Visual Arts I Curriculum Map

Tara Maikranz

Ohio County High School

Time Frame / Topics / Objectives / Activities/Assessments / Vocab / Resources / Connections
Day 1-3 / Classroom procedures and safety / -Know the proper procedures for conducting class in a safe and productive manner. / -Class discussions
-Personal Inventory
-Learning Styles Quiz
-Pre test
-Pre-instruction Drawings / -Class syllabus
-Personal Inventory
-Learning Styles Quiz
-Pre test / Reading-
Writing-Personal inventory
PLCS-Personal Inventory/career choices topic
Week 1 / What is art and why do artists create?
Review of the elements and principles
Using the right brain / -Define art
-Identify5 purposes of visual art
-Identify seven sources of artists inspiration
-Compare and contrast artists sources of inspiration
-Recognize the communication of ideas through art
-Utilize the right brain in drawing exercises
-Identify the principles and elements
-Analyze the purposeful use of the art principles and elements in a successful composition / -Art Talk 1:1
-Art Talk 1:2
-Is this art and why?
-Journal-what is art?
-Upside down drawing
-Keeping a sketchbook
-Journal-Why do artists keep sketchbooks?-View elements and principles power point (PP)
-Art Talk 1:3
-Art Talk Chapter 1 review
-Group activity: Recognize use of elements and principles through examples of art works.
-Describe the impact (or results) of the artists use of principles and elements on the viewer
-Utilize elements in sketchbook
-Assessment-purposes, elements and principles quiz
-Blind contour line sketches / Artwork
Elements Principles
Nonobjective Representational
Credit line / -Art Talk
-Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
-Elements and Principles PP
-Art work
-Purposes, E&P quiz / -Reading-Art Talk
-Writing-Journal entry, Chapter review
Week 2 / Critical Analysis of works of art
Using the right brain / -Define the four steps of art criticism
-Describe the four qualities art can be judged on
-Utilize the four step method to critique art
-Utilize the right brain in drawing exercises / -Art Talk 2:1,2,3
-Art Talk chapter 2 review
-Critique art using the four step method as a class, in groups, and individually
-Assessment-written critique
-Assessment-vocab quiz
-Blind contour sketches / Criteria
Functional / -Art Talk
-Four Step method PP
-Four Step cheat sheets / -Reading-Art Talk
-Writing-Critique, Chapter Review
Weeks 3-6 / Line / -Identify three types of line drawing
-Utilize contour line with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity
-Utilize calligraphic line with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity
-Describe the effects of different lines on the viewer
-Create an effective composition
-Utilize the four step method to critique art
-create a 3D line sculpture out of wire / -Line Power Point
-Art Talk 4:1,2,3,
-Art Talk chapter 4 review
-Contour line hand sketches
-Contour line flowers
-Contour line shoes
-Contour line portraits
-Sumi-e painting
-Building an effective Composition PP
-Group critique
-Scholastics mag
-Assessment-Modified contour line drawing
-wire sculpture
-Building an effective Composition PP
-Assessment-Line quiz / Line
Implied line
Curvilinear / -Art Talk
-Line PP
-Composition PP
-Modified contour line rubric
-Line quiz
-Scholastics Mag
-wire sculpture rubric / -Reading-Art Talk, Scholastics
-Writing-Chapter review, Scholastics response
Weeks 7-9 / Shape
Space / -Identify negative and positive spaces
-create an organic form in clay
-Recognize negative space as a shape or form of its own.
-Draw and define organic and geometric shapes
-Compare shape versus form
-Create a picture by painting only negative spaces
-Apply various elements and principles to own work
-Create an effective composition
-Utilize the four step method to critique art / -Art Talk 5:1,2,
-Art Talk Chapter 5 review pt.1
-Vase face drawing
-organic versus geometric
-positive versus negative
-2D versus 3D
-organic clay sculpture
-Sighting exercises
-Chair/stool ink wash studies
-Scholastics mag
-BW neg. space sketches
-Lino print
-Group critique
-Assessment-Shape, form, space quiz / Shape
Negative space
Positive space / -Art Talk
-Shape, form, space quiz
-Shape, form, space PP
-Lino rubric
-Scholastics mag
-organic clay sculpture rubric / -Reading-Art Talk, Scholastics mag
-Writing-Chapter review, Scholastics mag response
Weeks 10-14 / Perspective / -Utilize techniques for transferring perspective and proportion from real life to paper
-Master skills of rendering one and two point perspective
