Monthly meeting of Wouldham Parish Council on 5th May, 2009. The meeting took place immediately
following the Annual General Meeting.
Present: Mr K Malkinson (Chairman) Mr. D Adams, Mrs L Davis, Mr T Fulwell,
Mrs. J Head and Mr. R Stone
In Attendance:Mr R Dalton (Borough Councillor)
Mr D Davis (Borough Councillor)
Mr. D Piepnick (Community Warden)
Mr. M J Ross (Clerk)
There were 3 member of the public present. Action by
- MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council, held on the
7th April, 2009 were proposed by Cllr. Adams and seconded by Cllr. Stone,
to be a true record of the proceedings and it was AGREED that they be signed
by the Chairman.
any matters arising from the minutes would be dealt with under the appropriate
heading, as the meeting progressed through the agenda.
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr. Head declared a prejudicial interest
in any issue that arose relating to grounds maintenance work within the Parish.
She also declared a personal interest in items relating to the Tramway and the
Warden reported on a variety of matters including the fact that he had been
working with Kent Clean and was dealing with fly tipping issues which
included a new poster campaign. He was aware of the problems at Ravens
Knowle but understood that PCSO Honeysett had the matter in hand. He
had also made a visit to the school for forensic day and was seeking any
information in regard to horse boxes that had been stolen recently from the
Village. He also understood that fires were being lit on Wouldham Common.
- BOROUGH COUNCILLORS REPORT: The report of the Borough
Councillors had been circulated and dealt with the KCC Cycle Strategy. In
addition they referred to the substantial fly tipping in the area and the fact
that the Police Trials Unit were aware of ‘kids’ with mini bikes in the
Common Road area.
6. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT: County Cllr. Rowe had provided a
written report which the Clerk had circulated. The report referred to the
response he received in regard to the Sustainable Communities bill, the fact
that TMBC had published their Community Governance Review dealing with
amongst other issues, the proposal to reduce the number of councillors for
Wouldham from 9 to 8. The next Parish Partnership was due to be held on the
21st May and since he was retiring from his role of County Councillor with
effect from the elections in June, he wished members of the Parish Council all
the best for the future. Members AGREED that the Clerk should write to
County Councillor Rowe thanking him for all his help over the years.
Action by
- MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: A member of the public returned photographs
that were in the ownership of the Parish Council and raised the question as to
where they were going to be held. Members discussed the issue at some length
culminating in it being AGREED that Cllr. Head should look after them and
make arrangements to copy them to disc. It was also AGREED that some of Cllr. Head
these photos could be put on the Parish website from time to time.
Another member of the public raised the question of the route of MR1 which, he
felt, didn’t follow the route that it should do. An explanation for this was
discussed. The footpath by the river, adjacent to nos. 25/26 Trafalgar Close was
inclined to subsidence.
- PLANNING: (a) Applications commented upon during the month:
- 6 Cornwall Crescent-Erection of a pair of semi detached houses: The PC object to this application most strongly. It is totally out of keeping in a rural setting with very small houses on very small plots. Parking in the area is also a major issue and may well impair the sight lines of the Cornwall Crescent/Knowle Road junction.
(b)Applications approved:
- Merchant House, Starkey Castle-single storey side extension, etc.
- Starkey Castle-Metal gate to opening in Yew hedge
(c)Applications refused:
There were no applications refused this month.
(d) Other Planning Issues:
Access Road: The Clerk reported that Lloyd Hunt
Associates had submitted details of the planning
application he was proposing to submit to TMBC for
approval. Before this he required the PC’s agreement
to the plans and application form. Members studied the
plans and form and AGREED to the plans and form, as
submitted and authorised the Clerk to advise Lloyd Clerk
Hunt to proceed with the application.
9. STREET LIGHTING: Cllr. Adams reported that there had still been no action
on repairing the street lights that were out.
10.HIGHWAYS & VERGES: Cllr. Head referred to the parking problems on
grassed areas within the Village, particularly the area in the Wouldham Court Farm/School Lane/Rectory Close locality and the fact that following a site
meeting with representatives of TMBC & KHS, it was agreed that the situation
would be monitored by TMBC. Members discussed the situation with
particular regard to the green opposite the shop and Members AGREED that in
pursuing taking over the maintenance of this area the PC might consider
assuming responsibility for all the grass areas within the Village, that are
currently maintained by KHS.
Cllr. Head also referred to the fact that KHS were launching the Parish Portal on
5th May which would enable councillors and public to report problems and
monitor the progress in the matter.
Cllr. Stone reported that he, together with the Chairman, had met John Dicker of
TMBC on the Riverfront POS in regard to the trees that had been removed.
John Dicker had advised that the Borough had no funds to undertake tree
planting in the current year but suggested that the PC survey the residents of the
area asking what benefits they would like to see in their locality.
Action by
It was AGREED to follow this suggestion and a leaflet drop asking local Chairman
residents for their views, would be undertaken.
Cllr. Adams enquired as to the boundary of the Parish between TMBC and
Medway Councils and was advised as to where this was.
11. FOOTPATHS/PROW: The Clerk advised that he was still awaiting a response
from David Munn of Kent PROW regarding the possibility of the PC taking on Clerk
responsibility for the maintenance of footpaths in the Parish.
Cllr. Stone stated that there was a lot of litter, etc. amongst the reeds on the
riverbank along MR1. It was suggested that the Valley of Visions be asked if
they could assist in undertaking some clearance work along this stretch. Clerk
Cllr. Fulwell stated that the entrance to the allotments required trimming back
and was advised that this work had already been carried out.
