
“The Pedestrian” Imagery and Mood

Watch the video of “The Pedestrian.” When the video stops, refer to your mood word list. Identify 3words that describe how the video made you feel.

1. This video makes me feel ______, ______, and ______.

2. What aspects or elements of the video helped you determine the mood? Think about the lighting, pacing, color scheme, music, sound effects, transitions, etc. Choose at least 3specific examples from the video that you think support one of the mood words you listed above. Be sure you explain why you think that cinematic element creates that emotional effect (mood) in you.

Skills Review

Imagery: language that appeals to the senses. (see, taste, touch, hear, smell)

Diction: refers to the WORD CHOICE that is used by the author.

The choices an author makes with imagery or diction enhances the mood, among other things, of a piece of literature.

Now let’s go back to the text of the story. Imagery and diction can be used to determine the mood of a piece of literature just like cinematic elements can determine the mood of a film. “The Pedestrian” is full of sensory details or imagery – descriptions that relate to the five senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch).

3. Find three examples of sensory description/imagery on the first page, left column of “The Pedestrian.” Stop where the text says “he went on, smelling its rusty smell.” List the sense you think the image appeals to in the left column, and then list the quote.

Sense (sight, smell, hearing, taste or touch) / Imagery quote from text (with citation)
Ex: hearing / “He listened to the faint push of his soft shoes through autumn leaves with satisfaction” (Bradbury 1).

4. Using the sensory details from the chart, choose two mood words todescribe this section.


5. The next two columns of text (right column on page one and the left column on page 2)of “The Pedestrian” contain a shift in mood. What is the mood at the beginning of the right column on page 1? Give two examples of sensory imagery that support your choice.

Mood = ______

Imagery Example #1:

Imagery Example #2:

6. What is the mood at the end of the left column on page 2? Give two examples of sensory imagery that support your choice.

Mood = ______

Imagery Example #1:

Imagery Example #2:

7. When does this shift in mood occur (give a plot event or quote in your answer)?

8. What is the mood at the conclusion of the story? Give three examples of diction (word choice) that set this mood.

Mood = ______

Diction Example #1:

Diction Example #2:

Diction Example #3: