Mrs. Stephanie Lima

Tel: 703-957-4400


Planning periods: 3rd and 6th

English 9 Honors 2014-2015

Course Overview:

This year, you will continue to develop your communication skills through reading, writing, research and presentations.

  • You will read and critique significantliterary worksfrom various genres with the goal of developing your knowledge of the language of literary analysis. You willapply that knowledge to varied texts through discussion and your own writing.
  • You will write in narrative, expository, and persuasive forms for a variety of purposes and audiences. The writing that you do will help you interpret, analyze, and evaluate the ideas in each text
  • You will also engage in the research processes throughout the year, both formal and informal. Opportunities for the development of media literacy skills will be provided, as well as opportunities for independent and group presentations.

Loudoun County English Honors Curriculum:

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, all courses that are weighted must have a common assessment to ensure that students meet consistently high standards across schools and classrooms. In Loudoun County Public Schools, Honors-level high school English classes receive a 0.5 GPA weight and we meet the state’s requirement through two, year-long assessments that are each meaningful and authentic, and that provide students with useful, on-going feedback on their progress over the course of the year.

Honors Portfolio Reflection Essay: In Honors English, students are expected to write a great deal and reflect on these writings. The first part of the assessment will have the students gather at least three of these writings that indicate an individual student’s progress as a writer and critical thinker. The student will then write a two page reflection on this progress. This reflection will be assessed at the end of third quarter, and will count as the first big grade of the fourth quarter.

The Big Question Synthesis Project: Students will select a Big Question which is, by definition, difficult to answer, or answerable in a number of ways. The student will use both literature read in class andindependently collected “artifacts” to address this question throughout the year. The final Big Question analysis will give students a chance to synthesize all texts and sources to formulate an answer to their Big Question. It will count as 50% of the final exam grade.

Mrs. Stephanie Lima

Tel: 703-957-4400


Planning periods: 3rd and 6th

The English Honors Student: As an Honors English Student, I

  • Read widely and often
  • Foster my spirit of inquiry; seek answers
  • Make connections
  • Reflect thoughtfully
  • Refine my thinking
  • Develop my capacity for analysis
  • Write widely and often
  • Revise deeply
  • Demonstrate originality
  • Work diligently

Mrs. Stephanie Lima

Tel: 703-957-4400


Planning periods: 3rd and 6th

Mrs. Stephanie Lima

Tel: 703-957-4400


Planning periods: 3rd and 6th

Materials needed:

  • #2 pencils and pens
  • a 3-ring binder with section dividers
  • loose-leaf paper
  • a composition notebook
  • highlighters
  • post-it notes
  • a Flashdrive
  • two two-pocket folder with brads (honors assessment portfolios)


Textbooks will be kept in class.

Additional texts that we will use this year include, but are not limited to:

The Odyssey

To Kill a MockingbirdRomeo and Juliet

Of Mice and Men Selected short stories and poems

*Students should buy their own copies of the novels read in class. Please let me know in advance if this is a problem.

**We will also do two-four independent reading novels throughout the year. I will provide more information on this at the appropriate time.

Student Expectations:

You will be expected to:

  • Come to class on time.
  • Be prepared for the day’s class with appropriate texts, completed homework, notebook and writing paper and writing utensils.
  • Show respect for one another, the teacher, the classroom, and yourself. We are a community of learners, and you will be expected to act as such.
  • Participate actively and constructively in class.
  • Remember, you are Honors students!


According to the Briar Woods High School plagiarism policy, cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated and will result in a zero on the assignment, and administrative action.

Tardiness and Attendance:

According to BWHS policy, you are allowed two unexcused tardies per quarter—your third will result in detention.


I update my website every other day with classwork and homework. This should be your major source for information about what you missed and what is due. I will also upload handouts and links to websites that are helpful resources for the course. Email me about any other questions you may have about the course, including additional assistance.

Make-up Work:

  • Late homework due to forgetfulness will not be accepted.
  • Major assignments that are late (papers, projects, journals) will be assessed a penalty of 10% each day that it is late.
  • Any work that was due on the day you missed will be posted on my website and therefore will be due immediately upon your return.


All of your work will be assigned points using performance assessments, rubric scoring, and informal assessment tools. You will be evaluated based on how well you have met the standards for each assignment; in addition, grades will reflect your personal growth and development. The point ranges for assignments is as follows:

Homework: 10-50 points Quizzes: 10-50 points

Classwork/Participation: 10-50 points Tests: 50-150 points

Projects/Presentations: 50-200 points Essays/Papers: 50-150 points


It is my intention to keep up with grading to the best of my ability, but please have reasonable expectations. Questions about Clarity/grading are best answered through email.

Here are the codes I use when updating the grade book, particularly if you have missing work:

Z - Zero. You did not turn in the assignment when it was due but it may be made up. This is the case for work not turned in due to absences.

T -Turned in. This is work that was turned in but has not been graded yet. This is the case for late work that I am allowing you to make up. Please do not expect work given a “T” to be graded first thing, if work is late it goes to the bottom of the current, on-time grading pile.

X Exempt. This is the case for work that you missed and/or are not expected to make up. This is only for a very small amount of specific circumstances, usually serious, chronic illness, etc.

0 Work given a “0” in the grade book may not be made up. This is the case for homework not turned in on time or any other class work that was not turned in.

*I will also use comments when needed to explain the use for the code given.


We will be writing and typing up a variety of papers/writing assignments throughout the year. All typed papers must be submitted by midnight of the due date and must use proper MLA formatting rules. Most formal papers will require that you go through the peer-edit process in your writing groups. Therefore, you will be required to bring at least one hard copy of your work on peer edit days.

English 9 Honors—Mrs. Lima

After reading the expectations of my class, please sign with your parents and return this sheet to me for a homework grade.

Parent/Guardian—Please sign below:

We have reviewed this information together and agree to work with the teacher and the school to ensure my student’s success in English.

Parent/Guardian signature:______

Student—Please sign below:

I have participated in the classroom discussion of procedures and have discussed this information with my parent/guardian. I agree to do my best to succeed in English.

Student signature:______

Best Contact Information for Parent/Guardian:

Please list the best way to contact you:

