next meeting / LEP Secretariat
LEP Secretariat
LEP Secretariat
Wade Lyn
LEP Secretariat
Chair / LEP Secretariat
Noms Ctee
8 / LEP Resources / Noted officer resources the LEP has now been able to put in place to drive it's agenda.
Agreed further consideration to be given to the recruitment of a Programme Director role and the potential sources of funding for this post. Agreed to delegate authority to the Nominations Committee to take this forward.
Agreed to recruit a LEP Executive Officer to work on key sectors
Noted thanks to Mark Barrow for all the work he has done to support the LEP and for his role as Company Secretary / Noted
Nominations Committee to progress work to developa Programme Director role.
LEP secretariat to recruit a Sectors representative to LEP Executive and secure match funding for the post.
Noted / Prior to next Board on 21st March 2014
April / May 2014 / Nominations Committee
Katie Trout/LEP Secretariat
9 / Curzon St Masterplan proposals / Notedproposals on Curzon St Masterplan
Agreed to support the proposal and include it as a ‘game changer’ in the SEP / Develop proposals on Curzon St Masterplan and to link back to game changers discussion and include in the SEP. / 31st March / Katie Trout/ Steve Hollis/ SEP Steering Group
Waheed Nazir/ Simon Delahunty-Forrest
10 / HS2 – Update/Comms & Engagement Strategy / Agreed that Marketing Birmingham should lead on developing HS2 messages for the LEP with Go-HS2 for GBSLEP
Agreed that a strong, employer-led proposal, for the HS2 College to be located in the LEP areas needs to be developed and submitted to Government. / Key messages to be refined and additional support / ambassadors identified
Discussions on how to take this forward to be had between Christine Braddock, Andrew Cleaves and Mark Rogers / Ongoing
ASAP / Andrew Cleaves/ Marketing Birmingham
11 / Southern Staffordshire Enterprise Belt / Noted the Southern Staffordshire Growth and Investment Prospectus and in particular the significant contribution the Belt could make to the LEPs jobs and GVA targets.
Acknowledged the five challenges it outlines and measures to address them through / Noted
Noted / - / Jeff Marlow
12 / Social Enterprise Draft Findings / Noted the findings of the research undertaken on social enterprise. / Noted / - / Alun Severn
13 / Draft Carbon Road Map / Noted the publication of the Birmingham Green Commission Carbon Roadmap.
Agreed Julia King to champion the Low Carbon agenda.
Agreed that a further report should be brought back to the next meeting. / -
Task and finish group to be established
Report to be prepared / 21stMarch 2014 / Sandy Taylor/Cllr. McKay
14 / Business Support Sign Posting Service / Notedprogress on the Business Support Signposting Service.
Notedupdates on funding and procurement issues related to this work. / Develop plan to pull work together and update at the next Board meeting in March. / March 2014 / Steve Hollis
15 / Update on BirminghamScienceCity and its support for the Innovation strand of the GBS LEP Growth Strategy / Noted the significant achievements of Birmingham Science City (BSC) in the last two years, the BSC priorities and linkage to SEP and to actively promote BSC. / BSC to input into the SEP and the ESIF and work on the skills priorityand link to the innovation priority to support the delivery of the ‘Innovation’ strand. / January ESIF/March SEP / Pam Waddell, BSC
16 / LEP Budget Monitoring Update / Noted LEP budget position to date and fact that Growing Places Funding will soon start to be recycled.
Agreed delegated authority to LEP Secretariat to lead on Core Fund application for £250k and indentify match funding t / Noted
LEP Secretariat to lead on Core Fund application for 250k and indentify match funding to pay towards team costs. / - / Katie Trout/LEP Secretariat
17 / Communications & Engagement / Noted communications activity during the last two months covering general external/press activity and future communications opportunities / Matt Danks to progress update on Growing Places. / Week commencing 20.01.2014 / Matt Danks
18 / Notes of Meetings:
a)Access to Finance –
b)Planning Sub group
c)Other notes
CreativeCity / Noted / - / -
19 / AOB / No other business was raised / - / - / All
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