DRAFT Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of the Faculty Congress
May 6, 2002
Results of the Elections for the Membership of the Faculty Congress 2002-2004:
University Senators
Arts: Richard Jacobs, Susan Mackey-Kallis, Emmet McLaughlin, Beverly Kahn
C&F: Debra Arvanites, Sohail Chaudhry
Engineering: Bijan Mobasseri, James Peyton Jones
Law: Howard Lurie
Nursing: Joyce Willens
Science: Lillian Cassel, Douglas Norton
Academic Policy Committee
A&S Group I: Evan Radcliffe, Salvatore Poeta
A&S Group II: Lillian Cassel, Beverly Kahn
A&S Group III: Mark Sullivan, Emmet McLaughlin
A&S Group IV: Janice Knepper, Farid Zamani
A&S Group V: Edward Enright, Susan Mackey-Kallis
Engineering: Edward Kresch, Bijan Mobasseri
Nursing: Nancy Sharts-Hopko, Joyce Willens
C&F: Wayne Bremser, Debra Arvanites
Committee on Faculty
A&S Group I: Karyn Hollis
A&S Group II: Douglas Norton
A&S Group III: Jeffrey Johnson
A&S Group IV: Joseph Schick
A&S Group V: Sheryl Bowen
Engineering: Hashem Ashrafiuon, James Peyton-Jones
Law: Howard Lurie
Nursing: Linda Copel, Elaine Beletz
C&F: Sohail Chaudhry, Eugene Kroch, plus one vacancy
At-Large Faculty Congress Seats
Lowell Gustafson
Michael Hones
Walter Conn
Rick Eckstein
Victor Brooks
Eileen Berens
Robert Styer
Adjunct Faculty Representatives
Margaret Boerner
Trudy Graves
Retired Faculty Representative
Julia Paparella
The meeting began at 2:30 pm in SAC 300 with a welcome to the members and each member introducing him or herself.
1. Dr. Susan Mackey-Kallis briefly summarized the results of the organizational meeting of the University Senate. She was elected as the new Chairperson of the Senate. The faculty members of the Senate Executive Committee are Drs. Richard Jacobs and Sohail Chaudhry.
2. Dr. Burke Ward was nominated for chair, and Dr. Richard Jacobs was nominated as the Vice-chair. Nominations were closed, and they were declared elected.
3. Dr. Walter Conn was nominated for Secretary, and Dr. Edward Kresch was nominated as Treasurer. Nominations were closed, and they were declared elected. Dr. Burke Ward will pursue the issue of replacing our previous recording secretary, Margaret King, with the VPAA.
4. Dr. Jeffrey Johnson was nominated as Chair of the Committee on Faculty. Nominations were closed and he was declared elected.
5. Profs. Nancy Sharts-Hopko, Trudy Graves, Michael Hones, Beverly Kahn, and Debra Arvanites were nominated for the Executive Committee of the Congress. Nominations were closed and they were declared elected. Ex-officio members are Burke Ward, Richard Jacobs, Walter Conn, Edward Kresch, Susan Mackey-Kallis, and Jeffrey Johnson.
6. The chairship of the Academic Policy Committee was discussed at length. With all due appreciation for the hard work that Dr. Johannes has invested as chair this past year, the generally short notice of the meeting agenda led some persons to suggest that we should caucus to nominate a faculty member. The APC members agreed to nominate Dr. Debra Arvanites as chair when the APC has its first meeting. Some persons suggested that we contact the other members of the APC to solicit their support for this nomination.
7. Salary, Benefits and Terms and Conditions of Employment Committee: The Vice-Chair, Dr. Richard Jacobs, is automatically chair of this committee. Per the motion passed at the previous Congress meeting, the Adjunct Committee appointed John Groch to be its representative on this committee. The other members appointed were: Michael Hones, Bijan Mobasseri, Eileen Berens.
8. Drs. Hashem Ashrafiuon, Sohail Chaudhry, Emmet McLaughlin, Salvatore Poeta, Robert Styer, and Joyce Willens were appointed to the Elections and Credentials Committee.
9. The Executive Committee must appoint an editor for the Facultas Newsletter. Volunteers are encouraged to contact the executive committee.
10. Tentative dates for the Fall semester:
Faculty Congress meetings 4:00 to 5:15 pm:
Monday Sept 9 Radnor-St-Davids
Tuesday Oct 8 Cinema
Monday Nov 4 Cinema
Tuesday Dec 3 Radnor-St-Davids
Executive Committee Meetings 1:30-2:45 pm:
Tuesday August 27, Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19.