Chisworth Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes 31st May 2017

Minutes of theChisworth Annual Parish Council Meeting

held on 31st May 2017 at Chisworth Methodist Chapel

Present:Councillor M. Bell (Chair); Councillor N. Jones; Councillor D. Brereton;Councillor D Sergeant;Councillor P. Barnes;A.Darkins (Clerk)

Apologies: None

  1. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th April 2017

It was AGREED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th April 2017 be APPROVED as a true record. The minutes were signed by the Chair

  1. Apologies–None
  1. Election for the role of Chair for the coming year

Councillor Martin Bell was re-elected as Chair of Chisworth Parish Council for 2017.18. Councillor Jones, Vice-Chair

  1. Declarations of Interest - None
  1. Public Participation

John Sargent attended the meeting

  1. Review of previous actions (where not included as agenda items)

Action plan update

  • Village sign
  • The clerk confirmed that no VAT would be added to the quote for the sign. Following the letter to residents, the clerk had 2 approaches, both positive and Councillor Bell has had 2 further conversations with residents, again very positive. It was AGREED that Councillor Bell would inform the resident who raised the Kinderlee Mill for sale board as an alternative site, that the land does not belong to the Parish Council. It was also AGREED that the clerk would complete the Advertising planning application.
  • Bus shelter
  • The work to replace the gutter, down pipe, fascia boards and window has been completed, improving the external appearance of the bus shelter.
  • Discussed the potential for having a rain water butt attached to the down pipe and a community notice board attached to the back interior wall. Clerk to obtain costings
  • The windowsill planters are now on order
  • Councillor Bell will arrange a working party on either 14th or 21st June to begin the interior work and will explore the potential for donated paint
  • Defibrillator
  • Obtaining the village Defibrillator can now progress, with thanks to Chisworth Methodist Church who has agreed to have the defibrillator attached to the exterior of the church building. It was AGREED that the clerk would arrange to meet both North West Ambulance service and the electrician to discuss siting with Hazel Cook.Estimate for siting of £230 inclusive, approved. The clerk also highlighted the memorandum of understanding includes a point about insurance. It was AGREED that the clerk would find out whether Charlesworth have insurance cover for their defibrillator and also discuss this with North West Ambulance Service
  • Village garden wild flowers
  • Wild flower mix purchased and awaiting planting this spring. It was AGREED that the clerk would follow up this item to check completion
  • Improvements to the Rec to repair Electricity North West damage
  • Councillors Bell and Jones have a site meeting and arranged a maintenance agreement for the Rec/Village Green. Costs of £600 per year approved, which will include grass cutting between April to October
  • Village Green status for the Rec
  • It was AGREED that Councillor Jones would check the scale of the map with HPBC, before progressing
  • Erection of picnic tables,bird/bat boxes and replacement gate on the Rec
  • Awaitingbus shelter window boxes to be made first. A further suggestion was made to erect a bug house
  • Footpath sign replacement
  • In progress. As the Hunters replacement footpath sign is part of the Hunters fence, Councillor Bell has discussed with the Hunters. Possible alternative site to be found which does not interfere with the fence
  • Police and Crime Commissioner
  • Awaiting joint meeting date to be arranged with Charlesworth Parish Council. Councillor Bellhas written to Charlesworth Parish Council again, no response as yet
  • Footpath 11
  • It appears that the route for Footpath 11 has been changed. Councillor Bell gave feedback from the session he attended on rights of way. It was AGREED that the clerk would review routes using the definitive map portal on line
  • Councillor Brereton reported that a footpath signis missing. It was AGREED that the clerk would follow up the Minor Maintenance Agreement for 2017.18, as forms not yet received
  • Battle’s over – A Nations tribute
  • Councillors Bell and Jones agreed to represent Chisworth Parish Council for a joint meeting with Charlesworth Parish Council. Nominated representatives from Charlesworthnow received. It was AGREED that the clerk would arrange a joint meeting and invite Peter Cooper, who has done some excellent work on the history of those named on our cenotaphs
  • Environment
  • Councillor Brereton has posted the No dog fouling signs along Marple Road
  • Blocked drains on Sandy Lane
  • Councillor Brereton received a reply from the Senior Flood Risk Technician from Derbyshire County Council, who has asked Highways to clear more gullies along Sandy Lane and look at the maintenance needs of the culvert below the road. However, he has stressed that any repairs required would be subject to budget and priority constraints. It was AGREED that the clerk would follow up in early July
  1. Financial matters

(1)Internal Audit completed

(2)The Clerk talked through the Annual Governance Statement which was APPROVED by the Council and signed by the chair

(3)Councillor Jones talked through the Accounting Statement, which was APPROVED by the Council and signed by the Chair. It was AGREED that the clerk would ensure the audit documents would be returned by the closing date


(a)Photocopying expenses approved £4.80

(b)Insurance renewal of £203.63 approved

  1. 2017 Litter Pick

The Chisworth Litter Pick on 13th May went well and a large amount of litter was collected and removed. Unfortunately only members of the Parish Council turned up, despite notices in the local shops, village facebook page, notice board and Parish Council website. Discussed obtaining a banner for next year’s event. Councillor Sergeant has a contact and will send the details to the clerk for obtaining quotes

  1. Environment
  • Kinderlee Marketing sign. The clerk has requested removal, however, there is one property left to sell. Clerks contact details have been added to the file for updates
  • Bus stop sign at the top of Far Woodseats not visible due to overgrown hedge. It was AGREED that the clerk would contact the bus company
  1. Planning matters - None this month. Some local discussion that the planning application for Prisma may be resubmitted. To await application resubmission
  1. Governance – None this month
  1. Correspondence

a. DALC Circulars –056 and 7/2017 – noted

b. Armed Forces Day – noted

c. Dates of Parish Council Meetings to Jean Wharmby – noted, clerk to arrange

d. Grant Thornton Bulletin 3 – noted

e. Well dressing request - approved

f. Merchant Navy Day - noted

14. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 28th June 2017, 7.30pmin the Methodist Church Hall

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting.

Signed………………………………………………………………. Date………………………………………