The Kingdom Awareness Part 4
(The Seed of the Woman)
We will study two views:
1.The Seed of the Woman
2.The Seed of the Kingdom
Genesis 3:8-15, KJV
- God pronounced a sentence first on the serpent and then on the devil who had used the serpent by putting it into the dust. He never cursed Adam and Eve.
- God's words to Satan were the first announcement of the coming Redeemer.
- To God's old covenant people, Genesis 3:15 was a beacon of hope.
Galatians 4:1-5, NIV
1.To Satan, it was God's declaration of war, climaxing in his condemnation…
Romans 16:20, NIV
- God bruises Satan’s head to destroy his power and lordship over mankind, turning them from his power unto God.
Acts 26:17-18, NIV
2.To Eve, it was the assurance that she was forgiven and that God would use a woman to bring the Redeemer into the world…
1 Timothy 2:13-15, NIV
A.The seed of the woman was the prophetic declaration which God sentenced Satan to his doom and redeemed man to his salvation.
Galatians 4:1-6, NIV
1.The offspring ("seed") of the serpent and of the woman represent Satan's family and God's family.
Matthew 13:24-30, NIV
- Jesus states clearly that Satan has "children;" people who profess to be true believers but who are actually counterfeits.
- This parable reveals that wherever God "plants" a true child of the kingdom, Satan comes along and plants a counterfeit.
- The two grow together and won't be separated until the harvest at the end of age.
2.The devil plants people in the church who depend on their own religious self-righteousness to get them into heaven. The Pharisees were “children of the devil” according to John the Baptist.
Matthew 3:5-10, NIV
3.The children of the devil have obvious characteristics that differ from the children of God.
John 8:42-45, NIV, Matthew 23:33, NIV
B.The seed of the Kingdom is the Word of God manifested from the seed of the woman.
John 1:1, NIV, John 1:14, NIV
InJohn 1:1, 14, ‘Word’ in the Greek is logos (log'-os); from the word leg-o, which means something said (including the thought); it also has an implication of (a spoken or written expression), it also refers to the reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive of the person who is thinking or speaking.
- The Word of God is referred to as ‘the sword of the Spirit’ and is to be used as a weapon. It is a vital part of the armor provided for us in battle.
Ephesians 6:17, NIV
- Here, ‘Word’ in the Greek is rhema which is ‘discourse’ or communication, the (spoken Word) and has influence on those who hear the Word with their spirit, not their mind.
1.The seed in the Word is life to those who hear the Word and believe the Word. The devil is trying to hinder us from receiving the Word in our hearts.
Matthew 13:18-23, NIV
2.The seed in the Wordtransformsus from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God.
Hebrews 4:2, NIV
- The Word preached to them was not mixed with faith; therefore, the Word did not profit them.
Hebrews 4:2, The Living Bible
- ‘Mixed with’ refers to something commingled, combined, or assimilated.
When the Word or (seed) is mixed with ‘faith’ it begins the germination process and evolves into power called dunamis(doo'-nam-is) as referred to in Acts 1:8.
This is a power which produces after its kind a special miraculous power for miracles.
The seed of the Kingdom is a direct link to the seed of the woman. God prophetically declared that man’s redemption would be a woman’s seed which would turn into Satan’s demise. The seed became flesh and the spoken Word of God gives life to everyone who believes and transforms them from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God.