Phys. Sci. 2

The Scientific Method: Gobstopper Lab

The purpose of this lab is to refresh your memory on the processes scientists use to actually “do” science. Your interactive book has a diagram that looks like this:

As you can see, the scientific method is not always a simple “step 1 – step 2 – step 3” process. Sometimes an investigation will begin with a question or problem that needs solving, while other times an observation causes the question.

DAY ONE you will begin with a question: What happens to a Gobstopper when placed in water? After making observations, you will then design your own investigation changing one (and only one) variable.

DAY TWO you will complete your experimental design and will carry out your investigation with the new, changed variable.

Gobstopper Lab Procedure: Day 1

Obtain the following materials:

·  Three gobstoppers – one of each color (do not have duplicates of the same color)

·  Clear plastic cup

·  Timer (you may use your personal device as a timer or use a class timer)

·  Metric ruler


1.  On a fresh sheet of composition/notebook/interactive notebook paper write GOBSTOPPER LAB DAY 1. Include the date and your name. The upper, right hand corner should be numbered “Pg. 2”. Use this page to journal as you complete the investigation.

2.  Fill the cup with 3 to 4 centimeters of water.

3.  Allow the water to sit undisturbed for one minute. It is extremely important that the water is as still as possible. Use caution to NOT bump the cup or the table during the experiment. Failure to do so will result in an inability to collect sufficient evidence.

4.  While allowing your water to become still, discuss what you believe will happen when the Gobstoppers are placed into the water.

5.  Write down your hypothesis (at this point, it is okay if your hypothesis is different from other members of your group).

6.  Carefully place the three Gobstoppers in the cup. Try to place them equidistant from each other.

7.  Observe the cup containing the Gobstoppers and take notes of your observations on the page you prepared in Step 1. Note the time between various changes, and be as specific and detailed about the changes you observe as possible. You will want to make observations from all possible angles. Colored drawings of observations are strongly encouraged as they will assist you in making comparisons to tomorrow’s results. You may use your device to take photos, however scientists do NOT simply gather data for themselves: Drawings included in your work are available for other scientists to refer to.

8.  Discuss your observations with your group, adding their observations to your own observations.

9.  Create possible explanations for the evidence you have collected.

10.  Ask “what if..?” questions in preparation for consideration of what one variable you may want to change.

11.  Design your own experiment changing ONE variable.

a.  You must include a hypothesis (it may vary from your peers)

b.  Include step-by-step instructions

i.  You may refer to DAY ONE instructions to help you plan

c.  Clearly identify which one variable you’re changing

i.  You may change the fluid

ii. You may change the candy

d.  Limited supplies will be available for you to use. If you want to use anything else, it will be your responsibility to bring it in.

12.  When you are done you will be writing a report, so be certain that you are taking good notes on what you do, and what you observe.


Lab Report for Gobstopper Lab: 30 points


Due Date:


Write or type an essay-style report on the Gobstopper Lab.

Check off these boxes and make sure you include answers to the following:

¨  What happened in the first experiment?

¨  What variable did you change?

¨  What was your hypothesis on what would happen in the 2nd experiment?

¨  What did happen in the 2nd experiment?

¨  Did you include evidence/data?

¨  Did you include colored pictures/diagrams?

¨  What did you learn from these experiments?

¨  After doing this experiment, what would you do to further your study that relates to this lab?

---Turn this sheet in with your completed report ---