Dear Speech Coach,

The LS Speech Team cordially invites you and your team to the Lincoln-Sudbury Aloha Speech Jam on Saturday, December 6, 2008.

Contact Person: Tom Danko@ school978 - 443-9961 ext 2440
@ home617 - 924-0051

General Instructions

Double Entry:

This is a double entry tournament. Students registered for Public Forum or Congress may not double enter at all. Students in Group, Extemp, and Novice Extemp are not allowed to double enter in any event other than Multiple and Improv Multiple. Because of afternoon time slots, students in Draw events are eligible for Improv Multiple or Multiple. However, students may not enter in both Multiple and Improv Multiple.

Special Event: The Aloha Speech Jam will offer the standard 16 MFL events, and will also offer the non-MFL event Improv Multiple. No state bids can be earned in Improv Multiple. The rules of this event are:

Improv Multiple:Each contestant on a team will pull a character from an envelope marked “characters”. Contestants may switch characters with each other. A team member will then pick 2 scenarios from a “Scenario” envelope. The team may consult with each other as to which scenario to perform. Once a scenario has been chosen, the judge begins to time. The team has 8 minutes to prepare and present an improvised scene involving all team members. Teams may divide up the time any way they wish. Team members may face and talk to each other, they may also move around and employ accents - no costumes or props may be used. Teams should have at least three members. A panel of three judges will score the multiple on group participation, originality, and mirth making. Time: No minimum, 6 min max, 30 second grace period.
There will be no final rounds for Multiple or Improv Multiple.

Drops:You may drop up until 5:00 pm, Wednesday, Dec. 3rd without penalty.
All drops after that time will be assessed a $10 nuisance fee.
When dropping please call 978-443-9961 ext 2440.
You may email drops to
PFD Resolution: We will be using the December 2008 NFL Resolution which states:

Resolved: "Resolved: That, on balance, social networking Web sites have a positive impact on the United States."

Group Discussion Topic Area:The Group Topic Area will be Fashion.

Congress Bills:Posted at

Trophies: Trophies will be awarded to the top six. Top novices will be recognized. Sweepstake points will be calculated as follows: 5 for a rank of 1, 4 for a 2, 3 for a 3, 2 for a 4, and 1 for a 5 or higher. Sweepstake trophies will be awarded in both large and small school divisions.

Sweepstakes: Sweepstakes points will be calculated as follows: 5 points for ranks of 1, 4 points for ranks of 2, 3 points for a 3, 2 points for a 4 and 1 point for a 5 or higher. The top ten entries in different events will count for large schools and top 5 entries in different events for small schools. In addition to these points, schools will receive 1 point for each entry which breaks into final round. Trophies will be awarded to the top five large schools and the top three small schools. The large/small school divisions will be based on the original entry.

Call in Saturday Morning:Please call in Saturday morning - whether you have drops or not. The call-in line for Saturday morning is 617-901-4508 (cell). If the cell is not working please call 978-443-9961 ext 2440, leave message.
Fees: $5 per entry, (Duo, PFD, and Multiple count as one entry)

Judges:You are required to bring one judge for every five speech entries or fraction thereof. Judging quotas are based on original entry, before drops. A $50 penalty will be assessed for a missing judge. Feel free to bring extra judges. 

You are required to bring one judge for every two PFD entries or fraction thereof. A limited number of PFD judges will be available for hire. You must indicate your preference for hiring judges ahead of time by emailing Tom Danko.


A variety of foods and drinks, as well as lunch will be offered throughout the day.

Realizing that traditional business attire is not universal across the world, we will accept official “Aloha wear” as professional attire for our tournament along with western business attire provided that students do not dress indecently (i.e. no grass skirts). We will present a prize to the school with the most Aloha spirit. Other than that, standard rules of professionalism and etiquette will apply. It is also important that judges are not bias in judging those who participate in the Aloha Spirit theme of the tournament.


to Lincoln-Sudbury RHS:

From Rt. 495 Southbound:

From Rt. 495 Southbound, take the Rt. 117 exit (Bolton). Take a right off the ramp, to go underneath the 495 overpass. About 1/4 mile down, take a right onto Rt. 85 South. (After 3 miles, this will take you to the Hudson Rotary, meeting up with Rt. 62.) At the stop sign, take a left onto Rt. 62 East. Go around the rotary to stay on Rt. 62 East. Take Rt 62 East through Hudson center until the traffic lights a mile outside town where it goes left. You go straight ahead (Hudson Road / Sudbury Road). Keep on the road for roughly six miles until the traffic lights in the center of Sudbury. Turn left there (just after the fire station) onto Concord Road. The high school is a mile and a quarter down on the right.

From Rt. 9 or Rt. 495 Northbound:

Take Rt. 495 North to the Rt. 9 East exit. Follow Rt. 9 East until you see a Super Stop-n-Shop on your right at a set of lights. Get in the right lane, and look for the Egell Road ramp on your right. Take that exit to go up the ramp. Take a left at the lights to go over Rt. 9. Go straight at the next set of lights. Stay on Egell Road until it ENDS at a T-intersection. Take a right onto Rt. 20 in Sudbury, then a left at that set of lights, heading toward Sudbury Center. Go straight through the stop sign, and straight through the next set of lights a mile or so later. (This is Concord Street.) You'll then go past graveyards on your right and left. Lincoln-Sudbury Regional high school is about a mile and a quarter down on your right after the lights.

From Route 2 East from Boston:

Take the Route 27 exit, and take a right at the end of the ramp. Follow rte 27 through West Acton and Maynard. (You'll go through 4 sets of lights. The third set, in Maynard by the Store 24, you'll have to take a right at to remain on 27.) Follow rte 27 to the stop sign at the T-intersection in Sudbury. Take a left, and then a left at the next set of lights onto Concord Rd. The High School is a mile and a quarter down on the right.

From Rt. 95 (Rt 128):

Take the Rt. 20 exit (exit #26) in Waltham; this puts you on a rotary. Follow the rotary around to take Rt. 20 West. After a few miles, take a right at a set of lights onto Rt. 27 (Concord/Sudbury). After a few miles after that, take a right at a set of lights onto Concord Rd. (If you see a green sign that indicates taking a right to stay on Rt. 27, you've missed Concord Rd.) Once you're on Concord Rd., you'll go past graveyards on your right and left. The High School is a mile and a quarter down on the right.

Tournament Schedule

Confirmation call-in 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.
Reminder: even if you don’t have any drops, we need to hear from you. The call-in line for Saturday morning is 617-901-4508 (cell). If the cell is not working please call 978-443-9961 ext 2440, leave message.

Registration8:00 a.m.
Judges Briefing8:30 a.m.
General Meeting8:45a.m.
Extemp/Radio Draw9:00 a.m.
Round 19:00 a.m.

PFD Round 19:00 a.m.

Congress Round 19:00 a.m.

Round 210:45 a.m.

PFD Round 210:45 a.m.
Round 31:00 p.m.

PFD Round 312:30 p.m.
Multiple/Improv Multiple2:15 p.m.
PFD Round 42:15 p.m.

Congress Finals3:30 p.m.

Finals4:00 p.m.