Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics


Spring 2008

Instructor: Dr. Robert Fleischman, Room 220D, Civil Engineering

Phone: 621-6550


Lecture: Tu Th 11:00-12:15pm, Harville 301

Office hours: Tu Th afternoon (by email appointment)

Reference Text: Structural Stability: Theory and Implementation, by W. F. Chen and E. M. Lui

Grader: None

Listserv/website: N/A

Course Content

PART A: Introdution

1.  Stability Concepts

a.  Definition

b.  Structure and Load Characteristic

2.  Stability Classifications

a.  Bifurcation

b.  Load-Deflection

c.  Dynamic Jump

3.  Stability Regimes

a.  Elastic In-plane

b.  Inelastic In-plane

c.  Three-dimensional Stability

d.  Local (Plate) Buckling

4.  Illustrative Examples I: Idealized SDOF Model

a.  Equilibrium Methods

b.  Energy Methods

c.  Small Deflection: Critical Load

d.  Large Deflection: Post-buckling Behavior

5.  Illustrative Examples II: Advanced Concepts

a.  Nonlinear Restoring Force

b.  Multiple Stability States

c.  MDOF Systems

d.  Eigenvalue Solutions

e.  Imperfect Systems

…………………………………………………………….………………………..HW #1

PART B: Classical Column Behavior

1.  In-Plane Elastic Stability: Bifurcation

a.  Disturbed (2nd Order) Free Body

b.  Moment-Curvature Relationship

c.  Compatibility Expressions

a.  Differential Equation of Buckling

b.  Different Boundary Conditions:

c.  Concept of Effective Length

2.  In-Plane Elastic Load Deflection: Imperfect Systems

a.  Initial Imperfection

b.  Eccentric Load

c.  Amplification Factors

d.  Perry-Robertson Formula

…………………………………………………………….………………………..HW #2

3.  Inelastic Column Behavior

a.  Residual Stresses

b.  Self Equilibrating Systems

c.  Lehigh Stub Tests

d.  Tangent Modulus Theory

e.  Double (Reduced) Modulus

f.  Shanley’s Model

g.  Extension of Shanley’s Model

h.  Formulation including Residial Stress

…………………………………………………………….………………………..HW #3


PART C: General (3D) Elastic Stability

1.  Basic Relationships for thin walled sections

a.  Stress-Strain relationships

b.  Shear Flow

c.  Shear Center

2.  Torsional Relationships

a.  Warping

b.  Differential Equations of Torsion

c.  Torsion Example

d.  Period Calculations

e.  Drift Limits

…………………………………………………………….………………………….HW #4

3.  Three-Dimensional 2nd Order Relationships

a.  Derivation

b.  Beam Stability: Lateral Torsional Buckling

…………………………………………………………….………………………….HW #5

c.  Beam Columns I: Elastic

d.  Effect of Moment Diagram

e.  Beam Columns II: Inelastic

PART D: Frame Stability

1.  Slope Deflection Equations

2.  Stability Functions

3.  Matrix Methods

4.  Geometric Stiffness

5.  Sway vs Non Sway

6.  Plastic Collapse Load

7.  2nd Order Inelastic Frame Response

…………………………………………………………….…………………Take Home Final


·  Homeworks 50% of grade

·  MidTerm 20% of grade

·  Take Home Final 20% of grade

·  Attendance and Participation 10% of grade


·  A: 90-100

·  B: 70-89

·  C: < 70