School Name: Big Creek Elementary
Due 1/12/18 to Support Director
/Step 1: Review 16-17 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 2: Executive Summary
Step 3: School Improvement Plan
___ CCPRI Goal
___ Academic/Instructional Goal
___ Climate Goal
/ Step 4: Continuous, Job-Embedded Prof. Learning Plan
Step 5 (End of the Year): 17-18 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 6: Data Team Reflection
2018 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goals / Learner Profile
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Big Creek Elementary will increase or maintain our CCRPI score in the area of progress points. / X
X / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / ●Technology
●Teaching & Learning
●Special Education
●Student Support Services
Academic / Instructional Goal
Big Creek Elementary will increase our school mean student growth percentile (SGP). / X
X / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / ●Technology
●Teaching & Learning
●Special Education
●Student Support Services
Climate Goal
Big Creek Elementary will increase our CCRPI climate rating from a four start to a five-star climate rating. / X
X / Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively / ●Student Support Services
●School Safety & Discipline
●Teaching & Learning
* FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance, Food & Nutrition Services, Human Resources, Operations, Public Information & Communications, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation
2018 School Improvement Plan
Big Creek Elementary will maintain or increase our CCRPI in the area of progress points.
Increase the percent of students receiving typical or high growth for ELA in grades 4 and 5 from 70% to 72% as measured by the Milestones End of Grade Assessment in April 2018.
Increase the percent of students receiving typical or high growth for MATH in grades 4 and 5 from 75% to 77% as measured by the Milestones End of Grade Assessment in April 2018.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Data analysis of interim pretests/ posttest, previous SGP, Write Score, and 16-17 EOG Milestone assessment data. / If teachers effectively use assessment data for differentiated grouping and targeted instruction, students will make greater academic gains in the areas of Reading/ELA and Math. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Administrators
●Classroom Teachers
●Support Staff
Collaboration with support programs such as EIP, Gifted, ESOL, and SPED.
RTI teachers will provide interventions to target students in grades 3, 4, and 5 in the areas of ELA/ Math. / If interventions and extensions are provided to at-risk and exceptional learners, then those students will attain typical or high growth.
If teachers collaborate with support programs and provide interventions and extensions to at-risk and exceptional learners then all students will spend more time learning at their instructional level and attain typical or high growth. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Classroom Teachers
●RTI Personnel
●Instructional Coaches
Provide students with differentiated independent activities during Language Arts/ Math Instruction including through the use of itslearning. / If students are provided with differentiated independent activities during ELA/ Math instruction focused on their strengths and deficit areas, their level of engagement and concept understanding will increase. If teachers utilize research-based instructional strategies and resources, then student growth will increase. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Instructional Coach
●Teaching and Learning
● Classroom Teachers
Provide job-embedded professional learning throughout the year focused on ELA/ Math resources and instructional strategies targeted at moving students to the next achievement level band on the GA Milestones assessment. / If teachers are provided with differentiated professional learning focused on ELA/ Math resources/ instructional strategies beneficial to students at multiple instructional levels, then they will be able to add to their instructional “tool kit” to meet the needs of all learners and move them forward. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●PLCs- Teacher Leaders and Teachers, T & L
●Instructional Coach
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Data Team Meetings, PLC minutes, review of scores on formative and summative assessments, professional learning, administrative meetings, progress monitoring, Write Score and interim assessments.
Academic / Instructional Goal:
Big Creek Elementary will increase our mean SGP from 54% to 56% by focusing on ELA instruction.
Increase the percent of students in grades K-3 who meet or exceed the end of the year reading benchmark as measured by the Fountas and Pinnell assessment system from 90% to 92% in May of 2018.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Data analysis of F & P assessments. / If teachers use data to ensure students are reading appropriate text that match their instructional levels, then students will attain high growth in Reading. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Administrators
●Classroom Teachers
●Support Staff
●Instructional Coach
Teachers will maintain a balanced literacy approach in their classrooms on a daily basis. / If teachers focus on a balanced literacy approach to classroom ELA instruction, then students will consistently receive instruction on their level resulting in deeper level of understanding. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Classroom teachers
●Instructional Coach
Teachers will provide students with quality differentiated independent activities including the use of itslearning on a regular basis. / If students are provided with differentiated independent activities during ELA instruction focused on their strengths and deficit areas, their level of engagement and concept understanding will increase. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Classroom teachers
●Instructional Coach
Provide job-embedded professional learning throughout the year focused on ELA resources and instructional strategies targeted at moving students to higher reading levels. / If teachers are provided with differentiated professional learning focused on ELA resources/ instructional strategies beneficial to students at multiple instructional levels, then they will be able to add to their instructional “tool kit” to meet the needs of all learners and move them forward. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●PLCs- Teacher Leaders and Teachers, T & L
●Instructional Coach
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
F & P assessments, Data Team Meetings, PLC minutes, Classroom Observations, Professional Learning
Climate Goal:
Big Creek Elementary will increase our CCRPI climate rating from a four-star to a five-star climate rating.