-Apply various elements and principles to own work
-Create an effective composition
-Utilize the four step method to critique art / -Art Talk 5:3,4,5
-Art Talk Chapter 5 review pt.2
-perspective exercises
-Scholastics mag
-Still life studies
-One point perspective interior drawing
-Two point perspective fantasy drawing
-group critique
-Assessment-perspective quiz / Point of view
Horizon line
Vanishing point
Converging lines
Middle ground
Atmospheric / -Perspective Binder
-Art Talk
-Scholastics mag
-Perspective quiz
-1 pt. rubric
-2 pt. rubric / -Reading-Art Talk, Scholastics mag
-Writing-Chapter review, Scholastics mag response
Weeks 15-19 / Value / -Master different techniques of shading
-Render three dimensional forms in two dimensions through the use of shading
-create four different value scales
-Identify the five parts chiaroscuro
-Apply various elements and principles to own work
-Create an effective composition
-Utilize the four step method to critique art / -Value PP
-Value exercises: hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, blending
-Scholastics mag
-Chiaroscuro packet
-Value scales
-Value scribbles
-Still life studies: graphite
-Still life studies: charcoal
-Stippling w/ watercolor background
-group critique
-Assessment-value quiz / Chiaroscuro
Reflected light
Cast shadow
Core shadow
Light source / -Scholastics mag
-Value PP
-Value scale HO
-Pencil HO
-value quiz
-still life rubric / -Reading-Scholastics mag
-Writing- Scholastics mag response
Weeks 20-23 / Proportion/Portraiture / -Utilize techniques for perspective and proportion on the human face
-Render realistic features on a 2D surface
-Demonstrate correct human facial proportions in frontal portraits
-explore the history and purpose of the portrait
-Apply various elements and principles to own work
-Create an effective composition
-Utilize the four step method to critique art / -facial proportion HO
-features HO
-Scholastics mag
-Profile studies from proportions and imagination
-Profile studies from life
-Frontal portrait studies from proportions and imagination
-Grid portraits from photo
-Critique art using the four step method
-group critique
-Assessment-frontal portrait from photo / Frontal
Proportion / -Frontal portrait rubric
-Facial proportions HO
-Features HO
-Scholastics mag / -Reading- Scholastics mag
-Writing- Scholastics mag response
Weeks 24-30 / Color Theory / -Define the different color schemes
-Select and utilize color schemes to convey emotion or meaning
-Utilize a variety of color media and techniques
with sufficient skill, confidence, -Initiate, define, and solve challenging color problems independently
-Apply various elements and principles to own work
-Create an effective composition
-Utilize the four step method to critique art / -Art Talk 6:1,2,3
-Art Talk Chapter 6 Chapter review
-Creative Color wheel
-Tints and shades scales
-Color scheme studies in tempera and acrylic: monochromatic, complimentary, analogous
-Acrylic psychedelic painting heat portrait
-Colored pencil fish study in techniques of blending and layering
-Pastel Candy Creations
-Pastel apple study in techniques of blending and layering in pastel
-Abstract pastel flower
-Critique art using the four step method
-group critique
-Assessment-Color quiz / Hue
Color wheel
Split compliment
Optical color
Arbitrary color / -Art Talk
-Color PP
-Color quiz
-Acrylic dyptich rubric
-Pastel flower rubric
-Heat portrait rubric / -Reading-Art Talk, Scholastics mag
-Writing-Chapter review, Scholastics mag response
31-33 / Artists in History / -Create a WIKI based on an artist of historical importance / -Artist WIKI
-Art Talk 13:1,2,3,4,5
-Art Talk Chapter 13 Chapter review / TBD / -Scholastics mag
-Artist WIKI rubric
-artists quiz / -Reading-Various research, Art Talk
-Writing-WIKI, chapter review
Weeks 34-36 / Careers in art / -Synthesize the creative and analytical principles and techniques of the visual arts utilized in various visual art careers
-identify skills and training necessary for a variety of careers in visual arts.
-Apply various elements and principles to own work
-group critiques
-Describe the impact (or results) of the artists use of principles and elements on the viewer / -Careers research project and presentation
-scholastics magazine
-Assessment-careers quiz
-Art Talk 14:1,2
-Art Talk Chapter 14 Chapter review / TBD / -Careers rubric
-careers quiz / -Reading-Various research, Art Talk, scholastics mag
-Writing-Careers paper, Chapter review