TEACHER: Miss Andrea King Ms Nancy Donaldson Miss Melissa Sampson
Boats and Ropes Summer Garden
Sally Bassett Richard Turner
Collograph Acrylic/Gouache on Board
15.5 by 10 inches 50 x 49 cm
Eye Witness
Rachel White
Colored Felt Pen
- Time will be given in class however students must also work on this assignment for homework.
- Read the task sheet carefully and complete all sections to achieve your best possible mark.
- Your responses must be your own work.
- The Visual Diary - Art Process and Practical Major Folio must be presented appropriately on submission. This includes the task sheet glued at the beginning of the relevant section in your Visual Diary.
- Specific artist/artworks investigated and referred to in your Visual Diary, should be appropriately labeled, documented and presented.
- All process/experimentation, Minor works, etc must be submitted in conjunction with your Major Folio.
- Unless extension has been approved by the Head of Department, no less then 3 days prior to the final assessment due date, work must be submitted by the due date. If you are absent on the due date, a medical certificate must be provided to substantiate the late submission of this assessment.
Visual Arts
Experimental Folio
Mark Making
Core Curriculum Elements Addressed
Equates to 1/3 of the Application and Visual Literacy Grade
DATE ISSUED: Week Beginning ………………………………….
MONITORING DATES: Week Beginning …………………………
DUE DATE: Week Beginning ……………………………………… / TOTAL TIME ALLOCATION
Student Name: ______Music Industry College
criterion / standard A / standard B / standard C / standard D / standard EVisual Literacy
Level of Achievement
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
- Astute defining and creative resolution of visual problems that expressively and innovatively address the concepts, chosen focuses, contexts and media
- astute defining and creative resolution of visual problems that expressively and innovatively address the concepts, chosen focuses, contexts and media
- defining and resolution of visual problems relevant to concepts, chosen focus, contexts and media
- some defining of visual problems and attempting of resolution relevant to concepts and suggested media
- attempted resolution of visual problems using media
- effective and deliberate communication of intended and explicit meanings, demonstrating aesthetic choices through manipulation and control of visual language and expression
- considered communication of intended and explicit meanings, demonstrating aesthetic choices through application of visual language and expression
- communication of meanings through use of visual language and expression, reflective of aesthetic choices
- replication and communication of meanings using visual language and expression
- use of images and/or objects
- research, development, resolution and reflection which consistently shows a creative, informed personal aesthetic.
- research, development, resolution and reflection which consistently shows an informed personal aesthetic
- research, development, resolution and reflection which shows a personal aesthetic.
- research and development achieving some resolution and minimal reflection.
- copied ideas and information
Level of Achievement/ The student work has the following characteristics:
- effective construction and clear communication of intended and explicit meaning applying deep knowledge and critical understanding of materials, technologies, techniques and processes
- credible construction and clear communication of intended meaning using and applying knowledge and understanding of materials, technologies, techniques and processes
- construction and communication of meaning using knowledge and understanding of materials, technologies, techniques and processes
- reproduction of meaning using some knowledge of materials, technologies, techniques and processes
- use of materials, technologies and techniques
- purposeful and considered selection, manipulation and exploitation of materials, technologies, techniques and processes informed by discerning research, development, resolution and reflection.
- selection, experimentation and manipulation of materials, technologies, techniques and processes informed by relevant research, development, resolution and reflection.
- selection, exploration and use of materials, technologies, techniques and processes informed by research, development, resolution and reflection.
- use of materials, technologies and techniques drawing on research, development, resolution and reflection.
Comments: ______
______Teacher/s: ______