St Mirren Fans Council
Council Meeting
Thursday 9 January 2014
In Attendance: Alan Wardrop, Eric Crossan, Gordian Mothersole, John Allison, Stewart Milton, Alan Murray, Phil Clarke, Julie Noble, Gary Reid, , Mary Chalmers, Alan Doak, Jack Paterson, Tony Dorris, Ian Wilkie, Sarah Murray (minutes)
Club Representatives: none
Apologies: Allan Gallacher, William Bell, Pete Balmforth , Graeme MacPherson, Fraser Burns
No response: none
Total Meeting Members confirmed as 20.
Agenda Item / ActionAllan Gallacher / The meeting agreed to send Allan’s wife some flowers to wish her a speedy recovery / AW
Lottery Update / The lottery went well, however the winners were not season ticket holders. There are difficulties tracing the first prize winner as the phone number is illegible. However the name has been posted on the council and club website and announced in the Paisley Daily Express. It was agreed that a period of three months would be allowed to claim the prize at which point it would be passed onto the youth academy.
UPDATE: Winner contacted and cheques posted to all three prize winners.
As this eventuality had not been covered in the lottery rules it was agreed to change them to reflect this before the next lottery.
The total raised was £6435.25, with costs of £2111.08 leaving a profit of £4324.17. It was agreed that £4000 would be passed to the Youth Academy and £300 to St Mirren Community Charity.
JA asked if we had a higher return from season ticket holders this time. AW is to check and find out. / AW/SM
Calendar Planning for 2014 / Ideas already agreed with the club include:
§ Lottery x 2 each season, next in April,2014
§ Open Day in Dome at May Bank Holiday
§ Golf Day in September
§ AGM - November
§ Cup Final Night – date to be agreed
New ideas put forward and agreed were:
§ St Mirren’s Day celebration including 5 years at the stadium-March
§ Easter Egg Hunt at Stadium-April
§ 5 a side tournament in April with Final in May
§ Table at Club Player of the Year Dinner, inviting people who have helped throughout the year – May
§ Treasure Hunt – June
§ Open day at Ralston in July
§ Guinness World record squad photograph-July
§ Black and White Casino Night – October
§ Recording of Oh When the Saints in November
§ Christmas Party for children in Dome-December
§ Head Hole Boards-TBC
Other ideas put forward to be discussed were:
§ Comedy Night
§ Better presence when selling lottery tickets
It was also agreed to invite club employees to every other meeting. / AGENDA
AOB / Supply of Merchandise – this was discussed at length and it was agreed that a representative from JD Sports would be invited to a future meeting to hear the views of the fans.
A potential solution put forward with regard lack of stock at Christmas is the Fans Council pre –ordering stock and making it available for children in December.
JN asked if the PlayStation idea had gone, it was agreed to add this to the agenda for the next meeting.
PC talked about the problems of music at games and agreed that the atmosphere was not good. It was agreed that the club be approached about a safe standing area that might encourage more of an atmosphere.
TD asked if the club would have a replica of the League Cup. AW agreed to ask the club
JP presented a paper on how to improve the feel of the stadium. Added to the next agenda
GM raised points about side conversations and diverging from the agenda. Agreed that all members would support the chairman by adhering to the meeting rules
AW raised the issue of attendance at meetings, in particular regarding W Bell. It was agreed that AW would email Wullie and take things from there. / AGENDA
Next Meeting / Thursday 6 February 2014 at 7 pm sharp.