The percentage of students responding favorably on the Georgia Student Health Survey 2.0 will increase from 78 to 80 as measured by the CCRPI School Climate Survey component in January of 2018.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Implementation of Wildcat recognition program. / If students are recognized through the Wildcat Recognition Program then they will continue to make choices that have a positive impact on their school experience. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Administration
●Front Office Staff
●Classroom Teachers
Implementation of specific lessons that focus on social/ emotional standards. / If students participate in anti-bullying and positive behavior lessons then they will make positive choices in their interactions with peers and maximize enjoyment of their school experience. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Counselor
●Classroom Teachers
Internal and external communication regarding celebrating accomplishments. / If student achievements are celebrated in various ways, they will be more likely to strive to make more accomplishments at school. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●News Crew
●Facebook Managers
●Front Office Staff responsible for school newsletter
Implementation of a STEM Day and STEM lessons. / If students participate in STEM activities, they will be more engaged in their learning and will think learning is exciting at Big Creek. / January 2018-May 2018
August 2018- December 2018 / ●Classroom Teachers
●Instructional Coaches
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
SEL lessons, STEM Lessons, Wildcat Recognition Programs, and CCRPI surveys.
Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Our professional learning goal is to provide teachers with high quality professional development that will have direct application on their instructional practices and personal professional learning goals resulting in increased student achievement.
Specifically, this year we are focused on providing professional learning that address:
●Implementation of balanced literacy program.
●Implementation of personalized activities
●Implementation of high order activities, PBL, and STEM.
●Integration of technology in the classroom.
Timeline: Dates and Times
(Add/modify as needed; however, there is no need to total contact hours.) / Professional Learning Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
Weekly / Grade Level Meetings / If teachers choose and participate in personalized professional learning during staff meetings, they will learn strategies to implement in their classroom and students will be engaged in math, ELA, and writing.
If teachers participate in technology training they will learn new programs to implement or new ways to use familiar resources in order to meet the needs of their students and move them to higher levels of student engagement and achievement.
If teachers participate in training geared toward student engagement, they will learn strategies to increase student ownership and participation. / Progress Points, SGP, Climate
September 19th / Faculty Meeting: Personalized Professional Learning Sessions- Google Classroom, Guided Reading, Writing, SeeSaw, Number Talks, Science Resources, / Progress Points, SGP
October 11th / Appy Hour Technology Training: Nearpod / Progress Points, SGP
October 20th / System DCD Day : Multiple Sessions / Progress Points, SGP
October 24 / Appy Hour Technology Training: Padlet / Progress Points, SGP
November 7th / Appy Hour Technology Training: Myon / Progress Points, SGP
November 14th / Faculty Meeting: Instructional Resources / Progress Points, SGP
November 29th / Appy Hour Technology Training: GradeCam / Progress Points, SGP
December 7th / Itslearning Training: SchoolCity / Progress Points, SGP
December 12th / Appy Hour Technology Training: QR Codes / Progress Points, SGP
January 10th / Itslearning Training: ExamView / Progress Points, SGP
January 23rd / Faculty Meeting: Personalized Professional Learniing Sessions- Tech Tools, Writing, Breakout Boxes, Self-Assessment Data Notebooks, Literature Circles, Choice boards, and / Progress Points, SGP
January 29th / SIOP Training: Best Practices / Progress Points, SGP
February 13th / Faculty Meeting: Interim Training / Progress Points, SGP
February 15th / Itslearning Training: AKO/ Grade Cam / Progress Points, SGP
February 20th / System DCD Training : Multiple Sessions / Progress Points, SGP
February 28th / Lunch N Learn Professional Development: Tech tools for Writing- Wonderopolis, Book Creator, Scholastic Story Starters / Progress Points, SGP
March 21st / Lunch N Learn Professional Development: Tech tools for SS/Sci- Virtual Field Trips, Nearpod VR, Skype session opportunities / Progress Points, SGP
March 27th / Faculty Meeting: EOG / Progress Points, SGP
May 2nd / Lunch N Learn Professional Development: Enrichment activities- Project Based Learning for SS/Sci, Critical Thinking through Literature Circles in K-3, Math Enrichment through Problem-Based Creations / Progress Points, SGP
2017-18 School Improvement Plan Reflection
Please provide a short reflection summary for each goal listed below. (Did you meet your goals? Why or why not? What were your strengths / weaknesses? Did you monitor your goals throughout the year? If so, then how? Did you revise your goals throughout the year? If so, then why? What can be improved?)
Academic / Instructional Goal
Climate Goal
Data Teams Reflection
Impact on Instruction/Achievement:
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