Putting the Puzzle Together
War Assessment
You are going to create a timeline that will help compare the Korean War, Vietnam War, and World War II. Below are requirements and how it will be assessed. Be sure to read each section so you know what you need to put on the time line.
Timeline Requirements:
-Creative Title
Pick a color to represent the Korean War
Pick a color to represent the Vietnam War
Pick a color to represent World War II
*These colors need to be used correctly on the timeline
*Make a key on the timeline to represent the colors
For Each War Include the Following:
-Start Date AND Reason for entering the war
-Stop Date AND Reason the war ended
-FourMAJOR Event/Battle that occurred during each war AND Describeeach event
*You will have a total of 18 events on the time line.
Resources: (Where do I find all the info at???)
Use your notes and bookand techbookFIRST and then the Internet.
Assessment: (How am I going to be graded???)
Title 1 point
Name1 point
Correct Color Use (key)3 points
Start Dates w/Reason6 points
End Dates w/Reason6 points
4 Event/Battle per war/Describe24 points
Timeline Format2 points
Neatness2 points
Total____ 45 points
Bonus Points:
Presidents during all the wars (add to the timeline) or Major Events Occurring in the other parts of the world (add to time line/one per war).
Questions based on the TIMELINE!
Answer 4 of the 10 questions below using your timeline.
- List the wars in order of when they happened. (first, second, and the last war).
- How long did each war last? Which one lasted the longest? Which one lasted the shortest?
- Compare the three wars. Are there any similarities you can find? List. Are there any differences? List.
- Which war do you think was the most important based upon the timeline information and why?
- Technically the Korean War still going on today, but we want you to predict the ending of the Korean War. Will it stay like this forever? Will one side end up attacking, giving up?
- Reflect upon the timeline. Write down three true statements based upon it (be careful no opinions).
- Illustrate (draw a picture) one of the facts for each war on your paper.
- Write a summary of three sentences about all three wars. Pretend you are trying to summarize your timeline to someone who does not know a thing about any of these wars (like Mr. McNasty).
- Judge the ending of each war. Do you agree with how each war ended? Would you like to see them end differently? Explain your “new ending”.
- Write three questions that other people could answer based upon looking at your timeline.