Minutes of the Parish Meeting held at St Andrew’s Parish Hall on Monday 21st September 2009 @ 19:15hrs. Serial No 014/09

Present:- Cllrs. R Thompson (Chairman), D Clifford, B Richards, Mrs D McMillan, Clerk-Ms R H Woolley, D.Cllr. Miss E Channell, C.Cllr. M Trollope-Bellew. 2 members of the public


Concern was expressed over the poor state of the Dovecote situated behind Palace Farm & the Greenhouse adjacent to Witham Manor. Action Clerk.

The meeting was informed that the pointing was still waiting to be done at the Bywell. Action Cllr. Thompson.

The clerk informed the public that she had spoken to English Heritage about the appeal to list the BT Kiosk & it had been referred to Culture, Media & Sports where it had now been given priority. Action Clerk.

(19:30) Parish Council Meeting Commenced

  1. CHAIRMANS REMARKS-Cllr. Thompson opened the meeting by welcoming those present.
  2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE-Cllr. Stanton, his apology was noted & accepted by those present.
  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST-None. The Clerk reminded those present that they could make a declaration of interest at any time during the meeting if the need arose.
  4. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING-It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs McMillan & seconded by Cllr. Clifford that the minutes of the last meeting held on 13th July 2009 be received as a true record. It was resolved that the chairman Cllr. Thompson sign the minutes.
  5. CLERKS REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING- STREET LIGHTS-Had a lot of response about the turning off of street lights after midnight (mainly from people from Toft). The clerk read out the emails received from residents from the parish & a debate then took place. It was decided 3:1 that there would be no advantage to turning off the street lights either in the village or from the 30mph sigh to the cross roads. It was resolved that the parish council would not proceed with the venture. All agreed. No Action.

VILLAGE WEBSITE-Two requests had been received to include a link from the parish website. After a debate it was decided that the clerk would use her discretion. Action Clerk.

LISTING OF BT KIOSK-As mentioned in the Public Forum.

VILLAGE GREEN CAR PARK EXTENSION-Various members of the Parish Council & Clerk met with Nigel Bryan & Lynne Leconte regarding the possibility of extending the car parking area on the Village Green. The council needs to put forward a very strong case with as much supporting evidence to create a strong reason for SKDC to pass the application. Action Clerk/Cllr. Thompson. It was also suggested that ‘NO PARKING’ signs be placed around the edge of the green to discourage the use as a car park at busy times.

STREET SIGNS-Had been delivered & were waiting to be erected.

EAST GREEN LIGHTING-The clerk has spoken to SKDC & It was agreed that they would contact the clerk closer to the darker nights so that the problems could be seen at first hand. They were informed that the area had mostly elderly residents of SKDC & there was concern for their safety especially during winter. Action Clerk.

LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK- Cllrs. had received a DVD giving information which had been submitted to the Secretary of State. Hard copies could be viewed at Grantham, Bourne or Deeping & on the SKDC website planning.


YEW HEDGE-Main Street, The hedge was encroaching the footpath & it was agreed that the clerk would contact the owner. Action Clerk.

  1. FINANCIAL REPORT-a) As from 21st September 2009

July 09 / b/f / £8,045.69
Income / + Lloyds Ex Gratia / £30.00 / £8,075.69
Expenses / -Clerks salary/Street signs/planning application / -£1,936.15 / £1,936.15
20.09.09 / b/d / 6,139.54

The clerk gave a report on the balances to date & requested that the balance from the playground fund be transferred into the BIAA . It was proposed by Cllr. Richards & seconded by Cllr. Thompson that £2,964.29 be placed into the Business Instant Access Account. It was resolved that Cllrs. Thompson & Clifford sign cheque 007. All agreed.

b) It was proposed by Cllr. Thompson & seconded by Cllr. Clifford that the following be paid:-

1. Ms R H Woolley - clerks 6 month salary £335.00

2. Signs of the Times-Street signs£1,516.15

3. SKDC-car park extension £85.00

It was resolved that Cllrs. Thompson & Clifford sign cheques 004,005,006. All agreed.

c)Community Cleaner-The clerk has received a letter from SKDC informing the parish council that they have agreed to fund a cleaner for 2hrs/wk at the minimum wage £5.73/hr. It was proposed that Mrs Sue Pennant-Jones be offered the job which she accepted at the meeting.Action Clerk.

  1. HIGHWAYS-a) It has been suggested that gooseberry bushes etc be planted along the highway to allow children the joy of picking fruit. After debate it was decided that the parish council was unable to agree with the idea.

b) Cllr. Thompson informed C.Cllr Trollope-Bellew that the road, Bottom Street, required repair as the tarmac was breaking up. Action C.Cllr.

  1. PLANNING-a) Old School-Crown reduction to Yew tree, work approved.

b) Longacre-fell Leyland Cypress & Ash tree, no objection

c) Sheridan House-fell Cypress tree, work approved.

  1. VILLAGE CONCERNS-a) SKDC rubbish collection-a problem had occurred with Waste Lorries not collecting at an address in the village which had now been resolved. No Action.

b) Parish Plan-the clerk informed the meeting that a resident of the village had suggested that a Parish Plan (or Village Design Statement) be complied by the Parish council. This statement is then submitted to SKDC & it may be used when deciding planning applications. It was noted that once the plan had been completed then it must go out to consultation around the village & be ratified. After a lengthy debate it was decided that the Parish Council was unable to proceed, but if a resident of the parish was interested in perusing the idea they would give it their support. Action Clerk.

  1. CORRESPONDENCE- Lincolnshire Police-letter of thanks for donation to LIVES, SKDC Local Development Framework DVD, SKDC Sustainable Communities Housing Strategy, LCC Sustainable Development Guide consultation, SKDC Town & Parishes Conference – No Action The clerk read out the letter from SKDC regarding the revised rules in relation to granting dispensations. No Action.
  3. REPORT FROM OUTSIDE BODIES - Cllr. Trollope-Bellew informed the meeting that he had attended the Bourne Local Forum in July & gave a brief report. He reported that a purpose built shed was near completion at Thurlby Highways Department to house salt for 2009/10 winter. He also told those present that PCSO Marlowe Bramich was being moved from the Witham on the Hill Beat. Carlby was asking that parish councils in his area write a letter of complaint about the quick turnover of staff in the area. After a debate it was agreed that the clerk would write a letter of complaint. Action Clerk.
  5. DATE FOR NEXT MEETING-Monday 19th November 2009 @ 19:15hrs @ St Andrew’s Parish Hall.

Meeting closed 21:00