12. ALLOTMENTS: The Clerk reported that the Allotment Assn. had collected the
rents from allotment holders for the forthcoming year and, as shown under
Finance, had banked £360 being the sum collected.
13. WOULDHAM COMMON: The Chairman reported that he, together with Cllr.
Head had met with representatives of EDF Energy regarding the easement they
required, across the Common. As a result it had been agreed that the easement
would follow the original route shown on the plan submitted and they would
make a single payment to the PC of £1,000. Members AGREED with these
terms and authorised the Clerk to confirm to EDF Energy’s agents, that the terms Clerk
were acceptable to the PC.
It was also reported that a bench seat had been ordered for the Common which
would complement the picnic table already ordered and this would be installed
by MCL Mechanical Handling Ltd. who were to take delivery of both items.
14. VILLAGE HALL: The Clerk reported that he had received responses from
both Lafarge and Trenport regarding the release from restrictive covenants on
both the Village Hall and the Recreation Ground. David Simms of Lefarge had
advised that before final confirmation that the covenant on the Village Hall
would be lifted, he wished to consult Mark Heeley, the company’s Estate
Manager but did not forsee any problems. Trenport, via Shirley Boards their
Community Liaison Manager, had stated that the appropriate Director would be
responding to the PC direct. In both cases no further communication had been Clerk
received to date.
15. RECREATION GROUND: There was nothing to report on this item.
16. FINANCE: General: Nothing to report this month.
Bank Position: Income for Month – £13,857.00 Current Account - £14,758.74
Savings Account - £18,910.39
Building Society - £10,159.28
Cheque No
Direct / EDF Energy / Street Lighting-Electricity supply-May, 2009. / 23.952429 /
/ Picnic Table & Concrete fixing kit / 525.792430 /
Burham & Wouldham Church Fund
/ Cemeteries Payment for 2008 & 2009 / 1766.002431 /
M J Ross
/ Reimbursement for Clerk advert in KM / 418.602432 /
M J Ross
/ Sal: 768.75; Rent: 150.00; Exp: 43.52; Imp: 14.59 / 976.862433 /
J Harmer
/ Litter duties-April, 2009 / 183.362434 /
Southern Water
/ Allotment water charges / 121.06Accounts for Payment:
All the above accounts were passed for payment.
Grants: There was nothing to report this month.
17. SPECIAL ITEMS: Items for Church News:It was AGREED that the crime
figures, together with the fact that TMBC were proposing to reduce the number
of councillors on the parish council from 9 to 8 be referred to. The fact that Cllrs.
Malkinson and Stone had been re-elected to the positions of Chairman and Vice
Chairman respectively would also be included and the fact that the Parish
Council were aware of the rat problem that exists in Cornwall Crescent area. Clerk
18. CORRESPONDENCE: The list of correspondence received during the
month had been circulated to Members.
19. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on 2nd June, 2009.
20. COUNCILLORS/CHAIRMAN/CLERK: Cllr. Adams enquired about the
grants to the school and guides and was advised that the PC required a letter
from each source, asking if a grant could be given by the PC.
Cllr. Head suggested that the PC might consider resurrecting the Old Folks
Xmas Party. Members agreed that it would be helpful if Cllrs. Head and
Davis discussed the suggestion in greater detail and reported back in due
The Chairman and Cllr. Davis referred to the rat problem, which now
appeared to have moved to Cornwall Crescent. Members AGREED that a
leaflet drop in the area advising that the PC were aware of the problems and that
they were referring the issue to Trenport with the thanks of the PC for resolving
the rat problem within Knowle Pit. However, unfortunately, the resultant effects
on other properties in the area meant that the problem had moved and it was to be Clerk
suggested to Trenport that they might consider acting to clear up the problem in
Cornwall Crescent, as a gesture of goodwill.
Cllr. Fulwell asked why the PC’s insurance policy had not been made
available to him as he had requested. After protracted discussion and arguments
as to the release of this document and the reasons why Cllr. Fulwell wanted sight
of it, which were unclear, Members AGREED that the Clerk should make the Clerk
document available for him to peruse at the next meeting of the PC.
The Clerk referred to a letter received from the School enquiring if Cllr Adams
would continue to be the PC representative on the Board of Governors.
Members AGREED that Cllr. Adams should continue to be the PC
representative on the Board of Governors.
Action by
The Clerk also stated that he had been advised by KALC that a new edition of
Local Council Administration was due to be published shortly and if the PC
wished to purchase a copy, by going through them, they could acquire it at a
saving of £9.45. Members AGREED the Clerk should order a copy through Clerk
KALC for supply, when published.
A letter had been received from KCC asking for details of the Clerk in
connection with their proposed contact through electronic communication.
Members agreed that the response be deferred pending the appointment of Clerk
the new Clerk.
The Clerk also stated that he had received a consultation document from the
Highways Agency regarding a controlled motorway scheme between
junctions 4 and 7 of the M20. The scheme would be similar to that on
the M25 regarding variable speed limits. Members had no comments to
make on the proposal.
The Chairman referred to the fact that applications were being received for
the post of Clerk to the PC. When the closing date had passed, he would
copy all applications and circulate these to Members for them to choose
their preferred 6 as a first short list.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 9.45pm
Signed as a correct record of the proceedings.
Date: 2nd June, 2009.Chairman……………………….