Veritas Classical School Assignment Sheet #16

5th/6th Grade G'town: Due 1/18/11

Mr. Ruben Barrett, S'ville: Due 1/20/11

Mrs. Brenda Barrett,

*Bible: Digging Up The Past

l pg. 21-43: read and answer all questions


l Complete the Semester 1 Test if you did not do it last week. DO NOT look at it ahead of time or use any helps. **Parents, please administer this test and grade it. Turn in the grade.

l Lessons 55-57. Read pp. 239-251, including the Pretest, Take Another Look, and What Did You Miss?

l Complete one activity from each lesson of your choice. I recommend 55B, 56B or C, 57A or B

l Make your memory cards and add to your timeline


l Detectives in Togas: Read Chapters 1-7 this week

l Have your child retell each chapter in his or her narration notebook. Encourage your child to summarize and to not try to give every detail. Do not worry about spelling or sentence structure.

l Answer the questions for each chapter (1-7). NOTE: All of these questions may be answered orally with a parent or on paper. If you wish to go ahead in the reading, continue answering the questions for each chapter found in the literature packet on this assignment sheet.

l Literature Project: The last page of the assignment sheet contains the Literature Project for Detectives in Togas. It will be assigned week 19 and due week 20. Read over them and choose one to begin on now. Please print the literature packet for the entire book this week.


l Using a dictionary or, define the following words from your Bible, History, and Literature: consequence, evangelism, cleave, deportation, fable AND 10 words from your reading this week that you are not familiar with. Add these to your list!

l Study your vocabulary words EACH DAY. I encourage you to have your child make flashcards to build strong study skills.

l On the last day, parents read the definitions to your child, and have your child write the word that matches the definition you read. Spelling does not count. You may give a word bank. Do not give your child any clues. If your child cannot choose the word from the word bank, mark it as incorrect. Return the vocabulary test in your child’s assignment folder. Write the number of words missed in the top right corner of the test.


· Dictation directions: “First, read the selection at a normal speed. Then, say the first five or so words of the initial sentence and have the child repeat those words and write them without saying anything else.”

· Read The Lady of Shallot all the way through one time (p. 172-177 – Harp & Laurel Wreath). Then read parts 1 and 2 at least 2 times this week.

· Memory work to go over each day: The Hymn (p. 125). Read through the poem as a whole. Review the fist stanza and memorize the second stanza

· Day 2 and 3: Dictation Selection 35-36 (p.137 – Harp & Laurel Wreath)

· Day 4: Notebook Response: Summarize parts 1 and 2 of the poem in your own words. Illustrate it.

· 6th grade: Also – Alfred Lord Tennyson is a very well known poet. Research and write a short biography about him. Where did he live and work? What era, or time, was he a poet? What did he like to write about? Did he have any influences that inspired his work?


· See attached assignment.

*Geography: Australia

l Research the Great Barrier Reef. Write down 5 interesting facts about the reef, and bring in 5 facts about a specific species of animal that lives in the reef. (5 about reef + 5 about one reef animal = 10 facts total.)


l EACH DAY, go over ALL of the Shurley Jingles in the Jingle section of your Shurley English student

workbook. Continue listening to the Question and Answer flow on the Shurley CD.

Complete pp.332 – 337 and pp. 340-353 in Easy Grammar Teacher’s Edition. Easy Grammar Workbook pages are 153-162.

l Portions of the cumulative test will be given in class.

l Complete Chapter 13 practice sentences in your Shurley Practice Booklet. We started them in class today.

*Critical Thinking: one page a day

l Think A Grams pages 49-51

l Balance Benders pages 33-34

*Saxon Math 6/5 and 7/6

l Lessons 61-64: complete the warm up, lesson practice, and the even problems from the mixed practice. Correct any you miss. If you missed more than 3 from a single mixed practice, also complete the even numbered problems.

l Investigation 6

l Worksheet pages for these lessons.


l Read, Lesson 8, pp.131-142

I have completed all assignments as outlined on this assignment sheet.

__________________________ ____________________________

Parent Signature Student Signature

Total time spent independently reading this week: ________________

1 ½ hour = C

2 ½ hours = B

3 ½ hours = A (average of 30 min./7days a week)

Detectives in Togas Name:

by Henry Winterfield

Ch 1 Questions:

1. What was written on the writing tablet hanging on the wall?

2. Why was Rufus mad at Caius?

3. Who was the father of Caius? Who was the father of Rufus?

4. What started the fight between Rufus and Caius?

5. What was the punishment for Caius? For Rufus?

Ch 2 Questions:

1. Who was absent the next day of school?

2. What were three things the students thought could have happened to Xantippus?

3. Who was Lukos?

4. What is a soothsayer?

5. What was missing from the wall?

Ch 3 Questions:

1. What were the only two items still upright in the room of Xantippus?

2. From where was the noise coming in the room?

3. What was making a moaning noise?

4. What had happened to Xantippus the night before?

Ch 4 Questions:

1. The burglar was rummaging through the things. What does rummaging mean?

2. Why did Xantippus not want to get the police involved?

3. What is a pupil?

4. Describe Minerva Square.

5. What was written on the whitewashed wall? What color was the paint?

Ch 5 Questions:

1. What did the large man think the punishment should have been for writing on the wall?

2. Who was Claudia?

3. What does it mean when the boys were wanting to exile Caius for telling on Rufus?

4. What did the boys plan to do with Rufus to hide him?

5. What did Rufus say about the writing on the temple wall?

Ch 6 Questions:

1. Why did all the boys like Rufus so much?

2. What convinced Publius and Antonius that Rufus wrote on the wall?

3. What did the boys find under the wardrobe just as they were leaving?

4. Who did Xantippus say the chain belonged to?

Ch 7 Questions:

1. What are hieroglyphs?

2. What was the large crowd standing around looking at when the boys came into the Forum?

3. What was so fascinating about the newspaper?

Ch 8 Questions:

1. Why did the doorkeeper tell the boys to enter with their right foot forward?

2. What was Vinicius doing when the boys entered the room?

3. Who is Scribonus?

4. What did Scribonus say about the handwriting on the wall and the handwriting on the tablet?

Ch 9 Questions:

1. What had happened when the boys reached the house of Rufus?

2. What is a hoodlum?

3. What is the name of Rufus' mother?

4. Why would it have been impossible for Rufus to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night?

5. Why did Rompus come back so quickly?

Ch. 10 Questions:

1. What was the important news Rompus brought to Livia?

2. How did Rufus sneak out of his house?

3. What is the only thing the boys had to go by that linked the two crimes together?

4. Whose house were they going to go to seek advice?

Ch 11 Questions:

1. Describe the weather when the boys met in Minerva Square.

2. What did the boys see when they looked through the pane of yellow glass?

3. What was the reaction of Lukos when the boys asked him for help?

4. Who thought they had been bitten by a snake, but it was really only his dagger?

5. Who was missing from the group at the end of this chapter?

Ch 12 Questions:

1. What had actually happened to Mucius?

2. What does the word ridiculous mean?

3. Why did Mucius want to get out of Lukos' house so badly?

4. What happened to Mucius when he fell off the roof?

5. What were the Baths of Diana?

Ch 13 Questions:

1. What proof did the Arab have that Mucius had been in the Baths of Diana the night before?

2. What caused the superior in charge of the pool to change his bad attitude toward Mucius?

3. Why was it impossible for Rufus to be guilty of the writing on the temple?

Ch 14 Questions:

1. Who's house is the only one around that is as high at the Baths?

2. Who was the one person that the boys needed to tell their story to?

3. What three things concerning the letter to the Emperor did the boys argue about?

4. Who finally admitted to writing on the temple wall?

Ch 15 Questions:

1. Who showed up at the cave with the boys leaning on a stick?

2. On what did the boys write the letter to the Emperor?

3. What does Xantippus give as a definition for a hypothesis?

4. What did Xantippus say that made Rufus completely innocent?

Ch. 16 Questions:

1. Who stood at the entrance to the Censor's office?

2. What was the name of the official who takes the late news at night?

3. Who brought Megabates the letter?

Ch 17 Questions:

1. Who was Ex-consul Tellus?

2. Write a one sentence summary of this chapter.

Ch 18 Questions:

1. About how long was Antonius gone on the important mission?

2. What two important items did Antonius return with from the house of Tellus?

3. Who did everyone think committed the crime now?

4. What is the meaning of, “Tear the sheep's clothing off the red wolf?”

Ch 19 Questions:

1. What two things did Antonius recognize that convinced him it was Tellus walking in the Forum?

2. Who was inside the house of Lukos?

3. What happened when the boys went to spy on Lukos?

4. How does this chapter end?

Ch 20 Questions:

1. Why was Lukos so bent on hurting Rufus?

2. Who hit Lukos over the back?

3. What are the cothurns?

4. Who was the red wolf?

5. Who was Lukos really?

Ch 21 Questions:

1. Who was the first one to find out about Lukos' dirty secret?

2. Why did Tellus not throw the chain away?

3. What was the agreement Tellus wanted to make with the boys?

4. Who is that one that rescued the boys?

5. What happened to Tellus?

Ch. 22 Questions:

1. What did the sing say that was added to the door of Lukos?

2. What was the mistake Xantippus admitted to making?

3. Summarize the ending of the book.

4. Was Xantippus being cruel when he said this?

Final Project Options – Choose one to complete.

1. Research the Roman bath houses. Make ½ poster sized architectural diagram,(or 3D model). Learn how they stayed clean with olive oil instead of soap and try it out. Research the plumbing that made these baths possible, including aqueducts. Write the facts you discover about the ancient invention of plumbing and the career of plumbers on the back of your poster or on paper if you prefer.

2. Learn about Romulus and Remus and how Rome started as a city. Then, color a map to show how large the Roman Empire eventually became! What made Rome so successful? (Look up: Pax Romana for example). Write a report on your findings.

3. Write a 5 paragraph essay explaining the educational system of ancient Rome comparing and contrasting it to the education you are receiving.

4. How did the Roman empire prepare the way for the gospel of Christ? Write an essay explaining at least 3 things the Roman empire did to make the world better suited for spreading the gospel. Don't forget to mention what things could have been like without their help. (Hint: A good resource for this assignment would be your pastor!)

Grades 5-6

IEW Composition

Unit V: Writing From Pictures

Assignment Week 17

Students will write a story based on a sequence of pictures. The entire assignment will need to be finished at home.

Here are the pictures about which your student should write:

Your child may add details to the picture as long as he or she includes the details in his or her story. Details may be added to the story without changing the picture. (For example, a stick figure can be a boy or a girl; the weather could be sunny or cloudy.)

Be sure to send your student’s story to class next week!