2011-2012 Civics/Geography Syllabus

T. Holt


Daphne Middle School

All school procedures from our schools handbook will be followed. Accommodations for students with Individual Education Plans (IEP's) or Personalized Education Plans (PEP's or 504's) or English as a second language (ESL plan) will be followed. Conferences may be scheduled upon request.

Course Rationale:

The 7th grade focuses on Civics/Geography

Course Prerequisites:

Students who are in the 7th grade should have completed the 6th grade social studies course in U.S. to present. The students should have a working knowledge of the U.S. 1877 to present.

Proposed Objectives to be covered:

The course content will include the following objectives.

·  Map & Globe Skills

·  Information literacy/research and study skills

·  Civics

Note: This course has a STRONG correlation with the objectives of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam.

Source of Objectives:

·  Alabama Course of Study, Social Studies, Alabama Dept. of Ed 1998, No 18

·  The Alabama High School Graduation Exam Objectives

·  Standardized Assessment Objectives

·  Baldwin County Objectives

·  Local Social Studies Department Objectives

Materials Needed:

·  Binder

·  Notebook Paper

·  Red, Blue and Black pens ( pencils are not required for this course and are strongly discouraged)

·  Highlighters

·  Dividers (The dividers should be labeled Notes, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Class work)

·  Regular 1 subject notebook

·  Additional supplies may be needed at a later date due to in class and out of class activities.

Student resource title and information:

Textbooks: Civics Glencoe 2005, The World and it’s People 2005

Assessments to be used:

Student's performance in this course will be assessed in a variety of methods including teacher made quizzes and tests, group and individual projects and daily class work, along with daily supplements sent home to encourage mastery of subject.

Grade Determining Procedure:

Test/ Quizzes, Class work /Projects, Homework

It is 100% my goal and desire that your child have a positive learning experience in my classroom! Because this is important it is also important to set high expectations for my students. This means that all assignments should be completed to a satisfactory level in order to gain knowledge of the curriculum

Makeup Work Procedures:

All assignments will be posted in class at the beginning of each class throughout all periods. It is your students responsibility to record these in and out of class assignments in their planner. Students must make prompt arrangements with Ms. Holt to makeup assignments. IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILTY!!!

Classroom Procedures:

·  Students will sit in their seat and begin working immediately. Follow directions on the board.

·  Students will bring the items required for the course each day to class.

·  Students will respect the classroom. No gum, food or drinks (water permitted)

·  Follow the Daphne Middle School Code of Conduct.

Procedures for a conference request:

If you would like to schedule a conference with Ms. Holt, please call the school office and leave the appropriate information or email at

The information provided in this syllabus is subject to change per Ms. Holt's discretion.

New to the syllabus for 2011-12

Students will be reading from the text and expected to use proper grammar when writing in this course. Appropriate points will be deducted from the student's assignment grade for incorrect grammar.

There will also be a “Wiki” Holtssocialstudies.wikispaces.com

Each student must go on to the above site and become a member of this site. There will be discussion questions and assignments that will be given on this site from time to time that will NOT be given in class.

Moodle will also be used in this course so student will need to access the internet. If you do not have internet access, the student should access the public library and/or the school library/computer lab.