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Addendum 1

November 12, 2015

Developing a Portfolio of Advanced Efficiency Solutions: Plug Load Technologies and Approaches for Buildings

Phase II

The purpose of this addendum is to make the following revisions to the Solicitation Manual, Attachment 6- Scope of Work, Attachment 8-CEQA Compliance Form, and Attachment 12- Energy Efficiency Data:

Solicitation Manual (Grant Funding Opportunity)

Part I

1.  Page 2, Section I.B, Key Words/Terms, added: “Plug Load- Electrical devices brought into the building by the occupants or are builder or building-owner installed and are not regulated by Title 24. This can include white good appliances, consumer and office electronics, and miscellaneous electric loads.”

2.  Page 2, Section I.B, Key Words/Terms, added: “Pre-commercial- A technology that has not reached commercial maturity or been deployed at scales sufficiently large and in conditions sufficiently reflective of anticipated actual operating environments to enable the appraisal of operational and performance characteristics, or of financial risks”

3.  Page 7, Section I.E, Funding, deleted: “$2,900,000” and added: “$3,000,000”.

Part III

4.  Page 17, Section III.C.7, item 8, Budget, added: “The budget must NOT identify that EPIC funds will be spent outside of the United States or for out-of-country travel. However, match funds may cover these costs if there are no legal restrictions.”

Attachment 6 Scope of Work

5.  Page 18, Task [TBD-2] Technology/Knowledge Transfer Activities (Mandatory task), the following modifications or additions were made to The Recipient Shall section:

·  Deleted “the results of” from the fifth major bullet.

·  Added sixth major bullet: “When directed by the CAM, participate in annual EPIC symposium sponsored by the California Energy Commission.”

·  Added “Provide at least (6) six High Quality Digital Photographs (minimum resolution of 1300x500 pixels in landscape ratio) of pre and post technology installation at the project sites or related project photographs.”

6.  Page 18, Task Technology/Knowledge Transfer Activities, Products, added:

·  “High Quality Digital Photographs”

Attachment 6A Project Schedule

7.  Page 3, Task Technology/Knowledge Transfer Activities, Products, added:

·  “High Quality Digital Photographs”

Attachment 8 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance Form

8.  Page 4 of 4, Planned Completion Date column revised:

·  Deleted: “(must be prior to approval of award)”

9.  Page 4 of 4, Item 7, delete: “(must occur before the Energy Commission approves the award)”

Attachment 12 Energy Efficiency Data

10.  Emissions Factor tab, deleted: “2,240 pounds” and added: “2,205 pounds”

Angela Hockaday,

Commission Agreement Officer

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