Board of Directors Meeting
Wilmington Job Corps Center – Wilmington, DE
Tuesday – April 2, 2013
9:00 a.m.
Attendees: Chairman - Gary Stockbridge, Hon. Anas Ben Addi, Peter J. Bradley, Jeff Bross, Ed Capodonna, John Chrzanowski, Alice Coleman, B. Craig Crouch,
Hon. Matthew Denn, Gerard Esposito, Harry Gravell, Hon. James J. Johnson, George Krupanski, Toby Lamb, Samuel Lathem, Hon. John McMahon, R. Chadwick Moore, William Parks, James Randall, Audrey VanLuven.
DOL Staff: Tom Smith, Diane Brooks, Rachel, Gold, Stacy Laing, Eileen Michelinie, Lori Reeder
DWIB Staff: Gwen Jones, Bill Potter, Monnica May, Julia Hayward
DOJ: Kevin Slattery
Guest: Rhonda Austin, Paul Morris for Dr. Orlando George
Welcome New Board Members - Chairman, Gary Stockbridge welcomed new board members in attendance which include R. Chadwick Moore -The Bellmoor,
Hon. Matthew Denn - Delaware Lt. Governor, both Gerard Esposito -Tidewater Utilities, Inc. and Mitchell Magee - PPG Industries, absent due to travel.
Welcome - Chairman, Gary Stockbridge welcomed all in attendance and requested introductions from the remaining attendees.
Quorum achieved.
Approval of Minutes - Motion made by Samuel Lathem to approve the minutes of January 15, 2013. Motion seconded by Ed Capodonna. All in favor (Chairman - Gary Stockbridge, Hon. Anas Ben Addi, Peter J. Bradley, Jeff Bross, Ed Capodonna, John Chrzanowski, Alice Coleman, B. Craig Crouch, Hon. Matthew Denn, Gerard Esposito, Harry Gravell, Hon. James J. Johnson, George Krupanski, Toby Lamb, Samuel Lathem, Hon. John McMahon, R. Chadwick Moore, William Parks, James Randall, Audrey VanLuven). Motion carried.
Committee Reports
Performance Measures & Customer Satisfaction – Chairman, Jeff Bross, reported from the Quarterly Performance document prepared by Lori Reeder. For the purpose of the new board members, Jeff explained in detail the WIA indicators of performance columns A through J. Performance levels were recently re-negotiated with U.S.DOL. Column H indicates whether we are meeting our performance measures and Column I indicates if we are meeting the required minimum of 80% negotiated. It is imperative we have a yes in this column. Most importantly is the entered employment rate for dislocated workers—Column E. The negotiated performance level is 79%, the minimum acceptable level –Column G is 63% while our actual performance level is 78%. We are really close. We continue to struggle with literacy or numeracy gain for Youth, which is negotiated at s 65% and we are performing at 57%. We are working to take corrective
measures to bring the percentages up but it is a challenge and will likely continue to be a challenge. Overall, this is really good news.
Proposal Review & Certification - Chairman, John Chrzanowski reported on proposal presentations which were held on March 26, 2013 at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino, Dover, DE. The anticipated funding for all categories was cut so the best programs were funded based on rating and ranking totals. To provide new board members with an understanding of the funding process and where funding is generated from, Gary requested that Gwen Jones explain the ITA funding process and how Request for Proposal (RFP) funds are allocated to providers once presentations have been made.
John Chrzanowski continued to brief the committee on the Proposal Review & Certification committee consolidation meeting held on March 28, 2013. This meeting was held to review RFP funding recommendations based on previously rated and ranked proposal presentation scores. A fairly compelling discussion during this meeting led the committee to decide on what to do with funding that had been returned by a provider who was initially funded but not able to meet the criteria. Caveats were discussed to provide the Board full disclosure of a deviation from RFP guidelines.
