College / School: IEC- International Student Support
Risk Assessment Title: Culture Challenge- trip to China
Location / Venue: / The trip has been organised by Joe Bloggs - IEC and will be to China- (Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin) / Trip (Summary): / Visit to China (Shanghai, Changsha, Beijing and Tianjin) to enable four students and one member of staff todiscover more about Chinese Culture and history by visiting famous landmarks and historical sites. Students will also be meeting partner institutions(such as Tianjin University) and give a talk about their experience of studying at Bangor University.The students will be accompanied by 1 IEC member of staff and with also be accompanied by BU staff in China.
Date of Trip: / From 21st March until 4th April / Name of Assessor: / Joe Bloggs
What are the hazards? / Who / what might be harmed? / Controls to be implemented / Action by whom
Trip Venue / Location - injuries, ill health if the venue is unsuitable or if activities are poorly managed /
- Students and staff
- Staff on situ (Beijing, Changsha and Shanghai) to review risks of the locations to be used and confirm suitability.
- IEC staff to ensure students are briefed about any specific site/location/activity risks and the controls needed to manage these.
Supervision / Personal Safety - injuries, ill health as a result of inadequate supervision /
- Students
- As a general ratio there will be 1 member of staff supervising 4 students.
- The member of staff has not visited China before but will receive additional briefingsbefore departure to prepare for the trip abroad from Joewho has previously led the China trips.
- The Foreign and Commonwealth Office travel advice will be monitored until departure with action taken as per its advice ie areas to avoid, cancelling trip
- Local advice will be sought following arrival regarding places to visit, places to avoid. However, it should be noted the majority of activities will be overseen by local guides arranged as part of Tour Operator booking
Flights - airline going bust/ not operating or travel agency not making correct bookings so there is a delay in travel, or travellers become stranded /
- Students and staff
- Booked flights with reputable travel agency (STA travel) which is also ATOL protected. Check details on the reservation and tickets to make sure they are correct.
- Take Department Credit Card (if available) as a back-up in an emergency.
- Remind students of DVT risks ie moving around during the flight to China, what to do if they experience health concerns after flying.
Travel (to airport / from airport / general travel once arrived) - accidents/ break down/ no show resulting in travellers being stranded /
- Students and others involved in the trip
- Only reputable companies will be used to provide airport transfers and other general travel following arrival.
- Public transport will be used as much as possible.
- Advice on suitable transport companies, public transport arrangements will be sought from local hosts, hotels etc.
- Students will be briefed about transport arrangements if planning to use during ‘free time’.
Accommodation - Ill health if low level of hygiene, or if with bugs etc /
- Students and staff
- Check the reputation/ ratings of accommodation prior to booking.
- Ask Luna to visually check the accommodation prior to arrival with an alternative sought if there is concern regarding the quality ie health and safety of the accommodation.
Food and Drink – ill health from drinking / eating contaminated items or items not cooked properly /
- Students and staff
- Travellers instructed they must not drink tap water.
- Students will be briefed on general considerations when purchasing food items, eating in restaurants, using street vendors etc.
Insurance (individual risk assessments) – theft, injuries, ill health worsening if there is a delay in treatment /
- Students and staff
- All travellers to complete the on-line University Insurance Form and risk assessment checklist.
- Joe to collect printed copies of the above Form from the students.
- Trip participants to be instructed about the limitations of University insurance and that they must arrange their own additional insurance cover if planning on undertaking higher risk activities during free time.
- IEC staff to double check before departure that travellers have relevant insurance paperwork with them (NOTE: Proof of insurance will be needed before medical treatment will be given.
Activities - visits to Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing sightseeing locations- /
- Students and staff
- Tours will be organised via reputable tour operators to established tourist sites. They are considered to be low risk – no additional risk assessment required.
- Students will be given advice regarding activities during free time ie tour operator details, staying in pairs as a minimum, appropriate methods of travelling around, places / activities to avoid, securing valuable items, checking they have means to contact someone and have relevant emergency contact details.
- Students will be reminded they must have arranged personal insurance cover if planning to undertake higher risk activities during free time.
- Students will be advised of activities that must not be undertaken during free time and actions that could cause offence eg photography in some areas is prohibited.
Information for students /
- Students and others involved in the trip
- Pre-travel briefing and detailed visit information will be provided by IEC staff.
- Any student with a known medical condition/ disability to provide relevant information in confidence to IEC staff if required.
Emergencies – action to take if an accident / incident happens during the trip /
- Students and staff
- Students advised to take an unlocked phone so they can purchase a SIM card on arrival in order to contact others during the trip.
- Contact details (eg phone numbers) for all travellers and for home based contacts ie Bangor University to be kept/provided to Group.
- Contact details for host organisation address / numbers and hotels being stayed in during the trip to be provided (in English and Chinese).
- IEC staff member will check students have means to contact others and know how to make calls in China before venturing off during free time.
- As a precaution students will be briefed in what action to take if the IEC staff member attending the trip becomes unwell / unavailable.
Lost participant – distress if someone gets lost /
- Students and staff
- See Emergencies above.
- Trip Registration Form listing all participants to be completed.
- A copy of the Trip Registration Form will be held by the IEC member of staff attending the trip. The location will also be made known to students.
- Local telephone numbers will be provided to ring in case of emergencies.
Ill Health / First Aid – someone being taken ill or adverse health affect if the person falling ill is not treated promptly /
- Students and staff
- See Insurance above.
- Emergency numbers for the Country will be taken and provided to the group.
- Travellers will be reminded to speak to a member of staff in confidence if they have health concerns that could affect their health and safety on the trip.
- Medical advice will be sought from Overseas Travel websites, Tour Operator regarding vaccinations, common ailments, medication that will be required eg malaria tablets.
- Travellers to be reminded to carry any prescription medicines if required during the trip.
- If needed IEC staff will check specific medical conditions/disabilities are sufficiently covered by University Insurance.
- Local advice eg hotels, hosts will be sought if medical attention is needed
China Trip - March 2015 Page 1 of 4