Sat, October 27, 2018
10:00am - 4:00pm
Free Admission
Citrus Grove Community Park
2507 SW Citrus Blvd. Palm City
Fabulous Food, Live Entertainment, Arts & Crafts, Car Show & much more!
Celebrate Falland our beautiful community as the Palm City Chamber of Commerce Hosts the Tenth Annual Palm City Fall Fest. Fall Fest will be held at Citrus Grove Community Park on Saturday, October 27, 2018 and will feature more than 100 arts and crafts, community and business booths, a wonderful array of delicious culinary treats and premium beer. There will be a classic car show including tuners, hot rods, motorcycles and trucks. Musical entertainment will be provided by local youth; the popular Children’s Area includes the annual pumpkin patch plus hands-on projects by Home Depot, Red Cross, Martin County Sheriff and Emergency Services, games, arts/crafts and more.
Deadline for registration: October 05, 2018
FoodVendors:$250.00 - $350, based on size needed as determined by Chamber,isdueinfullbyOctober3rdorapplicationwillbevoided.Menusare duewithapplicationandmust containpricingofitemsthatare goingtobesold.
Pleasecompleteandreturntheapplicationwithpaymentand initialed Festivalrulesviamailorbydroppingitoffat:
PalmCityChamberofCommerce,3168 SWMartinDownsBlvd,PalmCity,FL34990.
Forquestions,pleasecall BillNorton at: 772.410.9552. Email:
NOElectric will be provided (bring your own generators)
TheundersignedagreestoparticipateinthiseventsponsoredbythePalmCityChamberofCommerceandreleases the Palm City Chamber, Martin County Board of County Commissioners, Martin County Parks & Recreation, andallco-sponsorsand assigneesfromanyliabilitytheymayincur withparticipation. Weunderstandtherearenorefundsorcancellations.Allapplicationsarereviewedto avoidduplicationofservicesandproducts.Acceptancerequiresauthorizedsignaturesbelow,acknowledgmentofrulesandpaymentinfull before set up.
*Please notethataCertificateofLiability Insurancenaming thePalmCityChamber ofCommerce, Martin County Board of County Commissioners and Martin County Parks & RecreationisrequiredforFOODVENDORS.ThecertificatemustbereceivedbyOctober 3rd.
The following festival rules and regulations must be adhered to by all participating vendors:
We will assign you a set up time:
We encourage all vendors to set up on October 26th 4:00 – 6:00 the day before.Set-uptimemaybeginasearlyas7:00AM on day of Festival. Parkgrounds nolaterthan9:00AM.The PCCCFallFestivalconcludesat 4:00PMandallvendorsare torefrainfromsolicitingpatronageany laterthan 3:30PMsothePCCCandassistantscanbegintheirpost-festivalduties.
StaffofthePCCChastheexclusiverighttoremoveanyvendorfromthefestivalsitewho doesnot complywithestablishedguidelines. OnlyvendorsapprovedbythePCCCare allowedtosellduringthefestival.
Thefollowingadditionalinformationshouldbeadheredto. Pleaseprintyourcompanynameinthespaceprovidedandinitialnextto eachofthebulletsbelow:
(Please Print) Organization / Business Name:
Please initial items numbered 1 through 9 below:
1.____All participants must remain at their booths until 4:00PM at which time break-down can begin.
2. ____All fees paid for vendor reservations are not with the stipulation of inclement weather. Unless otherwise deemed necessary by the PCCC, no refunds will be given to vendors or other participants due to limitations because of weather.
3. ____PCCC reserves the exclusive right to assign vendors to specific locations as they deem necessary. Once a vendor location is assigned the location of a vendor will not be changed unless extreme circumstances warrant for them to do so.
4. ____If a vendor wishes to bring a tent or any other apparatus to assist in convenience or patron enhancement the equipment must fit in the vendor’s space; i.e., 10’ x 10’ - IF IT CAN NOT FIT INTO THE ASSIGNED SPACE, IT IS NOT ALLOWED.
5. ____Vendors are responsible for the set-up and break down of their individual vendor area(s). The PCCC Board Members and/or volunteers are not responsible for assisting in these responsibilities.
6. ____Vendors needing electricity are responsible for providing their own generator power and use all-weather cords for connection.
7. ____Vendors are responsible for their own receptacles and/or plastic bags to dispose of trash. County receptacles located throughout the park are not to be moved.
8. ____Personally owned vehicles will not be allowed in the festival area at any time. Vehicles must not be parked in the vendor area after the setup time. Any violations of the above will be assessed a $25.00 fine plus towing expenses.
9. ____If a vendor is asked to vacate due to any violation of festival rules no fees or percentage of fees will be refunded.
allVenDorappliCations,rUles,CertifiCateofinsUranCeanDfees mUst
bereCeiVeDnolatertHanoctober 05,2018.
palmCitYCHamberHas tHerigHtofrefUsalforanYappliCations.
BoothFee: Bringing Generator:
Visa, AMEX and MasterCard are accepted. Please call 772.286.8121 before submitting application for processing.