Ed Capadonna, Chairman for the Clerical committee spoke in regards to a new program request from Professional Staffing in collaboration with the Delaware Hope Commission for a re-entry business skills program. In support of the program, Ed recommended the program be funded up to 50%. The funding request was for 30 participants, the committee approved a request for up to 15 participants for a pilot program. Gary made it clear to the Board that none of us should make a decision we cannot defend. Tom informed the Board no other provider has requested a program of this nature or scope. Following the vote, each RFP committee Chair reported on categories as follows: Gary Stockbridge - Hard Skills Mechanical; Jeff Bross - Soft Skills Occupational; John Chrzanowski - Healthcare and Out-of-School - Sam Lathem. A motion was made by the DWIB Chairman to approve allocations as presented. Second by Hon. J.J. Johnson. All in favor (Chairman - Gary Stockbridge, Hon. Anas Ben Addi, Peter J. Bradley, Jeff Bross, Ed Capodonna, John Chrzanowski, Alice Coleman, B. Craig Crouch, Hon. Matthew Denn, Gerard Esposito, Harry Gravell, Hon. James J. Johnson, George Krupanski, Toby Lamb, Samuel Lathem, Hon. John McMahon, R. Chadwick Moore, William Parks, James Randall, Audrey VanLuven). Motion carried.
Financial Oversight - Diane Brooks reported in the absence of Chairman, Ralph Cetrulo. DWIB Executive Director and Support Staff is under budget however, direct costs disbursement is behind because it is paid on a quarterly basis. The Division of Employment & Training is also under budget as there are two vacancies, one of which has been filled. WIA and Blue Collar program expenditures have been expended as follows: WIA Adult program ITA’s 55%; WIA Dislocated Worker ITA’s 69%; Youth contracts 60%; Blue Collar contracts 66% while performance 38% expended and trade act 45% expended respectively.
Youth Council - Chairman George Krupanski reported. The Youth Council (YC) engaged Tammy Ditzel to facilitate a strategic planning session as they move forth to engage youth in services they desperately need (delivery and accessibility to all
populations). Tammy will be assisting in finalizing the implications toward youth and a list of action items with a specific direction for the YC in place. The Youth Council’s role
and purpose in the community was discussed. George provided a brief review of the YC meeting held on March 12, 2013. George briefly made mention of the Youth Request for Proposal (Out-of-School) indicating the Youth In-School only need to submit their Annual Report this year. Out-of-School RFP presentations are scheduled for March 26, 2013 at the Dover Downs Hotel & Conference Center. A total of 12 proposals were submitted for review in this training area.
Chairman’s Report:
Strategic Planning/Update - Goal Leader Reports - Chairman, Gary Stockbridge reported. We just want to remind everyone coming out of the Strategic Plan; we are making sure we keep track of all progress. There are five key goals and one carry-over which is Goal #6 and it is ongoing. A summary of outputs is in the packets. Champion meetings will continue and emails will be sent as a means of communication and tracking progress. Gary identified each goal once again, outlining the purpose of the goal and the sponsors for each.
Employment & Training Update - Stacey Laing reported. It is a very exciting time at the One-Stops. Technical issues prevented Stacy from providing a PowerPoint. Any individual in the State of Delaware receiving unemployment insurance must register with employment and training for work or job search. The Resume Builder is the official entity that builds a polished resume which attracts employers. The Resume Builder allows the creation of an on-line resume, or if you choose, to build on or update an existing resume. When a client provides a detailed work history it is possible to receive notification when a match occurs. Stacy will provide a full presentation at the next Board of Directors meeting.
Fund Summer GED Program ($4,500) - Gwen Jones reported. As with past practice, the Board voted and approved to provide funding for the GED summer program. The summer DWIB funded day class meets 8:30 to 12:30 on Monday and Wednesday starting July 8th. The DOL funded evening classes meet (new) Monday and Tuesday, 5:30 - 8:30 starting July 8th. The Wednesday and Thursday class meets the same time and starts July 10th. The request to fund GED for the summer was put to a vote. Motion made by Ed Capodanno. Second by George Krupanski. All in favor (Chairman - Gary Stockbridge, Hon. Anas Ben Addi, Peter J. Bradley, Jeff Bross, Ed Capodonna, John Chrzanowski, Alice Coleman, B. Craig Crouch, Hon. Matthew Denn, Gerard Esposito, Harry Gravell, Hon. James J. Johnson, George Krupanski, Toby Lamb, Samuel Lathem, Hon. John McMahon, R. Chadwick Moore, William Parks, James Randall, Audrey VanLuven. Motion Carried.
Old Business - None
New Business - None
Meeting Adjourned @ 11:20 a.m.
File Folder E: 04/05