Dollar Word Game
Directions: Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a monetary amount. A is worth $.01, B is worth $.02, and so on…Z is worth $.26.
Objective: See how many “dollar” words you can make. A dollar word is a word in which the letters have a value of $1.00 when you add them together. Examples: grumpy, crusts, cookout, etc.
A $.01 N $.14
B $.02 O $.15
C $.03 P $.16
D $.04 Q $.17
E $.05 R $.18
F $.06 S $.19
G $.07 T $.20
H $.08 U $.21
I $.09 V $.22
J $.10 W $.23
K $.11 X $.24
L $.12 Y $.25
M $.13 Z $.26
§ You could play with whole numbers, so that you’re trying to make $100 words (and thereby eliminating decimals).
§ You could reverse the order of the letter values, so that A is worth $.26 and Z is worth $.01.
§ You could try to make $.50 words, $.75 words, or any other amount.
§ You could try to find the longest word with the least value, and/or the shortest word with the highest value.
§ Some versions have different amounts for the letters, where their value is not in order, and the values are repeated. If you look online, you’ll find some lists that have all the vowels worth $.05, for example.
§ Make up your own challenges!