AP U.S. HistoryChapter 21 Summary: America and the Great War
- Roosevelt Corollary
a.U.S. would intervene in Latin-American affairs to maintain economic and political ______
b.Applied to
i.Dominican Republic: Fallen behind in debt payments
ii.______: Civil unrest
- Dollar Diplomacy
a.Political influence would follow increased U.S. trade and ______investment
i.Central America (railroads, mines, plantations)
ii.Haiti (keep out foreign funds)
b.Contrasts with ______big stick policy
- American Presence in the Caribbean
i.The U.S. helps Panama revolt against ______
ii.Panama declares independence: U.S. recognizes
iii.Construction of Panama ______
- Over 5,000 laborers perished
- Greatly reduced time required to travel by ship
- Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy
a.Condemned Imperialism
i.Latin American countries
ii.Only trade with countries that had American ______
b.Mexican Revolution
i.______diplomacy fails
ii.U.S. invades Mexico but falls short of war
- World War I Begins
a.Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
b.Wilson pushes for American ______
i.German/Irish-Americans side with Central Powers
ii.Other Americans identify with Great Britain and France
iii.Economic interest with ______
- The U.S. Prepares for War
a.Germany declares waters around the British Isles to be a war zone
i.German ______sink Lusitania & Sussex
- Wilson threatens break in diplomatic relations with Germany
b.National Defense Act ______size of U.S. army
c.Not all Americans support preparations
d.Zimmerman Note intercepted
i.German-Mexican alliance against U.S.
ii.______tool for U.S. entry into the war
e.The Germans resume ______submarine warfare
i.Heavy American death toll
ii.Wilson signs declaration of war on April 6, 1917
- Selling the War in the U.S.
a.Committee of Public Information
i.Created to organize public opinion
ii.Posters, films, books, ______the war
- America as a unified ______community
- Crusade for peace and freedom
- Negative campaign against ______
b.Selective Service Act introduced
- The War Itself
a.More Americans die due to disease than to combat
b.______warfare slows pace of war
c.More Americans fight in France
- An Uneasy Peace
a.The ______Points
i.Set new national boundaries in Europe
ii.Principles of international conduct
iii.League of Nations
b.Treaty of ______
i.Harsh against Germany
ii.Not ratified by the U.S.
iii.U.S. did not join the ______
- Results of the War
i.American businesses expand and gain ______--
ii.Taxes on income/profits become major source of revenue
b.AFL labor ______increases in power
i.Demand for workers increase
ii.Better wages and working conditions
iii.National War Labor Board
i.Radical IWW weakens
iii.Sacco and ______
- Women’s Rights
a.Lose jobs to returning ______-
i.Most retain white collared jobs
ii.Fewer work in manufacturing/domestic service
b.Nineteenth Amendment ratified
i.Women allowed to vote nationwide
ii.______uses radical tactics
c.Eighteenth Amendment ratified
i.National ban on ______drinks
ii.Stimulus for organized crime
- Repression and Reaction
a.Espionage Act
i.Government tool for ______of antiwar sentiment
ii.FBI organized to enforce act
iii.Supreme Court endorses restrictions on speech
b.Great Migration
i.Movement of millions of African Americans to North during & after WWI
ii.Fueled by ______in South and job openings in North