Planning Commission Minutes 12/22/09
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Town of Boonsboro
21 North Main Street
Boonsboro, Maryland 21713
Telephone: (301) 432-5141
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Commission
PRESENT: Commission Members: Chairman Bob Snyder, Vice-Chairman W. Carvel Wright, Secretary Julie Green, David Ambrose, Thurston Faulder, Rob Maricle, and Kim Koerting
Staff Member: Megan Clark, Town Planner
Guests: Noah Mehrkam, King Road Associates
PRESIDING: Chairman Bob Snyder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Secretary Green made a motion to APPROVE the Meeting Minutes of the November 24, 2009 Planning Commission meeting with changes. Vice-Chairman Wright seconded the motion. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
Town Planner Clark gave a brief description of the proposed concept plan. She stated Phase I would extend existing Monument Drive to Main Street creating a new access across from the existing Mousetown Road Intersection with South Main Street. The concept plan proposes approximately 113 units with approximately 62 single family units and 51 townhomes on 30 acres. An Amended Annexation Agreement was approved by the Mayor and Council in February of 2009 which permits a total residential density of 656 units with 102 sewer taps being pre-purchased. Town Planner Clark stated the agreement also states construction of Warrior Boulevard will have to begin prior to any of the reserved sewer taps being issued. In addition, the agreement states the Planning Commission will determine and require an adequate buffer between the property and the adjacent cemetery lands.
Vice-Chairman Wright pointed out that the concept plan does not show Crestview, Section C nor the existing portion of Warrior Boulevard. Town Planner Clark stated the rest of the properties were not shown in full detail so the Commission could focus on the proposed Phase.
Chairman Snyder asked if the area of Phase I would change during the engineering stage of the development or if the density would change. Noah Mehrkam of King Road Associates stated that the concept plan does not account for stormwater design or required stream buffers; therefore it is likely that the density would change rather than the area which the development is proposed.
Commission Member Maricle commented on future phasing of the development and the necessity of including phasing plans, construction entrances, etc on plans.
Chairman Snyder commented on traffic considerations and Mr. Mehrkam stated preliminary discussions with State Highway Administration have begun.
Commission Member Maricle asked about school mitigation. Mr. Mehrkam said he hoped conversations would begin again after the holidays. Town Planner Clark also stated she had met with the new facilities planner with the Board of Education and informed him of the forthcoming development within the Town.
Town Planner Clark commented that the concept plan is very preliminary and is more likely to change when stormwater, buffers, and forest conservation are taken into account.
Commission Member Ambrose made a MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT PLAN Commission Member Koerting seconded the motion. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
Town Planner Clark stated a standard for Warrior Boulevard needed to be adopted and subsequently, she presented several different street standards to the Planning Commission. After a lengthy discussion, the Planning Commission decided that Warrior Boulevard should be built within an 80 foot right-of-way. The street will be a closed section with five (5) foot sidewalks on both sides. Town Planner Clark stated a final standard would be brought to the Commission along with street pavement sections in January.
Chairman Snyder stated this would be his last meeting and tendered his resignation on the Planning Commission.
Planning and Zoning Department Updates
Town Planner Clark previously distributed the November 2009 Zoning/Code Enforcement Report.
Chairman Snyder declared the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Megan Clark,
Town Planner/Zoning Administrator