Database Programming - Study Guide Sections 7-8

Name ______Date ______

Directions: answer each question.

1.  A DML statement is executed when….?

2.  A transaction consists of…?

3.  How many rows can be added at one time with the INSERT statement?

4.  Is data added to a table with the INSERT statement in order of the columns in the table?

5.  What is the implicit method of adding a null value?

6.  What is the explicit method of adding a null value?

7.  Does the SYSDATE function record the current date and time? What if you only want the date?

8.  If a column is not listed in the INSERT statement, that column value is…?

9.  The INSERT statement can add rows to a table where the values are derived from existing tables. In place of the VALUES clause, what is used?

10.  Does the number of columns and their data types in the column list of the INSERT clause have to match the number of values and their data types in the subquery?

11.  Can more than one row be updated at one time?

12.  Can the update operation be confirmed? How?

13.  When a DELETE statement is issued, what happens to the table?

14.  If an attempt to delete a record with a value that is tied to another table, what happens?

15.  What statement provides the ability to update or insert data into a database table?

16.  What two statements are combined to makeup the MERGE statement?

17.  A database transaction consists of one of the following?

18.  A database transaction ends with one of the following events?

19.  What are the advantages of COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements?

20.  What statements are used to control the logic of transactions?

21.  What is a Marker?

22.  An automatic commit occurs under what circumstances?

23.  An automatic rollback occurs under what circumstances?

24.  Can all viewers view the database changes after a COMMIT?

25.  Who can view the database changes before a COMMIT?

26.  What is the purpose of read consistency?

27.  What is the purpose of locking?

102 / Smith / Luke / lsmith / 2500
103 / Jones / Nancy / njones / 3000
104 / Davis / Madison / mdavis / 3000
105 / Sammes / Joan / jsammes / 2800
106 / Roberts / Cameron / croberts / 3500

28.  Write a query to populate the table PERSON with the above list.

29.  Confirm the addition to the table PERSON.

30.  Change the last name of employee ID 105 to SAMM.

31.  Make the data addition permanent.

32.  Empty the entire table.

Oracle Academy 1 1-May-2005