The results of your child’s eye test
The information in this form will help everyone to understand your child’s eye sight, eye health and their visual strengths and limitations. This form includes your child’s glasses prescription, a copy should be kept with your child’s health records and support plan in school.
Section 1 – Details of childChild’s name and
date of birth:
Section 2 – Dates of the eye test
Date of this test: / Click here to enter a date. /
Recommended date
of next test: / Click here to enter a date. /
Section 3 – Additional detail about the eye test
Where did the test take placeand who was present?
What was already known about eyes and vision?
Did anyone have questions about eyes and vision?
Section 4 – Assessors
Whom is this report from?
Who is getting a copy of this report?
Section 5 – Summary
Include here strengths and limitations
e.g. NAME worked really hard today. Our tests show that NAME’s eyes are healthy and he uses his two eyes together in a coordinated way. NAME needs glasses. They should be worn all the time and will help him see better. However, even with the glasses on his high and low contrast vision is reduced and this needs to be considered in the classroom or he will miss out on important information.
Glasses needed / Choose an item.
Modifications to classroom / schoolwork needed / Choose an item.
e.g. Reading and writing materials need to be larger and bolder We have included examples of the size of letter/pictures/PECs NAME can easily see as a guide for you.
Asoft dark pencil (e.g. 8B) or a black marker pen should help NAME with writing/drawing.
Black on white information will be more visible than grey or pale colours on white.
Presenting one thing at a time (isolated presentation) is important
NAME needs to sit close to the smartboard and be allowed to get close to what he needs to see.
Education Health and Care Plan should include
information about vision needs / Choose an item.
Child is eligible for certification as visually impaired / Choose an item.
If yes, is certification in place? / Choose an item.
GP action required(please see below) / Choose an item.
Another specialist needs to see this child (please see below) / Choose an item.
Insert here clear instructions for GP for referral or action required by another professional with regard to this child, including QTVI
E,g, We found evidence for cerebral visual impairment and NAME would benefit from assessment and input from a QTVI
Section 6 – We tested to see if glasses are needed
We were able to test for glasses today / Choose an item.
Glasses are needed / Choose an item.
Why are glasses needed?
Long-sightedness (hyperopia) / Choose an item.
Short-sightedness (myopia) / Choose an item.
Astigmatism / Choose an item.
Poor focus / Choose an item.
We measured for focusing accuracy / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Summary of accomm result and how it relates to refractive error
e.g. NAME does not focus accurately on near objects when she is not wearing glasses. This problem may be solved by the glasses that we are going to give NAME and we will assess her focus again when she is wearing them.
We gave a prescription for glasses / Choose an item.
T / Sph / Cyl / Axis / Prism / Sph / Cyl / Axis / Prism / L
What are these glasses for?
Choose an item.
Please see SeeAbility website for more information about Wearing Glasses: 7 – Results of the vision tests we did today
Visual acuity describes how well a person sees black on white detail with glasses if needed.
The vision results were:
Technical details of vision tests
e.g. no formal measure of vision possible.
Where formal measure obtained include here e.g. R and L 0.2logMAR @3m with glasses
Visual acuity for looking at things in the distance:
This was tested today / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
NAME has extremely limited vision. He responds to light and dark, but we do not think he consistently sees shapes and detail.
Visual acuity for looking at things close up:
This was tested today / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
NAME has extremely limited vision. He responds to light and dark, but we do not think he consistently sees shapes and detail.
We have included examples that this child should easily see
See Ulster Vision Resources for more examples / Choose an item.
Binocular vision and eye movements:
(How well the eyes work together- is there a squint or nystagmus?)
This was tested today / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
e.g. NAME’s left eye turns in . This is a long-standing eye turn (squint) and does not require action. Because the left eye turns inNAME uses her right eye to see and she does not have 3D vision.
Visual field:
(How well they can see things to the side of their central vision)
This was tested today / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
e.g. NAME does not see things to the right side of his vision. This ties in with the weakness on the left side of his body.
Contrast sensitivity:
(How well objects are seen against different backgrounds)
This was tested today / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
e.g. NAME’s low contrast vision is poorer than expected for his age.
Cerebral visual impairment (CVI):
(Visual difficulties caused by problems in the brain rather than the eyes)
Signs of CVI? / Choose an item.
Section 8 – Results of the eye health check
The health of the eyes – inside and out:
This was checked today / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
The child needs to see another specialist about their eye health (see below) / Choose an item.
e.g. NAME has a cataract in his left eye. This has not been noticed before and he needs to see an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) about this.
Section 9 – Technical details for other health professionals
Visual acuity (test)
Refractive error (with/without cycloplegia):
Accommodative function (dynamic ret):
Ocular posture and eye movement assessment (incl. nystagmus):
Contrast sensitivity (test):
Visual field (test):
CVI (key questionsscore):
Other tests:
Eye health exam (method):
1SeeAbility is the operating name of The Royal School for the Blind founded in 1799. Registered CharityNumber 255913 © SeeAbility 2015.Developed in partnership with Ulster University. No part of this document can be altered or changed without permission.